Middle Autumn Festival in my hometown
Obsessed with old dreams
2022-11-01 01:35:20
third year in high school

The Mid Autumn Festival, also known as the Mid Autumn Festival, or the Reunion Festival, is the second largest festival of our Chinese nation. It can be said that it is well-known to all, women and children. The Mid Autumn Festival has a long history. Like other traditional festivals, it is also taking shape slowly.

There is a sad and beautiful legend about the Mid Autumn Festival: it is said that there were ten suns in the sky in ancient times, which dried up crops and made the earth smoke. A hero named Hou Yi climbed the Kunlun Mountain, drew a bow and an arrow, and shot down nine suns at a time, so he was very respected. Later, he married a beautiful and kind woman, Chang'e. One day, Hou Yi went to Kunlun Mountain to ask for a way. He happened to meet the Queen Mother and gave Chang'e an elixir of longevity. Hou Yi couldn't bear to leave Chang'e and give her the elixir. Unexpectedly, it was found by the villain Peng Meng. One day, Pengmeng asked Chang'e to hand over the elixir while Hou Yi was hunting. Chang'e made a quick decision to swallow the elixir, so she flew into the sky and stayed on the moon. Hou Yi went home to understand the story. He was in agony. He chased and ran. However, he ran and the moon ran, and when he stopped, the moon stopped. He knew that he would never return to Chang'e. He looked up at the bright moon in the sky and suddenly found that Chang'e appeared in the moon. Hou Yi quickly put Chang'e's favorite cakes in the yard to commemorate Chang'e. Since then, the custom of offering sacrifices to the moon has spread.

The appearance of moon cakes began in the Yuan Dynasty. Due to the cruel rule of the Yuan Dynasty, people in the Central Plains began to revolt. At that time, the imperial court was very tight. Military adviser Liu Bowen came up with a clever plan and put the note into the cake. The note read: "August 15 Uprising." Then he transported the cakes into the rebel camp. On August 15, he attacked the city and captured Dadu, Yuan Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang was overjoyed, Let all the soldiers and soldiers enjoy themselves with the people, and reward the "moon cake" as food to the officials. Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival has the custom of eating moon cakes.

The Mid Autumn Festival is not only a festival full of beautiful legends, but also a festival full of poetic and picturesque feelings. From ancient times to the present, many scholars have written immortal works for it, some chant the moon, and express their feelings by borrowing the moon. Su Shi's "Water Melody" and Wang Wei's "Remembering Shandong Brothers on September 9" remind people of the homesickness and kinship of those who are far away from home.

Mother took out a box of beautifully packaged moon cakes, took out a knife and cut it open. We tasted some green tea, with strong tea flavor! Mother cut out the second one. It was beef, hard, sweet and salty. When the third one was cut out, it looked like lotus paste. We tasted it. It was sour and sweet. It was really good!

On the eve of the Mid Autumn Festival, listening to the beautiful legend of the Mid Autumn Festival and tasting sweet moon cakes, people can feel the strong flavor of the Mid Autumn Festival.