2022 Jiangxi High School Entrance Examination Topic Composition
Lotus Picking in Jiangnan
2022-11-02 00:02:52
Senior High School Entrance Examination

Great, noble and ordinary, this is my first impression of Mr. Lu Xun. Mr. Lu Xun wrote that he was a portrayal of himself, that is, "He looks at a thousand fingers coldly and bows his head to be a willing ox". The great Mr. Lu Xun worked day and night to change the fate of the nation. However, he is a giant in literature. Mr. Lu Xun is humorous, but not lacking in friendliness. He once hated the dark society like the devil, and thought of others everywhere and played down himself. In my opinion, he is indeed an ordinary and great man!

Whenever night falls, he is playing the "Text Symphony", hoping that this beautiful song can awaken the insensitive Chinese. The great Lu Xun always worked day and night for the revolutionary cause of his motherland.

When Mr. Lu Xun studied medicine in Japan, he was deeply aware that 'Chinese people's diseases are not physical, but psychological.' So he decided to take up his pen and appeal to all Chinese through his own articles. Therefore, everyone said that "Mr. Lu Xun's pen is the most powerful weapon to fight against darkness."

Among the numerous writers, Mr. Lu Xun is a prominent one, and also a special one. Compared with other famous writers, people can't help asking why Lu Xun, who only wrote short structural essays and novels, is unique in the history of world literature, and how can he shine a brilliant light? Yes, Mr. Lu Xun does not have Shakespeare's numerous masterpieces, Rousseau's full-length autobiography, nor Hugo's winding and moving novel plot. However, he is indeed a great writer, because he is first and foremost a great soldier. He lives in a chaotic world, but he is extremely sober and sharp. He fights and resists unyielding. He uses his mind as a sword and pen as a gun. He has spent a long night picking out some bright colors.

This is Lu Xun. He belongs to China and the world. He disappeared and lived in people's hearts forever. This is the great Mr. Lu Xun in my mind. Let's carry forward the spirit of Mr. Lu Xun. Everyone has a deep patriotic heart!