Color of Junior Three (16 Collections)
Life is made by oneself
2023-03-12 06:14:25
Junior three

Color of Grade Three (1)

The flowers have warm red, bright yellow, elegant lavender, mysterious pale blue, pure white... The third day of junior high school also has its own color, which is like the film lens. The colors of every day are like scenes of plot, showing its different charm, constantly filling the color of youth, the color of the third day of junior high school.

Black Junior Three

In the second half of the semester, alas, all the students complained about too much homework, too tight time and too much pressure. Indeed, the second half of the third year of junior high school is more stressful than the first half of the semester. As we look tired, parents' nagging sounds often ring in our ears, and teachers' expectant eyes and busy figures often emerge in our minds. For the sake of our dreams and our hopes, we have to study hard at the desk, work hard and try again. The students could not help feeling that the third day is black!

Although my deskmate was not very good at learning, he silently said to me: "Calm down, the black third day will soon pass, and your third day will soon become red!" Really? I looked at him puzzled. "Yes, although your performance is not very good, as long as you work hard, you will succeed, believe in yourself!" The table mate said confidently. "Then work hard!" I said secretly.

Red Junior Three

My doubts were soon dispelled. After a period of time, the students gradually felt the fullness and happiness of the third day of junior high, and got used to the tense rhythm. They began to study harder and harder than others, and they all rushed to learn.

Walking home from school, I heard this dialogue: "Don't you feel bitter? There are so many homework every day." A asked. "Bitter? Is it bitter? Is it bitter? Think about the Long March 25, 000. Compared with the old revolutionary predecessors, what does it mean to eat this hardship? Besides, we all learn for our own future!" B said with relish. After listening to this, I secretly praised classmate B and told the truth!

Golden Junior Three

As you can see, life in the third day of junior high is coming to an end, which means that we are ushering in the harvest season. Three years of hard work and dedication are only for this last fight. We want to draw a complete end to our three years of study. I hope that our eyes are a piece of gold, a piece of gold full of hope, a piece of gold full of hope.

Looking back on the past three years, time passed quickly. I remember that every morning, we ran on the playground, had no choice on the track, and talked and laughed on the path home; I remember that in class, I listened to every key point the teacher said, and the pen in my hand never stopped sliding; I remember that we played, chased, and fought together. All of this has been in our minds. In the face of the upcoming departure, a few lingering, a few reluctant, a few grateful, surging in my heart. Unforgettable! Our full junior high school life! In this harvest season, we cheer, we shout, we rush, with our hardworking hands, with their own happy smile, with their own broad mind to meet the golden season.

In a word, we have experienced the sour, sweet, bitter and hot in these years, and also experienced the black of the third day. We have experienced the red of the third day, and ushered in the golden of the third day. Here, we shed hard sweat, cast the glory of youth, and left a series of solid footprints.

Students, for our ideals, for the great rejuvenation of our Chinese nation, for our better future, work hard!

Color of Junior Three (2)

When I got up in the morning, I felt a bit dazed when I saw the white light in the sky.

Sitting on the balcony, I heard that the principal of the Second Primary School was giving education lessons to the students of the graduating class. Thinking about it, we feel that time has passed so easily that we can't find it.

In a twinkling of an eye, I felt that the sixth grade was still in front of me. At this time last year, we tortured ourselves and others for the exam. I remember this time last year, I wrote in my diary: there are only 102 days left for the entrance exam. What should I do? I can't settle down to study. What should I do?

However, looking back, 365 days passed. I stretch out my hand to catch the time, but all I can catch is air. I can't catch the time, so I can only be submerged by it.

The headmaster of the Second Primary School is saying that only hard work can lead to good results. I raised my mouth and smiled bitterly. These secular people... But I still have to be a secular person. I remember when we were in the sixth grade, our teacher was also giving us education lessons. At that time, I was very angry. When the teacher said one word, I would say three words. But now, I find that I have completely lost this ability. I became a good child in the eyes of others. I can't do anything about it.

Knowing this is secular, we should change our original self for it. This is a person's helplessness. This is not the result I want. I don't want to be a good child

I sat in the corner of the room and watched the air pass in front of me, like time. I held out my hand, nothing. I wonder if this is what people call growing up. Are you destined to be sad when you grow up? I don't know. I have no answer.

