Good Senior Three Composition Waiting
Aunt Bangbang
2022-10-21 12:50:57

Who dares to say that waiting is not good?

People's countless waiting, waiting for good. Beauty is like dew in the hot summer. It comes to comfort the thirsty people waiting for it. Waiting is the burning sun. Its warmth brings enthusiasm to those waiting, and finally makes them taste the sweetness of nectar.

No one is unwilling to wait, because waiting is sometimes happiness.

The man waiting anxiously at the door of the delivery room paced anxiously. No one could guess that he was actually happy. He is eager. He is willing to wait, waiting for the birth of a child, waiting for his wife to give birth safely, waiting to become a father, waiting for happiness to come. When the child's cry came to his ears, he smiled happily and said softly, "I've waited."

Indeed, happiness will always fall on those who are willing to wait.

No one is unwilling to wait, because waiting is sometimes lucky.

The little boy waiting quietly in front of the flowerpot gazed eagerly at this small piece of soil, and no one would think that he was actually happy in his heart. He took good care of the sown seeds and imagined that they could sprout and bloom, waiting for them to break through the ground. When the soil protrudes a small hole and a little green sticks out from the brown, and when the green bud grows higher and higher, one day a small white flower suddenly blooms, the little boy smiles, gives birth to joy in his young heart, and luckily falls in his flower pot. He thought he was lucky because he waited until the seeds germinated and blossomed. Although the flowers are not so bright, but it is special, he shouted: "I have waited."

Indeed, luck always falls into the words of those who wait patiently.

People waiting on the platform, when they are happy, it is family reunion; People waiting by the phone wait for happiness, which is the good news of peace; The people waiting under the Lianli tree, when they are happy, are the lovers who will eventually become married. After the college entrance examination, the people waiting in the guard room are lucky, which is the result of years of hard work; People waiting under the apple tree, when they are lucky, it is the result of hard work

All waiting will have results. Waiting will not be the Siberian monsoon, sweeping the whole waiting time. Waiting will be the Pacific Warm Current, warming the whole waiting heart.

Who can say that waiting is not good?