500 words of quarreling composition (19 popular articles)
Time doesn't lie
2024-06-12 08:23:23

500 words of quarrel composition (1)

Late at night, the little master fell asleep. A quarrel broke the quiet night. Oh, it was the pencil, ruler, colored pen, stationery box and dictionary in the little master's schoolbag who was the most responsible.

The first one was the pencil: "Look at me, Chinese, math, English... That subject doesn't need me? If there is no me, the little master will be criticized by the teacher." As soon as the pencil finished speaking, the dictionary immediately retorted: "Pencil, can't you write? When the little master doesn't know the words, he has to find me!" The dictionary just finished saying, The ruler began to sneer: "Dictionary, don't you just look up a few words? In math class, the teacher asked us to draw pictures, and the little master had to find me"! "If I were to paint, I would be a necessary tool for my master. Without me, my master's painting would not be beautiful at all." The paintbrush began to shout. "Don't argue, I'm the best! If the little master didn't have me, there would be no place to put pencils, rulers, colored pens and other school supplies!" The stationery box said disapprovingly. Apparently, all four of them showed no sign of weakness, and only heard the voice of "I am the most powerful". The four of them were so noisy that their noise woke the sleeping bag. The schoolbag said, "Stop making noise, children. Each of you has his own advantages. You are all serving the little master. You should not make noise. You should work together." Hearing what the schoolbag said, the stationers all blushed and bowed their heads.

Since then, stationers have stopped making noise and worked together. Therefore, the little master was praised by the teacher.

500 words of quarreling composition (2)

The night came quietly, and there was no sound around. At this time, a fierce quarrel came from the owner Xiaoming's schoolbag. Who is arguing? Why quarrel? Please listen to me slowly.

It turned out that Xiao Ming had passed the final exam of Shuang Bai. As soon as he heard about it, the stationery family told him how "dedicated" they were to their great achievements. Only the slender pencil aunt said, "If there is no me in this exam, the director must carry two 'duck eggs' and sob home to find his mother. So the host got full marks in this exam, and all the credit belongs to me!"

At this time, Pi Mo, the most obedient brother, came up to him and said, "What are you? If you don't have me, how many wrong words do you write? If you don't have me, it's strange that the master can get full marks! So the credit is not you, but me!"

The brother of ballpoint pen said unconvinced, "You know, Xiao Ming will hand in an empty paper without me in the language test, and he must..." Before the words were finished, Sister Pen shook her flowing long hair and took the words: "Oh, brother of ballpoint pen, don't forget that the director wrote with me first, not with you! My handwriting is so smart. If there was no ink in the middle, would the director use you? But then again, it was all the fault of Sister Ink. She forgot that the master wanted to take the exam, so she didn't follow her. So the master changed me into Brother Ballpoint Pen later. " "You......" Sister Ink felt wronged, but she could not speak.

"What's so noisy?" The knowledgeable book grandfather was awakened by the noise. Sister Ink hurried to tell Grandpa Shu everything that had just happened. After listening to this, Grandpa Shu touched his big white beard and laughed. Then he said to everyone, "Children, we should be united in everything we do, or we will never achieve anything. You must remember in the future: what we do, as long as we are united, we will win. You know what?" Hearing this, everyone suddenly understood, Red face nodded. From then on, everyone stopped quarreling and lived in harmony.

My friends, what do you understand from this story?

500 words of quarreling composition (3)

This Friday, two students in our class quarreled with each other over a trivial matter. It was really a shocking thing. Now think about that action, that expression, Mommy, it's terrible

The story goes like this: A and B were having lunch in the canteen at noon, but B accidentally won the first prize, and there were hairs on the meat! B excitedly handed it to A, who felt sick and poured half a bowl of soup into B's rice. B was very unhappy and told the teacher that it was OK to pour out the food. B asked for nothing. Instead of pouring food or going away, he chatted with another student C. When C knew that B had eaten Mao, he laughed jokingly. B was even more angry. He thought it was all A's fault. He deliberately shook the dinner plate and spilled all the soup on A's books. A was inexplicably sprinkled with a book of soup, of course very, very... (here omit ten thousand "very") Angry, he spilled soup with B