When the headmaster asked the students whether they could study hard and be admitted to No. 1 Middle School, I heard them shouting, "Yes!" The headmaster seemed very pleased, and I smiled bitterly again. The headmaster didn't know that the students didn't listen to her class at all. They just dealt with her with a playful attitude, just like us once. We simply cannot afford to bear such responsibilities. A normal child will not want to play unless he is psychopathic.

Hiding in the corner, I have been thinking: what color is it? Is it gray or colored? The sky is full of gray clouds when I think of the scene that we do test papers all day long. But I remembered the scene of us fighting together. The scene of us scolding the teacher in the dark, our secret language in the exam, and the toilet water coming in the face when we were fighting... All these things look like colorful again

No matter what color the memory is, the past will not come back.

We are drowned in time and can do nothing.

This world doesn't fit my dream. Think of Annie's words. It's true.

Color of Junior Three (3)

It is a symbol of holiness and beauty, but in my mind, it has become the driving force for me to keep working forward.

Sadly, I couldn't help shedding tears when I looked at the test paper handed out and the low score I had never had before; I was depressed. I sat in the boring classroom, listened to the teacher's endless lecture on the platform, and watched the function equations flying on the blackboard. X and Y seemed to be dancers, and also seemed to be the teacher's accompaniment. Under the unified command of the teacher, they danced a boring and boring dance. In class, I feel more depressed with my sleepy eyes. I couldn't help looking out of the window, looking at the human sky, it seemed to understand my heart, showing a trace of sadness.

Suddenly, many angels fell from the sky. What was that? I was pleasantly surprised and looked at the pieces of white flying towards me. Ah, it's snow! It's really snow! I was pleasantly surprised. She is so crystal clear, so beautiful. I reached out to catch a snowflake, but she was like a shy girl, always hiding from herself, and disappeared as soon as I saw a stranger. This makes me even more depressed.

Looking at the fine white yarn on the branches, I felt that it was really like a spring breeze coming one night, with thousands of pear trees blooming. I can't help but revel in it.

Through the ages, the poem praising snow can be said to be handy, but the flavor is different. Watching the snowflakes flying all over the sky, I felt a sense of thousands of miles of yellow clouds in the daytime, and the north wind blowing wild geese and snow in succession; When I think of the people who stumbled in the snow, I can't help feeling a little bit like crossing the Yellow River, which is blocked by ice, and climbing the Taihang Mountains with snow;

Suddenly, a snowflake flew past my eyes. I thought to myself: Hey, little guy, you can't fly this time! But I was wrong, when a light wind blew through, it was blown out of the window, and tried its best to show its beautiful dance in the air. I didn't feel shocked: when this small snowflake is at the end of life, it can still dance so beautifully, and show its glory to the fullest, but I just failed a little, can I be discouraged? impossible! I came out from the intoxication of snow and returned to the classroom. Classroom is still boring, but every time I feel tired of learning, I will think of that snowflake. It is it that has opened my heart lock and made me feel excited again. I will keep it in my heart forever.

I love snow and her angelic holiness without any distractions;

I love snow, and I love her lightness like fluff, which can fly carefree;

I love snow. I love her shyness like a girl. She can turn into water in the palm of my hand.

I love snow. The most important thing in my heart is not only snow, but also the driving force that pushes me forward.

Falling snow is not lifeless. It turns into a dancer to help move forward.


Color of Junior Three (4)

People's feelings have many colors: love is red?? Enthusiasm; Friendship is white?? Purity; And kinship?? Green, yes, should be used to describe the most comfortable kinship: it is natural, it is full of vitality, it is an eternal emotion.

My father is a strict person and seldom talks, so I don't have much communication with my father. I always tell my mother what I have in mind. But when I grew up, I realized my father's love for me. Once, when I was doing my homework, I heard the sound of "dangling". My father was smashing something on the balcony. I closed the door and continued to write. I was a little bored, but I still held back. At noon, my father sent me to school. We didn't say a few words on the way. When I got off the bus, I picked up my schoolbag and was about to walk to the campus. My father said, "Wait a minute." Then he took out a big bag of things for me from somewhere. "This is walnut kernel. Eat more to nourish the brain." I hold this bag of walnut kernels, sour and sweet in my heart.

