2022 "Thinking and Way Out" Excellent Composition for College Entrance Examination
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2022-10-30 01:44:26

There are always more ways than problems. If you encounter difficult problems in your work and life, you might as well change your perspective. Thinking determines the height, and thinking determines the way out.

People can't change the environment, but they can change their thinking. People can't change others, but they can change themselves. One more thought, one more way out, thinking determines the way out, and ideas determine the future. This book explains a general truth. To do anything well, we must first find a breakthrough in thinking, and face the developing things with new ideas and new thinking, This is my experience in reading the book "Thinking Determines the Way Out".

At this moment, I can't let myself out of a kind of persistence. I always think about one thing, or many things, and then think about it again and again. It seems that I can understand it, but it seems that I can't understand it at all. I know that this state is easy to let people fall into a vortex, but what I can do is silence. I can only express a calm by my own way. I can't change the environment, change others, change too much, so I can only try to change my thinking.

Life is like a mirror. When you cry, it cries, and when you smile, it smiles. What kind of life you want depends entirely on your attitude towards life. If you come here step by step, what's so terrible even if you face the crossroads? It just depends on what kind of future you choose. If you take life seriously, why don't you worry about what life will not return to you? The way to choose is to find out the key points from the complexity and cut off the rotten tail decisively.

A person who is good at developing new ideas must be a person who is good at finding opportunities and brave in pioneering and innovating. Those who can try to find good ideas will be more successful than those who can only work hard and are not good at thinking. Quote the most classic sentences in the book:

The way of thinking determines the way out, and the direction determines the life.

Ideas determine practices, and methods determine effects.

The head decides the pocket, and the idea decides the wealth.

Angle determines depth, and height determines breadth.

Attitude determines action, and strength determines speed.

The pattern determines the layout, and the layout determines the outcome.