As soon as they returned to the dormitory, the two cried and shouted, and a group of teachers persuaded them to fight, attracting the crowd. After understanding the story, I used my "super IQ" to analyze the following points: First, this matter is not big, and it can basically be solved by itself. There is no need to investigate who is right and who is wrong so much; Second, even if one of them is doing too much, it may not be all his fault, so it is useless to cry out for himself; Third, I think the culprit should be the pig... hahaha, joking. Most importantly, I found that these two students were only talking about each other's mistakes when they were making up explanations for themselves. Isn't this a problem that can arouse our attention?

Although this matter is over, maybe the friendship between the two students has split, maybe they have made up again, but I think that when the students quarrel, they should try to tolerate others with tolerance, rather than saying different things.

500 words of quarreling composition (4)

There is a beautiful pencil and an eraser. They live together in a colorful stationery box, but they never pay attention to anyone.

One day, the beautiful pencil arrogantly said to the eraser, "Your little eraser is useless except for wiping. It's really not worthy of living in the same room with me." Hearing this, the little eraser also said, "What's my use? Don't you know?" The pencil said disdainfully, "Tell me? Besides, it's not as useful as I am. I can not only write, but also draw, and it's easy to modify. It's very convenient. How about you? " "My main function is that when you make mistakes, you can correct them only by using me. In the exam, if you don't have me, you will only scribble and scribble, and only I can keep the exam paper clean and score points for the owner." The little rubber said proudly, "What's so arrogant about that? If there is no me, what would you wipe or change?" The pencil said unconvinced, "You, you..." The little eraser was going to faint. They quarreled with each other when they talked to each other

At this time, the stationery box lady came, He said to them kindly: "Don't argue, children. Each of you has its own use. As the saying goes, no one is perfect, and no one is perfect. Everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses. You can't just focus on the weaknesses of others, not on the strengths of others, nor on your own strengths. You think you are perfect. As a member of stationery, you can only show your abilities by living in harmony." After listening to the stationer's wife, they lowered their heads in shame. The pencil said to the eraser in embarrassment, "Sorry, I shouldn't be too arrogant."

Little Rubber said frankly: "It doesn't matter, you and I should work together to serve the master!" Then he extended his hand of friendship.

From then on, they will live a happy life together and cooperate with each other in a friendly way. As long as each child has a dozen stationery boxes, they will surely see this friend in distress!

500 words of quarrel composition (5)

I have a lot of stationery, such as pens, fountain pens, magic pens, etc. When I was thinking about which stationery to use, the three of them had a quarrel.

The pen was dressed in a golden cloak and a light blue battle suit, and was proudly boasting of his excellence on the road. The magic pen, dressed in snow-white clothes, came over like a girl and asked what the pen was saying? The pen said, "I have contributed the most to the master." The magic pen was unconvinced, so it quarreled with the pen. The ink pen just passed by, and heard the pen and the magic pen arguing about who contributed the most to the master. The ink pen casually said, "You didn't contribute as much to the master as I did." When they heard this, they ran to the master and asked, "What have you contributed?"

"I have contributed a lot!" the pen proudly said, "My words are as fast as a gust of wind, and the master likes to use me when he writes his homework." The pen was unconvinced, and said hastily, "What's that? My words are not only beautiful but also neat! The master likes to use me when he writes his composition." The magic pen was even more unconvinced, Then he said to the pen: "You have written a wrong word, and I will clean it for you!" The fountain pen also followed the magic pen's words and added, "I will write again for him when you finish wiping."

Just when the three people were quarrelling. The pencil box heard their quarrel and hurriedly persuaded them, "The three of you should stop arguing. The pen is good, but sometimes it can be wrong. The magic pen will help you clean up, and the ink pen will write again, and the words will become better, so the three of you must cooperate." Hearing the words of the pencil box, the three of you lowered their heads shyly.