My father's love for me is just like the grass sprouting in spring, showing delicate tenderness in subtle places, light, but thick.

Not long ago, we had a mid-term exam. After the first two courses, I lost confidence in myself. So, she told her mother, "Mom, I got confused in the exam." Then he bowed his head, wondering what his mother would say. "Don't think about it, take the time to review the next subject!" I was a little unhappy. Why is it so simple? Why don't you comfort me? I don't know whether to reply to her. "Daughter, my mother doesn't ask you to be the first in the exam, as long as you try your best, I believe my daughter! Your happiness is more important than anything." I said nothing. I just feel that there is a force full of the body, surging outward from the bottom of my heart. I had confidence again. The exam results came out, which gave me a surprise. I told my mother the news. "Yes, yes. In order to celebrate, I gave my daughter two peaches." (My favorite fruit) Suddenly, my mother and I laughed.

Mother's love is like a deep ocean, so broad and deep. It can contain everything, give me unlimited power, and carry my boat to the other side of success.

After winning the prize in each competition, the smile on Grandpa's face can no longer be hidden. When I got the certificate of award, Grandpa's hunched figure always appeared in my mind. Grandpa, you won't wait in vain. I will certainly achieve your wish

Family love gives me warmth, confidence and endless love. Kinship, let me be willing to pay everything for it, never give up!

Color of Junior Three (5)

Please don't look at me with colored eyes, because everyone has self-esteem and dignity, doesn't he? Of course, this kind of colored look is a kind of bad look.

We should respect each other even if our status is low; Everyone is born equal and endowed with human rights. We all have freedom and democracy.

I don't like others to despise me, and I don't like to despise others. We usually see that many people like to talk business and make friends with people who are better than themselves, because they don't like to associate with people who are weaker than them. People who are weaker than them will look at them differently, or despise or disdain them.

Just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, her head is full of curiosity, and her eyes are full of ignorance. Many people will despise her and treat her with colored eyes. I think when people from the countryside came to the city, they did not know much about many things in the city, and their social life and communication were completely different from those in the countryside. Everyone seems to be a complete country bumpkin who doesn't understand anything.

I think this is human nature. But I think, who is excellent in every aspect, and who is superior at birth? No, Maybe you are superior now. You go to laugh at others and despise others. But think about it, did you not get despised by others when you were "just entering the city"? The colorful eyes of others are really unbearable. You know that feeling, but why treat others like that? Especially those who are not as good as you and still working at the bottom of the society.

If you always look down on people who are weaker than you, then one day, those who have been swept by your colorful eyes will become successful in their careers, become prosperous and even be several times stronger than yourself. So, will you regret your attitude at that time? For a person who is better than yourself, you should praise him, please him, and try your best to have a relationship with him. Similarly, this kind of utilitarian and colorful vision is sometimes bad. It's great that we learn from him and appreciate him.

Teacher, our parents taught us how to behave. It's very important to behave. No matter how we behave or how we deal with the world, we should respect others. We should not always treat people and things with colored glasses. We should not insult others at will.

In a word, we can teach people who are weaker than us what we know. Because we don't like others to look at us with colored eyes. What about others? as one can imagine. Please remember: Don't treat others with colored glasses, because we don't like others to communicate with us with colored glasses.

I don't like others to look at me with colored eyes, and I don't like to treat others with colored eyes.

Color of Junior Three (6)

Due to the limited perspective, people can't see many unknown things in the shadow; Because of limited hearing, people can't hear the right and wrong mumbling in the mouth of people who turn around.

Some people say that people's eyes have 576 million pixels, but they can never understand people's hearts. I once saw a group of comics on Weibo, in which there were various pictures of good people before and evil people after. After reading them, I couldn't help feeling sad. It turned out that there was always something "unexpected" in places where we could not smell.

One day, sitting on the bus in the warm sunshine with the breeze blowing, watching the successive green patches, it was just a happy moment. I heard a pair of men and women behind me talking about the many wrongs of each other's previous objects. Their tone was full of contempt, and their words were bloody. In a word, "Looking back at the end of the day, how could that person be 'unbearable'?".

