2022 Shanghai College Entrance Examination Full Score Composition
2022-11-02 01:55:56
college entrance examination

Everyone can enjoy it. When it comes to enjoyment, everyone will talk about their feelings. Such as exploring nature in spring; Go swimming in summer; Go to the orchard in autumn; Go to the snow in winter. The happiness of success, the beautiful nature, the wonderful land.

However, almost all people will enjoy the results, but not the process. In fact, the process of enjoying is also very interesting.

To explore nature in spring, you should enjoy the suffering you experienced when you left, or enjoy the suffering of nature; To appreciate the benefits of suffering to people and the beauty after natural suffering. It seems that the enjoyment process is more unforgettable.

When you go swimming in summer, you should enjoy the hot sun, the rugged mountain roads, and the drops of water. They are also beautiful. When the hot sun shines, we have the idea of swimming; There are rugged mountain roads, we will know that there is hard work to pay; Drop by drop, we will have a place to swim.

When you go to the orchard in autumn, you should enjoy that the fruit will be sweet only after thousands of hardships, and that the fruit tree will grow up and blossom only after suffering. The hardworking gardener will gain after countless years

This process is very important and critical. Without it, there would be no result. The reason why the earth is beautiful is that it has experienced thousands of years of changes; The reason why human beings are great is that countless martyrs use their lives to pave the way; The reason why the flowers are gorgeous is the decoration of those who work hard without regrets.

The process is like a spring rain. With it, the grass in spring will be attractive. The process is like a rainstorm. Only with it can we know the beauty of the rainbow. The process is like a difficulty. Only with it can we know the hardships of success. The process is like a mountain. Only with it can we know the greatness of the world.

Therefore, we should enjoy the process, so that we can learn some methods and qualities, from which we can understand the value of life.