400 words diary of mid-term exam (15 selected articles)
Red cherry
2023-04-06 05:08:17

400 words diary for midterm exam (1)

As time flies, the mid-term exam will be over soon. That night, I accompanied my mother to the supermarket. Just entering Fat Fat Luck Supermarket, I saw my classmate Ma Yuewen. As soon as we saw it, we talked. My mother saw it and said, "Play, I'll go shopping." Ma Yuewen said his mother was buying clothes.

We chatted and saw someone promoting: "Don't miss this. Tomato noodles are free to eat, and you can buy them if you like!" Ma Yuewen said, "Let's go and have a taste!" I said, "That's the promotion of tomato sauce. Go ahead, I won't eat it!" Ma Yuewen asked for a paper cup, tasted it, gave me a thumbs up, and added, "It's delicious!" I was greedy and asked for a paper cup. As soon as I ate it, I said, "It's so delicious that I ate it greedily." What a big paper cup? The paper cup is not as big as a fist, only half a fist! It's such a big paper cup. But this is not enough for us to eat. I will compare it with the race: see who eats more. But it ended in a draw. Each of us had three cups. Ma Yuewen said, "Together, we have killed 6 people."

After a while, my mother came back. I asked my mother to buy me five bags of tomato paste, and they said, "Buy five bags and give me a packet of honey." Then they gave us another packet of honey.

I was so happy that day. I hope you can also eat such delicious tomato paste!

400 words diary for midterm exam (2)

Yesterday was a midterm exam. I was looking forward to my results this morning!

When I got to school, I heard some classmates say that my Chinese score was 90 and my math score was 95. 5 points, 98 points for English. After listening to these words, I felt speechless, because my father stipulated that I must get 95 points or more in all three subjects, even if I got one, I would not be allowed to watch TV and surf the Internet for two months. I can't help feeling down! But in the eyes of my classmates, I got more than 90 points in all three subjects, which is very good, and I also got the eighth place in the whole grade!

When I came home that day, I told my father about my grades. I thought my father would scold me, but the result was not like this. My father was overjoyed. He said to me, "I knew you could not reach such a high score, so I had to secretly change 95 points to more than 90 points in my heart!"! I became lively immediately after listening to this, and kissed my father on the face. I said, "My dearest father is the best. What's my reward?"? I'm going to split! Who told you to cheat me! Well, here you are. Is there power only when there is pressure? You blame your father for me. How clever! Dad said with a smile.

Next time, I won't be fooled by my father. Now I go online! However, think of Dad doing this for my good! After the exam, there are times of dejection and times of happiness!

400 words diary for midterm exam (3)

I thought the exam was just a test of ordinary learning, but both teachers and parents attach great importance to it. I failed this exam again. I don't know how to face teachers and parents. My father told me that it doesn't matter if I fail in the exam. The most important thing is to summarize and prepare for the next exam.

I took the examination paper from beginning to end and summarized some important points. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. Learning should not be empty. Only by carefully listening to the teacher explain new knowledge and new points in class, taking notes carefully, and doing more exercises after class can we understand and digest the new knowledge and new points that the teacher says, and correctly apply them to the problem solving process. Confucius said: Learning without thinking is labor lost; thinking without learning is perilous. I will take this exam as a starting point or as a lesson. I am ready to re plan my study, come up with practical learning methods, find out the gap with others, and treat key subjects specially. I can ask teachers, classmates for help, and my father. Finally, I can go online for help. With so many methods and help, why not worry about my academic performance?

I would like to mention a short-term goal here: the Chinese exam should be above 90 points each time, and the English and math exam can only be passed at 105 points. I think as long as I have confidence and the help of my classmates and teachers, I should be able to achieve my short-term goal! You can definitely make it.

Teachers and students, you can see my progress!

400 words diary for midterm exam (4)

I just finished the exam yesterday, and today I have to hand out the test paper. I am very nervous.

On the way to school in the morning, the sun smiled at me, and the blue sky and white clouds were also fluttering, as if they were nervous with me; Some sparrows also chirped, as if to say: "Jiang Wenxuan, I hope you can get a good result in the exam!" I smiled happily, full of confidence, and stepped up.

Before I got to the classroom, I heard the sound of reading aloud from our classroom. It was so clear. As soon as I put down my schoolbag, I heard another voice mixed with the sound of reading neatly. It turned out that Ding Wenkai and Shi Mengxuan were "whispering". "Shi Xueting just got over 80 points in the exam," Ding Wenkai whispered. "Wang Qian passed the 98:5 exam, ranking first in the class." Shi Mengxuan echoed in a low voice.

"Tink the bell". After class, the Chinese teacher came in with a stack of papers. After a while of summary, the papers began to be distributed. My heart was pounding, like a bird jumping up and down trying to fly out of the cage. When it finally came to me, the teacher shouted, "Jiang Wenxuan - ninety-two cents!"! Why did I take such an exam? I usually study well, but how did I take such an exam this time? I am ashamed of myself.