The "occasional smell" on the bus did not make me shocked, but made me think. Some parted from love and left hatred. How important it used to be, and how unbearable it is now. It is really a response to the sentence "One thought of heaven, one thought of hell". In fact, on the way of life, we will meet many people, who are close, distant, good, bad, all kinds of people. It is their comings and goings that make up our colorful life.

In fact, when we "criticize" people who have been close to us, we also criticize ourselves. In the world, there are cooperation and division, convergence and divergence. The relativity of philosophy permeates our whole life. Some people walk into our world to give us warmth, while others walk into our world to give us growth. People's thinking function has comparative adaptability. People will be grateful in warmth, so they can stick to helping each other. People will understand in pain, so they can learn to cherish more. Being is reasonable. It belongs to wrong in philosophy, but belongs to right in life.

It is impossible to get everyone's love as well as like everyone. It seems to be a social norm that no one criticizes others and no one criticizes "no". We are hearing more and more about others' mistakes, but even if we are not flawless, we are also harmless. People have their own deep-rooted bad habits and dark side, which seems to be exposed here. In fact, from a utilitarian point of view, we are used to asking people and things around us to do what we want for ourselves. People may be born with selfishness, but the generosity and kindness to fight selfishness have always been rooted in our hearts.

There is no denying that some people in the past are indeed "wrong", but just as the moon turns and wanes with the weather, people will grow with experience. We should believe that others will know how to get lost and turn to the bright from one day, just like ourselves. Some changes are really caused by some people and some things.

The color of the world depends on our eyes, and the temperature of life depends on our hearts. Less criticism and selfishness, more tolerance and gratitude, maybe you will find a different self.

Color of Junior Three (7)

If there is color in frustration, it must be gray, the gray of terror.

After the midterm exam, I walked home alone, dragging a heavy step. My mind was always haunted by the bright red handwriting on the report card. After such a poor exam, the bright red D kept floating in front of me, and I could not catch it no matter how I drove it.

I am walking alone on the road. I don't want to go home. I dare not see my mother's eyes full of expectation for me, and I dare not imagine her seeing my report card, but full of disappointment. I can only walk aimlessly on the road.

The sky finally couldn't help crying. The rain fell on my face and hands, wetting my clothes. I walk forward like a walking corpse. What should I do.

I closed my eyes and allowed the cold rain to hit me. The rain ran down my hair and stroked my face, which calmed my mood. I couldn't help thinking of my previous achievements, the happy smile when I was praised by the teacher, the relieved look of my mother when I returned home, and how happy the family was to celebrate together. But now, if I returned home, Mother will... I dare not think about it any more. My sky is gray and dim. The world is only gray.

I walked on the street, and suddenly a song from the street floated into my ears, "Grasp every minute of life, how can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain..." I whispered: "How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain" Yes! Isn't it just a failure in the exam? Failure is not terrible, but the terrible thing is to lose the courage to live. My mood suddenly brightened when I thought of it. I said to myself, I will try my best and I believe I can do it

In the following days, I seemed to be a different person. I listened attentively in class, worked hard in my spare time, recited in my study, and asked for advice. After my own efforts, my efforts were not in vain after the final exam, and I achieved gratifying results again.

If setbacks have color, it must be gray, but I changed its color. I think setbacks can also be upward red, because it is setbacks that make me work hard, urge me to work hard, and I have achieved my own ideal achievements. I should thank setbacks, because they let me know that life is hard, I changed the color of setbacks, and setbacks can also be red, It depends on how you face it.

Color of Junior Three (8)

Rose, though you don't have the unique gentleness of lily, you don't have the desire of lotus; Although you don't have the dancing posture of peony, you have the integrity of bamboo and the popularity of China. You symbolize love. That's why I appreciate you.

When you are a tiny seed.

People buried you in the soil, and the flowers around you laughed at you with their harsh voice. They laughed at you for being a coward and for not caring about you. All of this was witnessed by me. I swear to take care of you. But you pretend not to care about those sneers, and continue to work hard to grow up. For this reason, I was shocked by your perseverance. I believe you can defeat any mountain in the world with your indomitable perseverance. I was shocked by your strength. I believe you, tenacious and strong will make your indomitable heart burn. There are not only super flowers! For this reason, I can see your persistence. I appreciate you and look forward to your gorgeous and enchanting red.

