500 words of reflective composition after the fifth grade midterm exam
feel for others
2022-10-27 01:15:31
fifth grade
topic of conversation

There must be a way to succeed, and there must be a reason for failure. Take a fall and gain wisdom. It is important to reflect, but more important is to find a new starting point. Some students will fall down after failing an exam. I think it is unnecessary to do so. We should be a strong learner and find our own starting point again. We must firmly believe that without wind and rain, we can see the rainbow.

Today's midterm exam papers were handed out, and I knew that I had 83 points in math and 87 points in Chinese. I was very dissatisfied with such results. There were many questions that should not have lost points but lost points. Why did I lose so many points? Because I was careless in the exam and didn't check the paper carefully after I finished writing, I lost my points in vain.

Faced with the failure of this exam, I felt as if I had knocked over a bottle of Chinese medicine. The ups, downs, bitters, and bitters poured into my heart. I could not calm down for a long time. I really regret that I didn't listen to the class, made small moves, sometimes made fun of others, didn't finish my homework carefully, had a weak foundation, and didn't study hard and practice hard. So I failed to get good results in this exam, I'm really sorry for my father's expectations, and I'm sorry for the teacher's earnest teaching to me.

Dear father, please forgive your disappointing son, dear teacher, your naughty students, and allow me to solemnly say to you: "I'm sorry, I let you down; in the future study, I will work harder and will repay you with excellent results."

There are sunny days and rainy days on the road of life. I can't control the weather, but I can change my mood. I can't change my appearance, but I can show my smile. We can't change the world, but we can change ourselves. I will come out of the temporary joy and depression. I will not be conceited when I win, discouraged when I lose, surprised when I honor or disgrace, learn from hardships, and be ready for the next exam in time.