From then on, I will never hear their quarrels any more, because they are now the best partners.

500 words of quarrel composition (6)

Late at night, when I was sleeping soundly, I suddenly heard a quarrel. I followed the quarrel to my schoolbag. The quarrel came from the composition book. I opened the composition book and lay on the bed listening quietly. They talked very interesting.

Comma boasted: "My contribution must be the greatest. If I hadn't been added to the composition, people would have read it all at one go, and it would have been suffocating! So of course, my contribution is the greatest!

As soon as the words of the small comma ended, the full stop fired. He first sneered, and then said loudly: "No, I should be right to say this sentence. I am the most responsible. If the meaning is expressed, add me. Without me, the composition will be endless. Is my hand not sour? So I should be the most responsible."

The question mark slapped the table forcefully, stood up from the chair, and shouted loudly: "What are you, bastard? Who do you think you are? My question mark's contribution is the biggest in the world. No, it's the biggest in the whole universe. No one can beat me. My role is so great that I can arouse readers' questions, make them think more, and maybe become a college scholar! "

The exclamation point said unconvinced: "You guys, don't brag. You can't brag. If you want to catch up with me, I will wait until the end of time. I am the best. I expressed my exclamation and surprise in my composition."

Just now they were showing off! Now there is a quarrel. They are so angry that they blush. At this time, the ellipsis says: "I am nothing, but I look special. I would not be so dignified without the help of other brothers and sisters." Other punctuation marks are also modest and blush to the root of their neck.

Drops of water converge into the sea, and rubble piles into the sea. As long as we are united, we cannot lack a punctuation mark.

500 words of quarrel composition (7)

Late at night, people have entered a sweet dream. On my desk, a group of punctuation marks are arguing. What are they arguing about? It turns out that punctuation marks are better than others.

You see, the first one to come on the stage is Mr. Question Mark. His whole family is here. They are here to cheer Mr. Question Mark on, They are here to fight for the voice of the question mark family.

Mr. Question Mark said: "When writing a composition, the question mark plays the most important role, because we are used to ask others what to do, so we play the most important role."

Before Mr. Question Mark's voice ended, Sister Comma hurried out with a long pigtail, pushed Mr. Question Mark aside, and said proudly, "In the composition, if people don't use my words, there can be no pause. If people read a paragraph at one time, they can't be tired to death! So, you are not as effective as me!"

At this time, Miss Exclamation Point, who had been sitting beside her, came up, and Sister Comma ran away. It turns out that Miss Exclamation Point has a nickname called "Bomb", and her temper is very hot. If anyone offends her, she will definitely make someone fall down. Sure enough, Miss Exclamation Point dragged out a long tone and said loudly: "My role is the biggest. When writing a composition, people have to use me to express their feelings or express their exclamations. My role is the biggest!"

At this time, Grandpa Dictionary was awakened by the voice of Miss exclamation point. He slowly said to the symbols, "You all have great effects, but you all have your own strengths and weaknesses. If one of you is absent, your composition will be bad, so you should unite together to help the owner write a good article!" The symbols listened, No more fighting. Look at me and I look at you. They all backed away with a red face.

500 words of quarrel composition (8)

There are many stationery in the stationery, such as pencils, erasers, rulers... But suddenly one day they quarreled.

The pencil said proudly, "If I hadn't helped the little master write every day, it would not have scored 100 points." The eraser refused to be outdone and said, "No, no, I helped you erase all the words you wrote wrong." The ruler said unconvinced, "If I hadn't helped the little master draw the lines straight, you would have no use." From that day on, they ignored everyone.

The next day, the school held a writing contest. Only those who write the most beautiful words can be rated as "little experts in writing". The little master thought: Come on! come on. At the beginning of the writing contest, the little master took up his pen again and wrote. Suddenly, a word was written wrong, but the eraser lay there pretending to sleep. The little master had to leave the wrong word behind.