When you were a flower.

You who haven't blossomed are again laughed at by those arrogant flowers. But you are not angry, nor lost, but more efforts to absorb water. Waiting for the moment of flowering. At that time, I had to sweat for you. I know that you work so hard just to blossom and prove your true self. I believe that your hard work, your hard work, your perseverance, your perseverance, and your temperament will make you have the most beautiful time, the most beautiful moment, and the most beautiful you. Lily, lotus and peony will bow their heads. I appreciate you for that. Also look forward to your gorgeous enchanting red.

When you bloom like a fairy.

On? Yes. You finally bloomed. How excited I am! I am intoxicated by your beauty. Your beauty is like a fish in a pond, more like a beauty in a flower. It is really "spring is full of flowers, and a red apricot comes out of the wall." The tall and straight branches support your beauty, and the green leaves set off your beauty. You proved yourself with the beautiful and enchanting red petals. Are you enjoying the beautiful and mysterious world by gently swinging your body? I still appreciate the results of my efforts. Your red, gorgeous red, colorful colors make those flowers who used to laugh down their heads. You have also been praised by people. For this reason, I appreciate you and your quality.

Life is not like a rose. Only through your own efforts and persistent heart can you get the color you want, the color you want.

Color of Junior Three (9)

Youth, what a beautiful word! Children yearn for it, and old people savor it. And how can we waste it when we are in the flower season?

In the quiet night, a meteor pierced the sky, so bright and beautiful, but compared with the vast universe, it seemed so insignificant. It is precisely because of the shortness of youth that we should redouble our cherish and create endless miracles in this limited youth years.

Youth, my fighting spirit is high!

On the playground, we are vigorous, and our classmates are chasing each other. "I will not lose!", a powerful sentence, let yourself do your best to achieve the most satisfactory results. In the examination room, the students gave full play and wrote down the most satisfactory answers with their pens. Finally, he turned and left with the sentence "I am the best!".

Youth, I am beautiful!

We are young and energetic. We pursue beauty. We like distinctive clothes, and most like to mess up our hair styles. We yearn for hair dyeing and deburring to make our hair cool, which will show everyone's personality. Each "I" is unique, unique and colorful - our youth is so beautiful!

Youth, I am happy!

Happiness is priceless, but it can't be bought with money. It only needs a person's mentality. We are young and happy! In class, teachers' careless slip of the tongue will make us laugh. The teachers' funny and humorous language makes us excited and fascinated; After class, our classmates' jokes will make us sit up and enjoy endless aftertaste!

Youth, I will be lost.

Yawning in class and complaining after class: "Why are there so many assignments?" "Why are the exam questions so difficult?" "Parents are not allowed to watch wonderful TV dramas"... Ten minutes between classes were "occupied" by teachers, and parents' orders and "monitoring" made us at a loss, so we had to fight hard and continue. But we really want to lie down, have a good sleep, and think about the warmth and comfort of the quilt!

Colorful youth, colorful youth!

We, young people, will strive to pursue our dreams and fight for our own world with wisdom and sweat. Tomorrow, we will hold our heads higher and higher!

Color of Junior Three (10)

The colorful colors of "red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple" bring us visual enjoyment and endless enlightenment.

Red, the color of fire, seems to be born with a kind of fire and passion. It is the hope at the end of despair and gives people the spirit of striving.

The fire brings not only visual impact, but also spiritual shock. When we see it, our whole body seems to have inexhaustible strength, every nerve is highly excited, and our blood is also surging. From it, we learned to be vigorous and enterprising. It infects us with its enthusiasm, as well as other colors, making other colors become happy, festive and warm when they meet it. Flame endows red with unique characteristics: warm, festive, cheerful, warm, and the exuberant vitality that infects others.

