Senior Three Composition
Hold the lamp and watch the sword when drunk
2022-10-27 02:20:06
third year in high school

I write about fleeting time and travel through time, folding those past events into paper cranes and gliding in the time and space of memory. The ups and downs are insurmountable scenery of life experience. Compose a joyful song to flow on the staff of life.



When I was young, I wandered around the crossroads of life, watching people coming and going, hoping that my dream would be to have a place to live among the displaced people. Those strange faces, disdainfully showing their indifferent eyes, felt a little sad. Green time, heart, is fragile; Love is pale. Like the withered autumn leaves on the branches, they tremble when there is no wind. Desire for a pair of warm hands to hold up the thin body. At night, the half hanging waning moon is dim. As my heart is lonely and incomplete. In the boundless dark night, there is a faint white light. Alone pillow empty dream, in the sleepless night coagulation injury. But he fell asleep helplessly in his drowsy thoughts.

Hurt, or pain, or not. You have to walk forward step by step. So, in the daytime, I ran in the streets and alleys. Looking for your own direction. It is a common thing to run into a wall. Those indifferent eyes pierce the weak heart like thorns. The chilly wind, blowing my thin skirt, feels thin and cool. Perhaps it is that the thought is too high and too far away, which is incompatible with the plain scenery in reality. At night, I looked at the pale moonlight. When it rose slowly from the east, it seemed difficult. I broke away from the village and the shadow of the trees, and then slowly climbed up to the top of the trees. I seemed to realize some truth and began to wonder whether I should lower my unattainable fantasy and find my own direction in the muddy corner. In this way, the heart, no longer think so far, curled up, in the unknown corner, with great concentration trudging. Slowly, with improvement, the heart warmed a lot.


After a long time of pain, my heart was peaceful. The bleak winter is spent in the hustle and bustle of silence. Although it is difficult, it is full, and I feel a trace of warmth. Just like the bare branches showing tender green, knowing that it is the season of spring. After trudging in the mud for so long, this late spring gradually moved its warm footsteps. In the process of life, my shoulders have become stronger, and I have learned what it means to endure humiliation and what it means to constantly strive for self-improvement. The heart lamp also slowly brightens up, and the boat of life has a way forward. The warmth of the world, such as the peach blossom in March slowly spit out a faint fragrance. For a long time, I have developed a pragmatic, sincere and courageous habit, which has made my life more colorful. When the flowers bloom on the street, they harvest a sweet fruit. The cold eyes have changed into some faint smiles.

The warmth of life is nothing better than having a warm harbor, and the drifting boat must have a resting place after all. In the world of emotion, romance, grace and beautiful eyes are not important contents. All we need is a kind of warmth, consideration and gentleness. Some people admire the charming and moving appearance and ignore the plain truth. If we can stay together with time without fading, there is only the same plain heart. The invasion of time turns the beautiful scenery into wrinkles and scars, but Chunchun's warmth can't be taken away. This is the warmth that will not be lost with a lifetime. I feel the warmth around me in the dark.


Buddha said that suffering is the root of desire, but I don't think so. Suffering is a kind of responsibility, a kind of responsibility, and the dedication to ideals and true love in the heart. Why should we stay away from the warm harbor and fight against the surging waves; Why do you want to stay away from your hometown and travel far away from home. For the hope in my heart. As the ancients said, "How can we enjoy each other day and night?". The farewell Sheng Xiao is haunted by the pain of missing, and the bright moon is pinned with infinite lovesickness, all of which are due to the warmth and responsibility. The trek is hard, leaving is sad, when the dead of night when thinking about that warm, this kind of pain, but it is worth it.

Stick to an ideal, happy, worried. To whom do you tell the ups and downs along the way? We can only turn the persistence in the bitter and happy years into the power of hope. Every story is like the notes on the staff. Listen carefully and taste carefully. All the hardships in these processes have been bitterly paid for the pursuit of love in my heart. A hard work, a harvest, there is hope in the heart, sunny evening is also soft. The sunset is a beautiful scenery.


The journey of life needs a kind of romantic feelings. The eventful years are full of sour, sweet and bitter. Only by adding some spicy flavor can it become more exciting. Spicy, like the spray of the running river, has the passion of wave suppressing the flying boat. Plain life needs colorful melodies. It should not be too sour, too sweet or too bitter, and mixed with some spicy ingredients, so that it can taste like a Manchu Han banquet. If a pool of still water freezes, the dust accumulated over the years will stain the clarity of the water. Put a pool of flowing new water. The water is beautiful and the fish are fat.

Life is colorful, as brilliant as the sun. It has both the style of going east and the elegance of willows and Xiaofeng. Life needs good wine. When you are happy, wine can celebrate your success; When you are sad, you can relieve your worries. The separation and reunion are indifferent, the pain and happiness are calm. In life, more flexibility will make it full of vitality. The sky is not only blue, there are ups and downs, there are drizzle; There is a red sun in the sky, a bright moon and few stars. Everything in the world is changing, showing strange colors.


It is an indispensable taste in life to compose a joyful song and look at the ink painting time. When we look back on the past, we sigh about the ups and downs in the years, and at the same time, we have honed our perseverance. Those ups and downs on the road of life let us understand life and cherish every day of life. As a writer of Liunian, the graceful past is a precious treasure, which is gathered into a beautiful song and sent to the sun tomorrow.