On the third day, the little master went to school and found that there were many students who were rated as "little experts in writing". Only the little master in the class was not rated as "little experts in writing". The little master was scolded by the teacher, and went home to blame the stationers, saying, "Your quarrel really hurt me." The pencil, eraser and ruler were all very sad.

This scene was clearly seen by Grandpa Pencil. So Grandpa Pencil kindly said to them: "Only when you work together, live in harmony, unite and help each other, and learn from each other's strengths, will the little master be praised by the teacher." After hearing this, everyone blushed. Everyone worked together to help the little master, and the little master was praised by the teacher again.

Teacher's comment: The story is well made, the plot is quite interesting, and the personality of each stationery is lifelike.

500 words of quarreling composition (9)

This afternoon, I stood on the subway platform waiting for the train, ready to go to the English training class.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew - the train arrived. The car opened, and the people on the car were crowded. I can't wait to get on the bus and stand in a corner. The car began to drive forward, and I watched the TV on the subway with relish. I was fascinated by the sound, and a sharp cry broke the silence. I followed the sound.

A middle-aged woman in a pink striped dress was shouting abuse at a man: "Don't you have eyes! Can't you see? I'm squeezed to death!" Her thin eyebrows shook up and down, her mouth with red lipstick opened and closed, while scolding the man with fingers. The man first looked blank, and then he retorted, "Who can see it? Besides, I'm also crowded here, so you can't let me go!" Suddenly, all the people in the car focused on them and were silent. The woman turned green with anger and shouted angrily. " Are you blind? Do you see someone standing behind me? Can't you make way? " After listening to this, the man retorted, "Are you excited? If you have the ability, come on!" Then he rolled up his sleeves and kneaded his knuckles until they rattled. The air in the car seemed to solidify, and filled with a gunpowder smell. Everyone took a step back to form a "competitive field". The people standing in the front circle also took out their bags to defend themselves, as if the war was about to start next second. At this time, an old man pushed over. He pushed aside the hands of the two men and said with great sincerity, "Young man, relax your heart and stop pushing. Step back, and the sky will be wide." The two men listened and bowed their heads in shame. The crowd gathered around. People were saying, "Yes, everyone step back, why quarrel? What the old man said is reasonable..."

"Ding dong! Huangbeiling Station is here, please ask passengers to take their luggage and get off." At the station, I got off with my schoolbag on my back. My heart was filled with emotion: Yes, step back, and the sky is wide. If everyone in this society has more tolerance and smiles, the world will become a better place!

500 words of quarrel composition (10)

There is something like a test, like a heavy rain. When it rains, it will severely wet each other's hearts, making the interaction between the two parties rapidly drop to the freezing point; But after the heavy rain, the friendship between the two people will be unexpectedly deepened, which is a quarrel.

On a warm afternoon, the sun quietly spilled into the classroom. The students in the corridor were playing loudly, and the classroom was also in another storm. I was quarreling with my best friends at ordinary times, and my face was red. It was because I thought that she ignored me after class that my emotions broke out when she talked with others, Every word I said to her was like an invisible 'sharp blade stabbed her in the heart, until finally she could not bear it, and began to swear. We were like gladiators in the arena. When you came and I went, we hurt each other all over. When the class bell rang, we reached an agreement to avoid each other, and the cold war between the two began.

From that day on, I would chat and play with other students after class to make her jealous. If she also snorted to her eyes, don't overdo it. This situation lasted for a week. The next Monday, I finally couldn't stand it. When I arrived at school, I immediately talked to the teacher, The teacher suggested to me: "Your best friend won't break up because of this, so you can just ask her to apologize!" So I found her in the corridor after the first class. I was embarrassed to go and say: "Sorry, I shouldn't be so excited at that time." She also said to me: "It doesn't matter. I also made mistakes. Let's get back together!" In this way, we became good friends again.

It is inevitable to quarrel among friends, and we can only try to avoid making irretrievable situations when arguing. There are both good and bad arguments. They can temper each other's friendship and break it up. Because of this quarrel, I have a deeper friendship with her.