Yellow, as another of the three primary colors, has a completely different character from red. If red has a desire to swallow everything, it will be more insipid, less passionate and more peaceful. It is gentle, light, bright and simple, but it is also a dazzling color. Because it is peaceful and bright, it always gives people the impression of health and comfort. Yellow is more like a home, a warm home, plain with a kind of love, like a clear spring flowing into the heart, plain but continuous, bright and dazzling. It seems that yellow should belong to children. Its lightness and simplicity are just like a young child. There is no deposit of time, only a simple and lovely, which makes people can't help caring for it, for fear that it will become impure with a little other color.

Blue is a synonym of melancholy, deep and distant. Although it also has the lightness and cheerfulness of ice blue and sky blue, it is always cold, cold and inhuman. Its quiet, profound and stable characteristics make people easily associate with the sea. The sea is calm, but no one can guess how many turbulent waves there are at the bottom of the sea. It is hidden and hard to see at a glance - what kind of mystery does blue contain.

The three primary colors constitute countless colors we see, and each color seems to have spirituality and its own personality. However, none of the colors is perfect enough, and we need to absorb the essence of other colors. Through the constant repetition of this process, we have our seven color world.

What have we learned from color?

Color of Junior Three (11)

On the grass, a mother and her son are playing. The mother lay on the grass, her eyes gently sprinkled on her son, and her mouth seemed to be saying something: is it a beautiful fairy tale, or is the mother telling her childhood? Suddenly, the son pointed up to the sun and said to his mother, "The sun is golden." The mother stroked the child's arm and smiled.

The sun is golden, so is the sun.

Valentine's Day, in people's memory, it seems that only dark chocolate is sweet. However, the rose, which symbolizes love, lies quietly in the flower shop and is gradually forgotten. The florist threw away the roses in disappointment. Just then, a young man in his twenties came in and bought 99 roses. Surprised, the boss asked inexplicably, "Why not give chocolate?" "Because love is red." The young man said shyly.

Love is red, so roses are red.

On my daughter's calendar, I drew a circle one day. Is that the second Sunday in May? Mother's Day. Every day, my daughter will look at my mother carefully to see if she has more white hair and wrinkles. On that day, her daughter walked into the flower shop, carefully selected 10 pink carnations, and decided to send her mother a bunch of carnations every year. Since then, my daughter has had a circle on her calendar.

Mother love is pink, so carnations are pink.

Late at night, there was only a little light in the darkness. He was a famous writer. He was bending down a box and writing a sick book. Suddenly, he stopped writing, looked up at the darkness, and smiled at his mouth. He thought of his childhood, of his former friends, teachers, classmates, and of his cats and dogs. So, with this warmth, the author wrote again. Maybe this article he wrote will be a very successful masterpiece.

Ink is blue, so memories are blue.

Wearing earphones, walking on the street from one store to another, wandering aimlessly, as if looking for a story that will never be found. There is a group of people across the street. It seems that something has happened. I'll leave quickly. It turned out to be a lost girl crying, about three or four years old. I squeezed into the crowd, took her hand, went to the police station, handed her over to the police, and said a few words to the little girl. I don't remember anything, but the little girl gave him something when she left: a tear. To this day, he can still smell the tears in his hands and see a pure childlike innocence, although he can't see the color of the tears.

Tears are transparent, so life is also transparent.

Life, no color.

Color of Junior Three (12)

Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple and rainbow like beautiful colors make up my colorful day.

In the morning, the golden sun shines softly on the quilt. I opened my hazy sleep and looked curiously at this strange and beautiful world. I am very excited and unhappy. Suddenly, my heart was dyed yellow with expectation by this ray of sunshine.

Walking on the way to school, I hummed a song, greedily breathed the fresh air of photosynthesis product dd, and stroked the flowers and plants standing on the roadside from time to time. Even I couldn't help joining in, feeling a chill. Of course, my mood has also become green, this vibrant green.

When I arrived at the school, I walked into the classroom with a brisk pace. The room was in chaos. I saw our monitor slowly walk up to the platform and "announce" to everyone in a mysterious tone: "A reliable person revealed that today's math exam is compulsory!" As soon as the words were finished, the students began to talk to each other. With this news, my heart slowly turned into a dreamy and unpredictable purple.

