Four faults should be avoided in the composition of senior high school entrance examination
Be safe and be myself
2022-11-03 03:13:26
Senior High School Entrance Examination

1、 The handwriting is scrawled. Judging from more than 10000 compositions in a city of Hunan, more than 500 of them are completely illegible, and 1/3 of them are barely legible. Only 3% of the papers are truly beautiful. There are mainly three situations: first, a small number of students have no grasp of the writing characteristics of Chinese characters and cannot write; Second, although some students have a correct attitude, because they usually do not pay attention to practice, the characters they write are either staggered or uneven, and cannot be recognized; Some of the students wrote well, but because of their poor writing foundation and lack of patience in writing, their handwriting was scrawled. Judging from the score, the writing score generally accounts for 4 points, but the loss it brings to the composition is far more than this score. The marking teacher said that for the articles that cannot be seen clearly, the score is the lowest among the articles of the same kind, and the score of 60 points composition is generally 20-30 points. On the contrary, a small number of beautifully written essays do not have much characteristics, but their scores are usually 2-4 points higher than the same essays. 2、 The style is not clear. In recent years, the difficulty of the composition for the senior high school entrance examination has decreased, and the genre is no longer limited. The test questions generally have the prompt of "there is no limit to the style except poetry". Candidates can freely choose the style they are best at to write. However, from the situation of the composition in the examination room, many students mistakenly believe that "desalinization of style" means no style, and "there is no limit to style" It is to cancel the style, which makes the style of the articles written not prominent. Some articles start as argumentative articles, have arguments, and have arguments, which can be written as narratives; Some articles are written as narratives, but they lack time, place, events and other elements. Such articles naturally cannot explain the truth and write the story clearly, which is neither fish nor fowl.

3、 It's too slow to cut into the exam. The composition is very time sensitive, usually five or six hundred words, which requires us to cut into the topic quickly. Although students are not required to write the effect of "tiger head", simplicity is the minimum requirement. There are two common problems in the composition in the examination room: one is that you do not pay attention to the layout of the article and do what you want. In a composition for the senior high school entrance exam with the topic of "Gratitude", a student wrote about his classmates and teachers' care and help with four natural paragraphs. At the end, some moving pictures appeared. In this way, the article appeared to be of no priority and no concentration of plot. Generally, such articles can only be rated as three or four types of articles; Second, some students who have a good foundation in writing always want to write down the best content and the most beautiful sentences, which leads to the problem of words piling up and procrastination. The first paragraph of a composition for the senior high school entrance examination, entitled "Enjoying the Fun of Family", used more than 200 words of scenery description. Although the sentences were beautiful, the article fell into the ranks of three categories of articles because it failed to grasp the key points.

4、 The content is fake, the feeling is false and the meaning is false. From the composition questions of the senior high school entrance examination all over the country, many of the questions have requirements such as "telling true stories" or "writing true feelings". In order to make the meaning of the things written by some students be "profound", the characters they write are "tall", they like to make up things out of thin air and arbitrarily raise them. As a result, the content is false, Among more than 10000 compositions for the senior high school entrance examination in a city in Hunan, about 50% of them are of this kind. Some wrote about the death of both parents, some wrote about the incurable disease of their relatives, some wrote about their broken legs and hands, and some wrote about "falling into the torrent"?? Due to the lack of life, students make many jokes when they make up hard copies. This kind of composition is the most troublesome for the marking teacher, and the score is often low. For example, a rural examinee said in the article "Gratitude" that when the flood broke out, the People's Liberation Army sent seafood to the villagers, and the children in the city installed air conditioners in their simple houses. The content was so untrue!