Obedient Composition (17 Collections)
Lonely Butterfly Shadow
2024-06-12 05:52:32

Obedient Composition (1)

My brother is 8 years old this year, but he is very disobedient. Hey, let me tell you slowly!

At home

My brother is very fierce at home. If you don't provoke him carefully, he will cry, or beat you and scold you. It's unbearable. You see, I accidentally touched him, and he hit me. He also often likes to play computer games. When I play computer games, he pulls me aside and doesn't let me play. In a day, if you don't talk about him, he can play for 24 hours. Alas, it's unreasonable!

at school

My brother is like a lamb at school. He doesn't like talking or playing with his classmates. He is timid and does not study well. Let him do his homework when he comes home. He also talks with others about conditions.

Hey, why do I have such a disobedient brother?

Obedient Composition (2)

I have a younger brother. He has big eyes like black jewels. He is very cute!

But after staying at my home for a long time, I was always crying. I said that he would cry at once and would cry when he got up. I hate it!

Besides, I like playing with water. For example, I changed my pants three or four times today! Once he touched oil on his clothes, my father cried. My father told him to listen to Grandma several times that time, but he didn't listen to her once, so he said, uh, uh, uh, he didn't listen to Ben at that time. Zhou Ming transcends Changyue and is disobedient!

Obedient Composition (3)

The seemingly self mocking words "Leave home, your mother becomes your stepmother" reveal the frustration and sadness of young people at home.

Vacation, originally a happy thing, can stay with family. However, this is not the case. A few days before the holiday, the mother thought about her daughter and son and finally went home. Seeing that they were hungry and thin at school, they worried about what to do for their children every day. They did not disturb their sleep or interfere with their play time every day. But after a long time, mother's words of nagging and disgust swept through. Every day, they were like chanting sutras around in their minds. The children at home began to get tired of mother's nagging and wanted to go back to school early. They didn't want to endure this endless "curse" any more. Many young people express their frustration and helplessness at home through the Internet platform. This is the evolution of the online language: "When you are at home on holiday, your mother becomes your stepmother".

At home during the holiday, are we really like the "Ah Dou" who does nothing but sleep in and watch TV and play games as his mother said? Actually, Mom, I'm obedient.

Mom, I know you go to work at more than seven o'clock every morning in a hurry. Sometimes you can't even eat breakfast. I used my pocket money saved at school to buy you a box of milk and some cakes. When you can't cook breakfast, you can take some with you. At least you won't go to work hungry. I'm worried about you, but you complain about my spending money recklessly; Mom, I get up to make breakfast and send it to my father's stall soon after you go out every morning. It's not your idea that I sleep late every morning; Mom, when you see me looking at the computer, you start nagging me and playing with the computer again. In fact, it is not. I am searching for information or reading books with the computer, but I am not playing; Mom, when you see me watching TV, your "magic spell" begins to surround me again. I don't watch TV all the time. Sometimes I need to relax when I'm tired of reading materials

Mom, actually I'm obedient. I am trying to make you more satisfied with what you are dissatisfied with at home during the holiday, but you will still find fault with my poor performance. Mom, I'm not as disobedient as you think. I need your understanding. Please reduce your nagging and criticism on me!

Obedient Composition (4)

Parents are heaven, they wrap you up tightly. You are the grass growing in their arms. I love my parents, but I hurt them again and again because of my ignorance. Make them sad.

I am a girl, but also a naive girl. At home, being a "little princess" will make me angry at my mother's nagging. I will answer back to my father's scolding. Mother's words are "deaf ears", and father's scolding is restraint. Every time my mother cried because of my ignorance, and my father shook his head because of my disobedience. My mother emptied her mind for my study, but I didn't understand at all. Mom is desperate to get me into a good school, but what about me? She always scolded her mother as a "snob". I remember that time I made a mistake that I could not forgive - I played truant.

Today, I got up early and went to the Children's Palace to make up lessons. But I didn't want to study at all, so I had a brainwave and thought: I might as well not go because I was late anyway! Someone called me to say that a teacher was going to stop class and ask me if I would make up for it. I chatted with my classmates for a long time and with the teacher again. It suddenly occurred to me that I wanted to buy books, so I escaped from school. When I got home, my mother scolded me and cried again.