500 words of quarreling composition (11)

However, just when the work was done, my deskmate stood up. He was as fat as a ball and hit my hand. My homework book left a trace of a pen. I got up angrily, pointed at him and said, "Why did you hit me?"

"Yes... I'm sorry." My deskmate picked it up and looked at it. He said carelessly, "Can't you just use the correction tape to correct it?"

"Then I won't get the Kaiyuan reward," I said sadly, rubbing my eyes.

My deskmate said, "It's no big deal just to break a few kai yuan."

After listening to my deskmate's words, I became more angry. I took a colored pen and drew a pig on my deskmate's composition book. My deskmate also came to draw my book. When I saw the composition book that was totally different, I grabbed his book and tore it. My deskmate also grabbed my composition book and tore it to pieces. We began to scold each other, and everyone talked about:

"Why did they quarrel?"

"They tore up all the books."


The teacher came to the classroom from the office and said seriously, "Why did you quarrel?"

I told the teacher exactly.

"Oh, so it is." The teacher touched our head and said kindly, "It's really wrong for you two to quarrel over such a small matter."

I said to my teacher and deskmate, "Yes... I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

"No, it's all my fault. I apologize to you," said my deskmate.

After class, my deskmate and I played happily again.

500 words of quarreling composition (12)

The "0", which is as round as a duck's egg, cleared its throat and said arrogantly, "I am the most capable, I should be the king. I can increase it 10 times after an integer, and stand behind two zeros can increase it 100 times... In front of the decimal point, I am the only person who is not afraid of it. And I can increase it 10 times on the right side of the decimal point... In short, I should be the king."

The thin "1" replied impatiently, "What? I, the famous one, am like a bayonet, like a fishing rod... As long as you put me in front of you, you will be of great use. If I come behind you, you will be useless!" She glanced at "0", He continued: "In addition, I can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to change into other numbers, question marks and exclamation marks. Am I the king?"

The dizzy question mark and exclamation mark on one side nodded like a sleepy insect.

"0" listened to the words: "Who said, I, I, I '0' can mean reunion! Punctuators are right?"

All punctuation points nod, and they don't want to offend anyone.


"0" didn't want to argue any more, so he left for no reason!

As soon as it left, the world was in chaos: there was only one yuan left for the millionaire with one million dollars, and only one piece of information was left for the international to get... The world was in chaos.

Xiao Yuan came to open his math book and told the figures that unity is strength, and no one can lose it! As a result, they brought back the "0", the world was restored, and everyone lived in harmony. The digital people lived happily.

500 words of quarreling composition (13)

One Wednesday morning, it was cloudy, rainy and dribbling. My mood is as bad as the weather.

As soon as Grandma saw me coming out of the room, she said to me, "Siyi! Today, your uncle's birthday, Grandma and Grandpa are going to the birthday party, so you can eat boxed lunch!" I was in a bad mood, so I said angrily, "I will not eat! I will go too!" Grandma herself was a patient person, but heard my unreasonable words, I also said angrily, "I won't let you go because I'm afraid you're late!" "I don't!" I said unreasonably, walked into the room without looking back, and slammed the door heavily. When Grandma saw me like this, she said angrily and helplessly, "You child... Alas!"

I walked into the room, picked up a book I liked and slowly looked. Gradually, my expression eased down, and the corners of my mouth slightly raised an invisible arc. Without the previous impulse, I calmed down. At this time, I remembered my previous attitude towards Grandma. Grandma was also good for me, and she was an elder, but I still. When I thought of this, my face turned red. I got up quickly, drank a sip of water, patted my face, walked out of the door, and apologized to Grandma

Grandma forgave me, stroked my head and said earnestly, "Siyi, why doesn't Grandma want you to go? I'm afraid it will delay your study. Grandma will take you next time there is a chance!"

Students, good words are warm in winter and bad words hurt people in June. We should use "love words" to everyone! Moreover, the ancients once said, "The old and the old, the young and the young", which tells us that when we honor our elders, we should not forget other old people who have no kinship.