In math class, the teacher took a pile of test papers and strode onto the platform. "Students, today's exam!", the classroom immediately became very quiet. Soon, the test paper fell into our hands, looking at the test questions. My heart is relaxed. This difficulty is simply "Zhang Fei eats bean sprouts" for me. It's a piece of cake ". My mood turned into an orange full of confidence.

"Ding..." The bell jumped out happily and I rushed out of the classroom. As soon as I breathed fresh air, I was surrounded by my classmates. "Is the answer to this question equal to - 36?" I was puzzled. I got 36! Finally, after careful consideration, it proved that the answer of others was correct, and the mood suddenly turned blue from heaven to hell, cold as water.

In the afternoon, I knew that this morning's carelessness had to pay the price. After the second class, the math teacher asked me to come to the office. With a feeling of anxiety, I walked in and slowly approached the teacher's desk. A bright red 80 points suddenly came into sight, followed by a burst of teacher's teachings and sighs. Looking at the lowest score in history, looking at the teacher's angry eyes, my mood turned to iron dd cyan again.

After school, I walked listlessly on my way home. Take the lowest one in history. I really don't know how to tell my parents. Thinking of my parents' expectations, I cried. When I returned home, I didn't see the expected results. The mixed doubles became mixed doubles. After listening to my parents' encouragement, my past troubles were thrown into the clouds, and my confidence suddenly increased. The mood has also become dd red, a color full of longing and hope for the future.

All kinds of beautiful colors represent my different moods, such as happiness, sadness, laughter and tears, which make my life more colorful.

Color of Junior Three (13)

The wind is a naughty child.

The wind is the little girl who brings spring.

Wind is a baby who asks grandpa for sugar.

"Mother, mother! The wind has color! The wind really has color..." A child quarreled with his mother. "Silly child, the wind has no color..." I said, taking the child away. I wandered in the crowd and heard the poetic language. The wind has color.

After a spring rain, the grass has a sharp head, proving its existence to the world. Grass asked Uncle Tian: "Uncle Tian, did you paint this bright green on me?" "No." Grass asked Sister Butterfly again, "Sister Butterfly, did you paint my green in watercolor?" "Oh? When people are not jealous, they will know the answer." Whew, whew, whew, whew. The wind is coming, hehe, yes, it is the wind that makes the earth green.

The sun scorched the earth, and the sunflower straightened up, adding a small but extremely beautiful color to the world. Sunflower asked Father Sun, "Father Sun, have you reflected the bright orange on my face?". Oh, yes, it is the wind that paints sunflowers with beautiful orange.

Autumn has come, and the small maple leaves are crowded in the arms of Big Tree's mother. A curious little maple leaf shook the dust on her body and asked Big Tree's mother: "Big Tree's mother, have you painted my whole body red?" Big Tree's mother kindly replied: "Of course not me." Small maple leaf asked Aunt Liu Shui again: "Aunt, aunt, me." Hoo, hoo, hoo... Oh, smart you must have guessed. Yes, it is the wind that makes the maple leaves red.

Autumn has gone quietly, and Grandpa Winter has come quietly. Snowflakes fall one after another, dyeing the earth white. A snowflake asked the mother earth: "Mom, who painted such a beautiful white on me?" Before the mother earth answered, the wind answered the little snowflake's question with its song "hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo".

The wind has color? Yes, that color is very beautiful. It's in your heart and mine.

Wind is the smart boy.

The wind is a young man who blows away heat.

The wind is an old woman who tells stories to the world.