Don't worry, Mom; Don't worry Dad, I won't be so ignorant, I won't let you worry about me, my ignorance will disappear from now on. Don't worry, I will obey. I will pour a glass of water for you after your shift; When you are angry, "put out a fire" for you; I will comfort you when you are sad.

Don't worry, I've grown up. I also understand. Don't worry, parents, I will obey.

Grade 6, Primary School Affiliated to Chongqing Fengjie Normal School, Fengjie County, Chongqing:?? Rhapsody Li Meijiao

Obedient Composition (5)

My family's "obedience"

My family has a dog called "Obedient". Because it is very obedient, I gave it this name.

It is very big, with black shiny hair and white neck, just like a doll wearing black satin and a white scarf. There is also a big ear that can hear voices from all directions.

Every day when I come home from school, it wags its tail and barks as if it warmly welcomes me home, or if something happens, it will do the same.

Although its name is "obedient", it can be naughty sometimes. Once, after a day of classes, I came home tired. I had just put down my schoolbag and wanted to eat bread. Suddenly, I "obeyed" and rushed out from beside me. I saw that it ran out with me. It caught up with the cat at a fast speed. The black cat was scared. It rolled out of the community, shouted loudly, and rushed out of the community. A few minutes later, A dog covered with mud came into my eyes. When I saw that it was "obedient", I burst out laughing. When I got home, I took it to the toilet and bathed it. I washed it with water from its head to its tail. After a dozen minutes of cleaning, "obedient" became the original handsome side again. It slowly walked into its own sleep and slept. It sleeps so sweet and quiet.

I love my dog - "obedient".

Obedient Composition (6)

Why should I obey? Mom and Dad are so disciplined. The first time you read it, you can forget it. The second time you will beat and scold. After that, you will still frown. You will be unhappy for a long time.

After that, my attitude will pretend to be okay, and then hide in the quilt to play games and sleep. I will play games while talking, and then kick the pillow and quilt, and then roll around on the ground, shouting and shouting, making my mother angry and funny. How I want to say "I'm sorry" to my mother and explain it well, but I just dare not say it. I can't summon the courage to finish my speech. I just hope my mother will forgive me and let me say what I want to say without being nervous.

I often wonder why my mother and father scold me? Why did he and his mother always teach me a lesson. I immediately went to ask my mother, who said, "Because we love you and teach you well, we can make you excellent. When we become sensible, we can become an excellent person, a good person who obeys rules. Isn't that good?"

I finally understood why my father and mother scolded me. It was for my good. In fact, I know there is another most important reason, my mother forgot to say, that is: "silly child! Because we love you!"

Obedient Composition (7)

"Look how good our baby is! How obedient he is!" I heard my parents praise me like this in front of everyone when I was young. No wonder, I was very sensible when I was young. I loved to help my mother do some housework and deliver books for my father. For this reason, my uncles and aunts often praised me. And also very obedient, like a gentle sheep, never talk back to adults.

As the saying goes, "Women have changed 18 years ago and become more and more beautiful." I am "becoming more and more arrogant." Now that I have grown up, I am not sensible at all.

At that time, I can use the word "bold and fearless" to describe how dare I quarrel with my mother. If I don't agree with her, maybe the noise of the quarrel can immediately overturn the roof and soar into the sky!

Once, when my mother was cleaning, she accidentally threw away my art homework as garbage. Although my mother apologized to me sincerely and apologetically later, I was still angry and lost my temper with her: "You really are, how come? I don't want to talk to you anymore!" My mother knew that she was wrong and didn't make a sound, but she secretly hid to cry sadly.

But I was so bad tempered and angry that I could do anything. I raised my hands and hit my mother face to face, saying, "Go, go, I don't want to see you again."

In the end, it was my mother who finished my art homework for me, which calmed the storm.

Alas, it's true that when I grow up, I become no longer sensible, but more annoying and worrying to my family. I decided to change myself again, become sensible, and be a good girl to my parents.

Obedient Composition (8)

When summer came, the mother mosquito said to her child's needle: "It's hot now, and it's the best time for us mosquitoes to go out and look for food."

The needle said happily, "Really? I've always wanted to go out!"

"Now my mother tells you that when you go out to look for food, you should go to a bright place. Where there is light, there are people. You should be alert to the dangers around you."