The class ended soon. I observed the students around me. They did well in the exam and smiled happily; Some students did fairly well in the exam, keeping their eyes on the paper, as if they were seriously correcting the wrong questions; Some students didn't do well in the exam and slapped themselves hard, as if they were angry... Look! Wang Qian won the first place in the Chinese exam, and she is beautiful! Li Guopeng didn't do well in the exam. The group leader was crouching, pointing at him with a pen, as if to say that he...... The students had different expressions

In this exam, some students are good and others are bad, which forms a big gap. In the future, I must make persistent efforts to be the first!

400 words diary for midterm exam (5)

Today, Mr. Xiang handed us the midterm papers that had been corrected. I first looked at the score subconsciously - "95.5". Fortunately, my performance was better than I expected. But where is the 4.5 points deducted?

I found the points deducted: one was to read Pinyin and write words, one was to fill in the blanks with proverbs, one was to read comprehension questions, and two points were deducted from the composition; This should not be wrong! I was silent and quietly reflected:

In the part of spelling words, I was wrong with the word "obstacle". Write the right part of it as the right part of "drink". The two characters are very similar in shape. Before the exam, the teacher had dictated the words of these units to us. The teacher often said: "Chinese words are as important as the foundation of a house. If you can't learn them well, you can never learn anything else!" I made such a low-level mistake, which is really unreasonable.

In the empty part of the proverb, "The chickens stay late, the ducks crow, and the wind and rain will come soon."; "The ants move in the snake aisle, and it will rain heavily tomorrow." I usually remember familiar sentences, but I was confused when I took the exam! I feel ashamed. This is another low-level mistake. I don't think I'm Wang Yiyang anymore!

The score deduction of the composition is definitely not because of my poor level, but because there are many typos; In a composition, if one word is wrong, or two words are improperly used, it will be strange not to deduct points! I am too impetuous!

The wrong question in the reading comprehension question is the only one in my whole paper that is wrong because I don't understand it; It seems that we should spend more energy on reading in the future.

I'm not satisfied with the result of this exam. In the second half of the semester, I must overcome impetuosity and become my former self.

400 words diary for midterm exam (6)

The midterm exam finally ended, however, this time the exam was not very ideal. The Olympiad Maths is not my true level, so I should reflect on it.

This time, I scored 34 or 5 points in the Olympic math exam, 108 points in the math exam, and my English score has not yet come out. However, I believe that I can do well in the exam. Usually, the score of Olympiad Maths is not lower than 40. This time, I really failed in the exam. Even if I did well in math, I could not save it. I can't be discouraged because I can't speak English correctly. However, I have a small advantage in English. Even if I score 100 points, there are still many students who score 100 points in the class. I think this midterm exam is the worst one for me, The math teachers have no hope for me, because I lost those two points because of carelessness. I could have scored higher. However, I did very well in my math test, and I should be in the top five. I am very happy. When I get home, my parents will praise me.

I can't go on being impetuous. In the future, I will listen to the teacher carefully. I must remember what the teacher says. I can't think of anything else. The teacher says a question. I can't. I will go to ask the teacher. What the teacher doesn't let me do, I won't do it. In the dormitory, I will sleep well, study hard in the classroom, and can't be distracted. That's all, Only in this way can I get a good result in the final exam and get back the lost points. There is also Chinese in the final exam, so I will work hard in Chinese, math and English to get a good result in the final exam.

I must refuel!

400 words diary for midterm exam (7)

The mid-term exam of the sixth grade in our school ended last semester. On this day, the teacher announced the exam results. I'm not satisfied with my performance in this exam.

The first is Chinese. Because we don't pay attention to speed in our homework at ordinary times, we worry about not having enough time in the exam, so the words are a bit scrawled. We didn't read the composition carefully, and one sentence was scored because it was not smooth. The second is mathematics. One question didn't understand the meaning of the question during the exam, and it became clear after careful thinking. It was also because the speed of doing the question was not enough. At that time, I was a little flustered, and I had to think carefully in the future during the exam. Then there is English. I made a mistake in one listening question. The first letter of the English name that I understood at the time of Lian Ping was not capitalized. This is caused by my carelessness, irregularity and laxity in my homework.

When the midterm exam is over, I should carefully sum up the experience and lessons, and pay attention to the speed training of doing questions at ordinary times, so that I will not panic during the exam, and will strive for more time to think and check, and will never allow myself to make unnecessary mistakes again. We must overcome the bad habit of not being careful and careful in doing homework and not being strict with ourselves. We must write every word and do every question carefully according to the teacher's instructions. There is a final exam after the mid-term exam, so I still have a chance. I will work harder. No matter what I do in the future, I must be careful, form good habits, and strive for better results in learning! We must not let teachers, parents and students down, and not let ourselves down.

