Complete composition with zero score in 2020 college entrance examination
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2022-11-03 02:00:44
20xx College Entrance Examination Zero Score Composition: Common Sense

As the saying goes, if you stay too long to cover your tears, you will mourn the hardship of people's livelihood. As a human people in the exam era, going to school every day makes me feel very speechless. I always lament the students' disasters. This feeling sometimes makes people prefer to go back to the Stone Age. Who wouldn't let me sleep in that era? I can express my strong dissatisfaction by picking up a stone. Whenever I walk out of school after self-study at night and look up to see a bleak bright moon in the sky, I can't help asking for thousands of years: Do you have common sense, teacher? Don't you know that people sleep? I was not allowed to sleep in class.

I have to go back to school very early in the morning. How early is it? 7 o'clock. As a teacher, you even shamelessly told us that after 6:00, all the students returned to the classroom to read. Shit, this tone is exactly the same as that of those idiot women who like to say my friend and I have a friend all day long, idiot. I would like to take an example to say that people in the United States... Unfortunately, the source of information is too closed. I can only hear the teacher say that people in different schools never hear the teacher say that people in the United States. It doesn't matter if we don't take the example of the United States. Teacher, I tell you that there are angry people in the Middle East who like playing with human flesh bombs. This is what CCTV news series said.

The Middle East is in deep trouble. Our new generation of motherland flowers are so happy that they return to school at 7 o'clock every morning. But I want to sleep. I didn't go to bed until 12 o'clock at night and got up at 6 o'clock in the morning. I returned to school at 7 a.m. and didn't finish school until more than 10 p.m. I must not have enough sleep. noon break? Teacher, do you have common sense? Some people sleep for an hour at noon. It's OK if they don't sleep. The more they sleep, the more dizzy they become. I can't help but doze off in class. Very tired, dozing off, this is a normal physiological phenomenon. The teacher unexpectedly said that the students who want to sleep in class go home to sleep. Damn it, do you think I don't want to go home to sleep? I'm really in pain. I think teachers have no common sense, principals have no common sense, and the educational world has no common sense. Now writing common sense in the college entrance examination is undoubtedly an opportunity for me to express my strong dissatisfaction with the whole Chinese educational world, as well as my deep contempt. You have no common sense. The students want to sleep... The school is ours and yours, but in the final analysis, it is yours... People want to sleep... I want to sleep... sleep

20xx College Entrance Examination Zero Score Composition: One Step and Life

Du Fu once said that killing one person in ten steps is not popular in thousands of miles; When things are over, brush your clothes and leave no sound or name.

This proves that 10 steps=one person, representing our life.

Du Fu's theory, from a materialistic point of view, expounds the relationship between life and pace. At that time, his rules were too rigid. Why can we kill people in ten steps? Instead of nine steps? Let's calculate again. One thousand miles=50000000 meters. How many steps should we take? So Du Fu's poem contains a very long relationship between life and pace.

We can see from the Book of Changes that the Eight Diagrams of subduing the dragon and fighting against the dragon have regrets. From the Eight Diagrams of the Five Elements, one and two, two and three, three generate all things. Therefore, in this relationship, one step cannot form an equal relationship with one's life. I don't know what the guy mentioned thinks, but he even started this topic. When I saw my argument, the teacher was heartbroken.

20xx Zero score composition for college entrance examination: people crossing the desert

On a rare sunny day, light came in through the window and he sat in the shadow.

You are the only one who has crossed the desert.

He smiled and gave me a cigarette.

When I ignited the fire, I saw his eyebrows and eyes, and there was an inexplicable calm.

I'm just curious about the desert.

He breathed out smoke. For a long time, he was like a puppet, and seemed to be looking for some fulcrum, so that he could stand beside himself at that time, standing in the yellow sand over there.

First, I took a train. Two days and three hours later, I changed buses and walked along the mountain road all night. I came to the desert that no one could cross in the morning. I stood for a long time. There was not much water in my backpack. I had to start. There is no direction, the sun is behind me, I must start. Before I walked a few steps, my shoes entered the sand. The desert was not very hot in the morning, and grass and birds could be seen. After another walk, the cottages and plants behind are gradually sparse. I dare not drink water. The sun is growing and I sweat a lot. The eyes are full of yellow sand, and the air waves from the sun have changed everything in the field of vision. I was a little dizzy. The world was too big. At that time, I felt like a fly sticking to the glass. You can see the scene outside the window, but you can't touch it. When I went on, I could not see anything. Out of the sand dunes with various shapes, time seemed to turn into sheets. Every step I took was crossing a world. There was no sound in the ears. Out of the eardrum, the indescribable cracked body appeared in the heat wave. My throat is like a dry well, I can feel the deep and shallow folds in my throat. But I survived the hottest period of time. Toward dusk, I saw a week of snakes, killed them, and cooked them on the fire. I had to eat something. The desert night would be very cold, but actually it was colder than I thought. I could survive, because I knew that as long as I passed through here, I would be free.

Have you never thought of using other ways to get freedom? I asked.

I say freedom is different from what you think. If there is no such thing, one day I will do the same. When I said freedom, he pointed to the heart and said, here, too many rules are binding.

I know he has something to say.

The moment I entered the desert, I was ready to die. I think you must have seen my information, but I want to say something more. I really want to love her. Who stipulates that teachers can't love students? I just love her. I said I would marry her.

But I didn't say anything wrong when you cut her eighteen dollars.

First, I went to her home. When I saw her, her parents called me a beast and told me to go away. Then I went to find her. She was in an Internet cafe with a group of men. I asked if you were worthy of me. The young people who dyed their hair laughed at me. A man said to be her boyfriend pushed me.

You took out the knife, and then you killed her? Have you ever thought that you can solve this problem through other ways and means, as you said, crossing the desert, why not detour you?

He put out his cigarette, kept silent for a while, and said, just like I said freedom, you have countless ways and paths to choose, but this is not freedom. If you have the opportunity to choose, this is freedom. We all have no freedom, just like the mirage, green trees and lakes, mountains and animals I saw on the second day in the desert, so real, but all are illusions. The freedom I said, the real freedom, is here.

He pointed to the heart again, and the handcuffs hanging on his wrists were shining with silver light, just like he said freedom.

Give me another cigarette, officer.