"Oh, Mom, I know." The needle did not listen to her mother finish, and could not wait to fly out of the house.

She flew and flew. After a while, she flew very high. At that time, she found a window with lights. Thinking of her mother's words, she fell down outside the window. The needle carefully observed: she found a small gap in a remote corner. She was proud of her discovery, and tried to squeeze in. Finally, she succeeded. The needle was so happy!

But then she was a little tired and fell on the white wall. This is the bathroom of a family. There was a little girl taking a bath. Looking at her tender arm, the needle thought to herself: Ha ha, I can have a full meal today. After the little girl took a bath, I will follow her. When she fell asleep, I will fly over and fall on her and suck her a big mouthful of blood. Ah, it must be delicious. Thinking about it, the drool of the needle came out.

She seemed to hear the little girl talking to her mother. Although she could not understand what they were saying, she felt that the danger had come. When she tried to fly away, she felt that her side was dark. With the sound of "Pa", the needle felt numb and dizzy. She ran away hurriedly, but did not know where to fly safely, They fell on the wall nearby. She regretted not listening to her mother's words. At that time, her body was pressed hard again, and the needle fell to the ground, which made her unconscious.

Because the mosquito needle didn't listen to her mother, it easily lost its most precious life when it came out to look for food for the first time.

Obedient Composition (9)

On Wednesday, Xiaogang and his classmates got their mid-term exam results. Xiaogang felt like he had a rabbit in his heart. He was afraid that he would not do well in the exam and could not explain it when he returned home.

The transcript was handed out. He got full marks in the math exam, but failed in the Chinese exam. When he got home, Xiaogang slowly rubbed in front of his mother, took out the transcript and said, "Mom, my transcript." When his mother saw that the transcript said, "Chinese 70, math 100," she said, "Next time, 100 marks in the Chinese exam, I will take you to McDonald's." Xiaogang danced with joy after hearing this, I put my mind on Chinese.

In the final exam, Xiaogang scored 100 points in Chinese and 70 points in math. When Xiaogang gave his report card to his mother, her mother couldn't believe her eyes and said in surprise, "Ah!" But Xiaogang said proudly, "Mom, look how obedient I am, can I go to McDonald's?" Her mother said, "My child, I said that I would take you to McDonald's if I scored 100 points in the Chinese exam, but you shouldn't ignore math!"

Xiaogang blushed at his mother's words. Later, he listened more attentively in class every day. During the exam, he scored 100 points in both Chinese and math. Xiaogang's mother smiled happily when she saw Xiaogang's results, and Xiaogang smiled proudly.

Obedient Composition (10)

In study, work or life, everyone must have been exposed to composition. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. What kind of composition can be called excellent composition? The following is a small editor to help you sort out this time, I did not listen to the composition, welcome to read and collect.

Open the curtains, the sun has only one color

The wind is blowing endlessly. In the vast space, the sun was also dragged down by Uncle Wind, and the world seemed to be covered with a layer of gauze, which made people unable to open their eyes.

"Let's go! If we don't go, it will rain!" My mother was urging me again. Today, I went back to my grandma's house, but I met this weather halfway. It really spoiled my 'interest!

As I expected, it began to rain within a few steps. It was just not as fierce as I imagined, but there was no poetic sentiment of "moistening things silently".

We groped in the dark weather against the wind and rain. If we didn't pay attention, we would fall into the mud.

"I still have an umbrella with me," my mother said in surprise. We walked side by side, scattering our happy footprints along the way.

Before I took two steps, I was not strong all over. There were two happy villains under a small umbrella, but the things my mother held in her hands destroyed the poetry. It was not good to put them here or there. After a long time, I couldn't fix them properly, and my mother's clothes were also soaked by the rain.

"Mom, you can fight. I... I want to play in the rain." Mom immediately saw through my mind and said, "You can fight. You are easy to catch cold." We pushed me and stood still in the rain.

I was a little angry. "You can fight. Don't worry about me. I'm in good health." "You are not obedient, are you? Take it quickly." Mother retorted. "This time I won't obey." So I pushed my umbrella to my mother, grabbed the heavy things in her hand, and walked straight to Grandma's house.