500 words of quarrel composition (14)

Look, after the third class today, there was another dull quarrel in our class. "You see how wide you are! How wide I am?" "I have already moved forward, and you will not come up again. Blame me?" "Sobbing..." This is exactly what Zhang Yiru and Xu Xiaofan are haggling about because of the width of their seats. However, Xu Xiaofan quarreled with Zhang Yiru, but they couldn't fight, so they cried bitterly. Because they and I are good friends, we can't stand by. " What's going on here? " I asked with a puzzled face and a calm Zhang Yiru. " Is my seat as wide as a Chinese book? She also let me move forward... "" Where is it so wide? "Xu Xiaofan cried and interrupted the dialogue between Zhang Yiru and me. I was lost in thought

Just a few days ago, Yan Yiting and He Yiyi quarreled about this. Yan Yiting can no longer move forward, and He Yiyi still shouts to Yan Yiting to move forward. Several of our girls blamed He Yiyi because her chair had to be placed sideways, and Zhu Xinlin's seat behind her was also squeezed flat. However, He Yiyi cried. At that time, the class bell rang... In class, the math teacher found He Yiyi was crying again and scolded her

"How do you mean to cry?" Zhang Yiru's words drew me back from my memory. I persuaded them: "Let's forget about classmates. How can the five year friendship between classmates be broken by such a trivial quarrel? It's not worth it!" Then the class bell rang

Yes, how can we break the friendship for so many years? Take a step back and there will be a bigger world in front of you!

500 words of quarrel composition (15)

The little master took a crayon and began to draw a piece of grass with green. Several green grass appeared on the white paper. At this time, in the crayon box, the blue crayon was unwilling to be ignored all the time, and could not help shouting: "My little master, it is more beautiful to draw grass with me!" After listening to this, the little master thought that the blue color was similar to the green color, so he changed the blue crayon to draw grass.

Several trees are needed beside the grass, the little master thought. He was about to pick up the brown crayon to draw the tree body. Unexpectedly, the yellow crayon said, "My little master, the yellow tree is more lively." "That's reasonable." The little master agreed. Soon, the yellow tree appeared. Then, the little master picked a dark green brush to paint the tree crown. At this time, pink objected: "The pink tree crown looks more prosperous."

Next, purple crayons and brown crayons stood out to form a house.

In the part of the sky, the little master plans to draw clouds in white. The dark purple crayon hurriedly urged: "My little master, the dark purple cloud has more personality, and I will help you." The little master smiled and listened to the purple crayon. At last it's time to paint the sun. The little master's hand had not touched the crayon, and the light green could not wait to say: "Take me to draw the sun, it will be brighter!" A few seconds later, a light green sun appeared.

After painting, blue grass, yellow tree body, pink crown, purple house body, brown roof, dark purple cloud, light green sun appeared on the white paper

The little master did not have his own ideas, so he just followed the direction of the crayon and drew a very strange picture.

500 words of quarrel composition (16)

He and I were inseparable friends, but we had a very big quarrel because of a card game. The thing is, once after class, we played cards happily. I won more than ten of his cards. He said unconvinced, "You cheated because you saw my cards!" How could it be? I said righteously, "I won with my strength." In this way, you argued with me. He angrily tore all my cards to the ground and left none. I also took a tooth for a tooth, tore his cards angrily, and beat him hard without any hesitation. He couldn't beat me, and I couldn't beat him. It was a match, and both sides fell "dog eat mud". So we parted ways and were no longer best friends. When I came home at night, I didn't sleep all night. After a good reflection, I thought: I want to apologize to him, but I'm too embarrassed to speak. What can I say?

The next morning, I mustered the courage to say sorry to him and gave him my beloved card. He blushed and said, "I did wrong, let's make up! As for the card, I can't accept it from you." So I made up with him and became a good brother again. From then on, we will never quarrel over a trivial matter.

This event has left a deep impression on my heart, and I will never forget it, because it always tells me that students should live in harmony with each other!

