I can't help speeding up the pace of 2022 high school entrance examination composition material
Green Willow
2022-11-02 01:43:57
Senior High School Entrance Examination

Memories are like smoke. In a twinkling of an eye, they disappear with the wind, and no shadow can be found. But that unforgettable experience is still fresh in my memory.

On Sunday evening, the mountain top in the sky was hazy, and there was a faint red glow. After finishing my homework, I was "stored" at Ganma's house and ready to go home. But because my mother had to study at night, I had to walk back by myself.

Just leaving the community gate, a chilly wind blew past my ears. I couldn't help but quicken my pace and hurried home. I thought to myself: first, go to a crossroad, turn left, pass a small supermarket and a breakfast shop, then turn right, pass several car repair shops, and finally bypass a waste purchase station where a big wolf dog is raised.

It was already dark, but the street lights were not yet on. I walked home with trepidation. Although I had walked this road for many times, today it was very gloomy. The cold wind blew a sharp whistle, a drop of water fell from the branches beside the road, and the forked leaves on the banana tree were illuminated by the pale moonlight, casting a black shadow like a magic claw, which made my hair stand on end. More terrifying, after walking through the breakfast shop, footsteps began to appear faintly behind me! The footsteps were both familiar and strange, and I was at a loss. "It should be someone who comes for a walk," I thought, but who would walk on the roadside in the dark and cold night? So I walked and prepared to wait for an opportunity to look back to see who was following me, but I was very afraid. "It should be a fellow traveler." I emboldened myself to comfort myself.

After another walk, the footsteps behind me became clearer and clearer. I took a deep breath, and then ran quickly. In the vagueness, I ran past several repair shops and saw the waste purchase station and the very irascible wolf dog in the distance. I was very frightened. I didn't know whether to accelerate or decelerate. Just as I was about to run past the waste purchase station, the big wolf dog came out of nowhere and blocked me, with a curse like growl, like an expulsion order. I was so frightened that I stepped back slowly at a loss. The wolf dog approached me step by step and growled at me. I had to step back and hit a man. I screamed in horror, but behind me came my mother's reassurance: "Lele, don't be afraid." I looked back in surprise and found that it was my mother standing behind me! No wonder I think the footsteps are very familiar! It was a false alarm... I threw myself into my mother's arms and asked her: "Aren't you going to study at night?" My mother stroked my head and said, "I don't trust you, but I followed you today and found that you are really grown up and dare to walk home alone at night!" I felt relieved and buried my head in my mother's arms.

It turns out that there are not so many things in the world that we should be afraid of. "The footsteps behind us" is actually my mother's love for you that never dissipates!