The rain was still falling, and the gloomy weather separated my mother from me like a door. My mother stood there straight, but I hurried forward. Just vaguely saw that my mother's eyes were red, and there were drops of water on her face. I didn't know whether it was tears or rain

Finally, I arrived at Grandma's house. Grandma looked at my exhausted appearance and hurriedly took the things in my hands, looking at the red prints on my hands with heartache. My mother also came over and said, "I have said many times that it is more important to take care of my body." I could hear that my mother choked when she spoke, mixed with a touch of emotion.

Back inside, I changed my clothes and opened the curtains. The sky cleared up. The sun shone through the branches. I saw that the sun had only one color - warm red.

Obedient Composition (11)

In our ordinary daily life, everyone inevitably comes into contact with the composition bar. According to the different writing time limits, composition can be divided into timed composition and non timed composition. So have you learned about composition? The following is a 600 word composition of disobedient people compiled by Xiao Bian for everyone. It is for reference only. Let's have a look.

Many people also told him to pay attention to this, and they didn't listen to that. It has been more than a month since they changed things. Yes, he can only say that they asked for it! Do you know seven? I used to be an analogy. But I don't think it's too important to go out this time, which means I don't know why you said you. The length of the kindergarten. None of the pictures have my legs. Tired! I'll be fine. Let's talk about tomorrow!

good. You can get the ball here. I have it on my hand. When I went to play with something else, I found a happy melon seed. One inch is enough. Where can I go in the morning and still be there the next day. No, don't you think so? I am so cute. I look like a basketball girl now. Has the hair shop changed? I'm wearing this short sleeved satellite again. Look at this. I'm a slacker. I'm going to like this. It's different or something. You feel disgusted. He is a basketball teenager. If it's really interesting and it's called swallowable, it means that it's designed to swallow without impact, so it's OK to delay. If the recommendation will affect your health, you should not call it swallowable, but swallow it instead.

I think when there is no long hair, there is nothing to ask for. It's OK when you have long hair. I don't seem to be a happy person for that kind of thing. What do I say about people like that? Don't think so, but he is pure and lovely. It's also very soft. Can I give you something to eat. I've met two stanzas. I don't know. I haven't seen it. I don't like to eat with you. I thought I thought what you said was okay. This is for us. I went out.

What did you call that day? What do you want to play without it? Not that there are no books anywhere, and then they are all put away. Can I find it myself? I won't help you find it. I have no soul. What do you mean? Even if I watch a movie again in the past two years. Isn't this Xiao Guo's bow tie? This is not. They are better. I obviously gave it to others. It's not a skirt. There is no short board when it grows. It's a thick man. Oh, I moved them aside.

Obedient Composition (12)

If my parents don't want me to eat cold drinks in winter, I feel disobedient and insist on buying them. If my parents still don't agree, I will take the money to buy it secretly, but this is just to satisfy my tongue. Hee hee, I won't hurt myself! If my parents don't let me start wearing fancy princess skirts in spring, I won't listen to them. Because I am lovely and beautiful! You have to wear it, make your hair colorful, put on a beautiful skirt, and show off in front of your friends! If my parents don't let me watch TV often, I still don't listen. I still go my own way. Watching the smart Pleasant Goat, the lovely Kerry, and the honest Pig Man in the TV, I am very happy. I think TV is interesting

But it is this "disobedient" nature that has formed my straightforward character and does not like to haggle over everything with others. I like this character, like this "disobedient" me!

Obedient Composition (13)

When winter came, a thick layer of ice formed on the river. There was snow on the ground, on the roof, and on the branches. It snowed for three days and three nights, and finally stopped. A small fish swam happily and found a big hole in the ice. Thinking it was spring, he shouted happily, "Spring is coming! Spring is coming! The earth is waking up and the flowers are opening!" But the mother fish smiled and said, "Silly child, it is normal to have a big hole in the ice, but this does not mean that spring is coming. It may be a big hole made by children hitting the ice with stones." "Really?" The little fish asked doubtfully. The mother fish smiled and said, "Of course it is true. How can mother cheat her children?"

Later, when the little fish saw a big hole in the ice, he swam to have a look. Finally one day, he couldn't help but jump to the top of the big hole and breathe the fresh air. Just in time, an eagle was looking for food. When he saw a small fish, he flew over with a whoosh. At this time, the little fish had no way to escape. He said regretfully, "It's all my fault. I didn't listen to my mother, so he was caught by an eagle. He got up early in the morning, and slept late at night. Old Yi arrived, but cherish this moment!"