500 words of quarreling composition (17)

When they were playing happily, they suddenly heard the sound of plopping on the water. It turned out that it was the disgusting human who was throwing garbage and smelled so bad that the turtle quickly retracted its head into its shell. Some fish were frightened to swim away. Those who didn't have time to escape were directly turned their eyes and died with their belly up.

To this end, the fish held an emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with the garbage. Jellyfish, carp, seaweed, even the normally lazy turtles also participated.

The turtle said first, "When garbage falls down, you can retract your heads into the shells like me." But he was immediately dumbfounded by the question of seaweed: "You have a shell, but we don't have one. What should we do?" Then the fish said, "I make a suggestion that everyone should wear a hat or take an umbrella." Just as the voice fell, I was immediately contradicted by a sentence from the jellyfish: "How can I take an umbrella? Once I take an umbrella, I can't swim. I can swim by my hands, and I can't wear a hat. I'm so light, and I can't swim when pressed by a hat." Everyone said nothing and I didn't think of a good way.

In the end, they had no choice. They said we'd better move. Move to the deep sea. As a result, no fish and other creatures can be seen on the sea anymore. People can't catch fish, so they realize that it is the garbage they have left that has polluted the sea water and damaged the living environment of sea creatures. Since then, human beings no longer throw garbage into the sea, and fish have a happy life again.

500 words of quarrel composition (18)

The rice steamed bun on the plate jumped up and said indignantly, "Hum! What's good about snacks? Our steamed buns, as well as brother steamed buns and sister noodles... are the food that people need. You potato chips, meat skewers, chicken fillet, etc., do not deserve a place in healthy food at all!"

The weak noodle sister's hair also stood up at this time and said angrily, "Yes! In recent years, many junk foods have spread all over the streets and alleys of the city. Although they are delicious, they have no nutrition, and we must not be fooled!" At this time, the golden chips argued wrongly: "We are not as bad as you said, and we are really popular with children!" Noodle sister blushed and argued eagerly: "Junk food is to confuse everyone's eyes with additives, pigments and flavors!"

Brother Baozi rolled down from the panel and complained to everyone: "I was born in the hands of a black hearted peddler. They used moldy flour as the dough, sprinkled bleach on it, and then mixed vegetables with excessive pesticides and pork with clenbuterol as the stuffing." Brother Baozi wiped his tears and sighed helplessly: "Do you know the harm of pesticides to human body? Eating it may cause vomiting and diarrhea, or death... "

Hearing this, I went into the kitchen and said, "Don't blame each other. Only by ensuring food safety can we ensure our life safety!" "Well said!" "Yes!" "Yes!" Everyone cheered up

Lying in bed, I suddenly opened my eyes. The sun was shining. It was a dream!

500 words of quarrel composition (19)

In my dream, I suddenly heard a quarrel: "My contribution is the greatest!" "My contribution is the greatest!" It turned out that the nose and mouth were quarrelling. Both of them are very unconvinced and think they have made the most contributions. The just eyes said, "Since you all think you have made great contributions, why don't you talk about your contributions?" The nose and mouth shouted in unison, "Hum, just say!"

Therefore, the mouth first to speak out their own advantages. "My little master depends on me to eat. If he doesn't have me, he will starve to death." The nose also refused to be outdone. "In the daytime, you are working, and I am working; in the evening, you are resting, and I am also working. I have no time to rest, and my credit is the greatest." The mouth and nose kept talking about their own advantages, making the other five senses unable to sleep.

At this time, the ear could not listen anymore, and said: "You argue so much, why don't you try to let the nose rest first, and let the mouth work for the nose, and change it?" So the competitive mouth began to do what the nose had to do, and breathed heavily all night. By the next morning, his mouth was tired and he had a rest. But at breakfast, the little master encountered something that made him very uncomfortable. Because his nose began to work instead of his mouth, rice could not reach the little master's throat through his nose

Finally, nose and mouth understand that cooperation is the best!

When the alarm clock woke me up the next morning, I realized that it was just a dream, and I really didn't want the dream to come true.