Color of Junior Three (14)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Any object has its own color, the same is true of the third day. Some people think that the third day is dark, some people think that the third day is golden, while in my opinion, the third day is colorful, ever-changing, and can not be described with words. "No pain, no tiredness, no taste, no spelling, no erudition, no living" is a famous saying that many teachers once said, which really reflects the current life in junior three, which is hard, tense, and full of pressure. Indeed, after entering the third day of junior high school, we were tired and faced with the teacher's nagging and examinations all day long. What came to our mind was the expectant eyes of our parents, which made us feel sad and had to bury ourselves in the study. I can't help sighing: the third day is gray. Although the life in the third day of junior high is boring and hard, there are still countless people struggling, working hard and striving for their own goals. In the eyes of these people, the third day is blue. These people are full of youthful vigor and vitality, and they are unwilling to waste a moment of learning time. They work hard day after day to cultivate this field of life. When encountering setbacks and difficulties, they never give up their ideals, and persevere to overcome difficulties and get rid of difficulties. However, the third day of junior high school is also a "harvest season", and we are preparing for the 'high school entrance exam' next year. On the occasion of leaving this campus, three years of sweat and effort will be fully demonstrated in this final exam. For the last fight, we want to draw a complete end to our three-year junior high school career. In front of us, there is a complete third day, which is golden. After happiness and sadness, bitterness and joy, we have no regrets. Break the axe and sink the boat, fight against the rising and setting of the sun, fight against the water, and do it without regret! Whatever the result, we have tried our best. The sound of reading, accompanied by the fragrance of books, penetrated my ears and nose. The world of black and grey is faintly golden. On the hard road of struggle, there will be tests, but the end of the road is shining with the desirable gold. Success is the best reward. We walk in the golden wheat fields, harvesting hope and success

Grade 6: Happy Talents

Color of Junior Three (15)

Color of Grade Three

The sky in the third day of junior high school is very narrow, only as big as the test paper. But I am trying to fly in the narrow sky.

The air in the third day of junior high school is very depressing, only gray like a book, while I try to breathe a free and colorful atmosphere. The third day of the earth, very small, only their own. Everything must be fought for by myself. I use my own hands and feet to open up my own world. Light green -- happy

I have a preference for green. It's light green like a wisteria bud, which makes people feel refreshed. I just entered the third day of junior high school and spent every day happily with that feeling. At that time, my face was always full of happy smiles. I continue to live the life of music in my left hand and books in my right hand. I like to find the elements that make me happy in the music, and I like to look at Lao Yu's "Boundless Travelers" and savor those classic sentences carefully. The days at that time were just like the green composition of wisteria buds, which you could also submit. It was so happy and fresh.

Pale purple -- melancholy

Suddenly one day, strings of wisteria bloomed in my life, and I began to pay attention to the unique purple, the color with sentimentality. In the middle school entrance exam, the vague figure suddenly became clear in the teacher's words; The originally colorful days gradually become black and white. In the third day of junior high, except busy, the rest is busy, busy improving my study. Even if it is my goal and pursuit to improve the score of the high school entrance examination by only one point, facing the enrollment examination of provincial key middle schools, the burden is more and more heavy. Pressure is power, which is what the teacher told me, and I just want to say: "Too much pressure makes people tired."

Dark Blue - Calm

Now, the blooming wisteria has fallen into the stream and converged into the sea with the stream. The 'beauty' floating on the dark blue sea is the countless wisteria! They become the embellishment of the sea, because the sea is always calm and deep; They have also become the embellishment of my life, because my life is long. Two thirds of my junior high school days have passed. Classes and homework almost occupy all my time except sleep. However, I found that such a day also has happiness to look for, just like the piano concerto, the third day is just a movement like a storm, but this movement is often more exciting. When I found that the third day of junior high is also a beautiful scenery, I actually fell in love with such a day. I don't care if I'm tired anymore. I know it's better if I'm not tired.

Color of Junior Three (16)

If someone asks me: What is the color of happiness? " I will answer that it is white.

The weather was overcast that day. As I walked on my way home, I couldn't help feeling a little upset. As soon as I got home, my impatience had turned into endless worry and panic, because today's exam results made me afraid to face my mother. I walked to the door with heavy steps, doing the same action as usual, opening and closing the door, changing shoes. These behaviors that I think are very natural were discovered by my mother's eyes. My mother said, "Did you do well in the exam? How could you be so depressed?" Hearing the word "exam", my whole person collapsed.

I rushed to the room with my schoolbag and flung the door. He lay in bed and covered himself in bed and cried. Suddenly, my door was opened gently. I peeped out a crack from the quilt and saw that my mother was holding a cup of hot milk gently on my bedside, and gently left. After she left, I immediately sat up from the bed and took the cup of hot milk. What came into my eyes was the words on the white note, "Come on, believe in yourself, don't give up." This sentence made me become confident again, and my heart suddenly released. I took a sip of milk, and my body and mind suddenly felt incomparable warmth and happiness.

I couldn't help sighing: "This is the color of happiness."