Obedient Composition (14)

I suddenly remembered something before. One day when my father knocked at the door, I hurried to do my homework. My father stood outside the door for a while. My mother came back and asked why my father didn't go in. My father replied, "I left my key at home, but Hanhan didn't open the door." My mother opened the door and saw that I was doing my homework. They laughed happily. My mother said she loved seeing me study hard.

Obedient Composition (15)

However, I can't help asking why we should listen, and what if we don't listen? Is it really nothing? Although parents and teachers have experienced dozens of years more than us, their life experience is naturally richer than ours, and their views on things are undoubtedly more mature than ours, but this does not mean that they are always right. When we were young, we didn't understand a lot of things and really needed guidance from adults. However, when we grow up, we have our own views on things. It is hard to accept that we should take obedience and disobedience as the standard to measure our quality, because "obedience" means unconditional obedience and means giving up our will and mind. Imagine a "good kid" who has always listened to adults rather than thinking by himself from childhood. His way of thinking is others', and his mind is full of others' things. Can we expect such a person to make breakthroughs and innovations in academic research? If there are such people in the world, how will our world develop?

So although we should obey, we should have our own ability of discrimination and understanding. We should break through all kinds of rules and regulations, think independently, and fully develop our own thinking and personality. What adults say is right and wrong. We should identify and understand by ourselves. The same is true of knowledge. Don't blindly believe in all knowledge, but have your own thinking and research. If everyone in the world follows the elders blindly, where can we get "dressed like a tiger"? If everyone believed in the knowledge of others, how could Copernicus develop the "heliocentric theory"? If a person does not obey and is considered to be accomplished nothing, then how can Bill Gates, who dropped out of school, create the Microsoft empire? The ancients once said that "learning is more important than questioning". To put it bluntly, it is to encourage people to be disobedient and not superstitious about authority.

Of course, disobedience does not mean disrespect for elders. On the contrary, it is because of respect for elders that we think carefully about their words. It is because we respect the existing knowledge that we study creatively, eliminate the rough and extract the essence, eliminate the false and retain the true, and gain the true knowledge. Only through self identification and self understanding, can we have real gains and make contributions to human civilization, which is the best respect for older teachers.

Obedient Composition (16)

My face has two small moles and a big head. My sister gave me a bad nickname: "Big Brother" and "Watermelon Brother" are calling me!

I am a very persistent person. If I want to learn talent, as long as I like it, I will study hard. No matter how far I go, I will never give up until I get good grades. However, if it is a talent I don't like, no matter how hard I am forced, I will refuse to learn.

At present, my favorite talent is "martial arts". I plan to learn it all my life and never give up. I think I will be very healthy in the future, and my martial arts will be very strong, just because my love for martial arts has far exceeded the level of "like". I think as long as I persist, nothing will fail me.

In addition, I am a child who is willing to share, this is not easy! There are some good things that I like to show you and play together, just like my Lego toys. Except my sister doesn't love them, where do all boys in the world not love them?

In addition to loving to buy Lego, I am also a unique obedient child in my mother's mind. Only my family has such a unique watermelon brother in the universe!

Obedient Composition (17)

I haven't taken a bath for several days, but I still feel clean and don't need to take a bath. However, my mother forced me to wash, saying, "I haven't bathed for several days, and my body is very dirty, so I must wash it today." But I don't care. I'm too lazy to take this disgusting bath, so I won't listen to her and sit on the chair and watch myself read. But mother is not easy to mess with. She gently told me the first time, but I didn't listen. She told me the second time, but I still didn't listen. This irritated her. She no longer spoke calmly to me, but frowned and shouted: "I will count three if I don't wash." She said and counted. "One? Two? Three?" After counting, I still didn't respond. I replied: "My body is not dirty. What should I wash?" She said, "Don't go?" I answered, With that, my mother immediately ran to her room and brought a stick. She pulled down her face and said, "Will you go?" I said forcefully, "I'm not dirty. What should I wash. If I had listened to her, I wouldn't have been beaten. But then again, I still don't want to take a bath, just don't want to be beaten.