400 words diary for midterm exam (8)

Time passed quickly, half a semester passed in a flash. The learning results of this half semester are shown on the long examination paper one by one.

I was so nervous during the exam that I was afraid I would not do well. After the exam, I waited for the exam results with confidence and anxiety. After several weeks of hard work, my grades are not so bad at all, but I am also very dissatisfied because my Chinese and scientific achievements have not reached my ideal goals.

In my ideal, my Chinese and science scores should be above 97 points, but I got 95 points. All the questions on the exam paper were wrong, which should be reflected. In summary, I think I am too careless. My attitude towards learning in class is not correct enough and I don't work hard enough at ordinary times. Facing this exam, I will warn myself and encourage myself. In a word, only after failure can we have the confidence and motivation to get up, so that we can work hard, face failure again, stand up, and pay more in the next two months. Keep working hard! Be fully prepared for the upcoming final exam. Get away from your bad habits and work hard for your goals. There is a good saying: failure is the mother of success.

Not only that, but also I need to learn from others' strengths: Ye Yangyang's composition is well written, and Liping's handwriting is well written... Only by learning from others' strengths can I make up for my own weaknesses, which can be perfect.

After this midterm exam, I realized my own shortcomings, but I know that failure is not terrible. After we learn the lessons of failure, we can defeat failure and achieve success.

Conclusion: Einstein, a great scientist, summarized the secret of success as: W=X+Y+Z, that is, success equals hard work, correct methods, and less empty talk. Thank you for reading this article!

400 words diary for midterm exam (9)

Mentioning the words "midterm exam" does not prevent me from facing a formidable enemy. Since then, I have been worried and tense. As soon as it arrived, I, the confused king, thought that there was a lot of mathematics that I couldn't figure out how to use! Moreover, society, nature, Chinese and English are not yet familiar. These subjects are the number one enemy for me, but I still want to attack head-on.

On the day of the exam, the students were busy writing on the exam papers and struggling to answer. The classroom was full of rustling sounds. It seemed that a concert of pencils was on! Some students are confident enough to take the exam and finish it in three or two; Some students bowed their heads and couldn't write for a long time; Some students heave a sigh and answer at random; But I was so nervous that I looked at the topic with eyes wide open. If I met a topic that I could not write, I could only look at the ceiling all the time, or grasp my hair and try to figure out how to answer. Suddenly, I heard the teacher gently say, "I will write first." Then I came back and continued to write. After the exam, the teacher handed out the exam papers. Students who were serious in class at ordinary times were overjoyed; Those whose scores are not ideal will be worried; It's really a matter of happiness and sorrow. Although my grades are not ideal, my teacher always affirms my efforts, diluting my sense of regret.

After this exam, I realized that hard work is the sweet fruit. Reading is not to cope with the exam, but to test how much we have learned. Therefore, as long as you listen attentively and review the past to know the new, you don't have to fear the exam.

400 words diary for midterm exam (10)

In this midterm exam, I learned a lot. Let's talk about mathematics. In this exam, I learned that written knowledge is not enough. I need to do more exercises after class to expand my knowledge. Only in this way can math scores rise steadily. In addition to extracurricular tutoring, we should be careful, because it is possible that the formula of a question may be correct, but the final calculation may be wrong, which also happens frequently. Therefore, we must not be careless or careless, or we will regret it later.

Among all the subjects, my English is a poor one, among which listening and reading are also the weakest. Therefore, I think I can use the weekend time to do some listening and reading materials to improve my English performance. I think it is not enough to talk on paper. I should start from now on and implement my plan. It also requires perseverance, which is also the most important point. I think if I do this, my English scores must be improved.

If you want to improve your Chinese performance, you should read more extracurricular books and improve your writing skills. Because at the moment, writing in the Chinese exam accounts for a lot of points. If you want to improve your Chinese scores, you must first improve your writing level, so that you can catch the points. We should also accumulate more good words and sentences, and ancient poems, which are beneficial but harmless, and also have to help with the language examination.

Although I didn't do well in this exam, I believe that as long as I follow the learning methods I wrote above, my scores must be better. Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. My next goal is to reach 150 students in the whole grade. I must be able to succeed.

400 words diary for midterm exam (11)

Last Friday, we had a mid-term exam. Among them, I was the most nervous when I took the math exam, because I was afraid that I would make mistakes in my calculation and lose my score in vain. Therefore, I seriously calculated for fear that I would miscalculate.

After getting the math roll paper, I hurriedly wrote down the name, class and examination number. After that, he began to "browse" the test paper and thought: "Wow, it's OK.". I have reviewed all these questions before the exam. But as long as there are no mistakes in the calculation, I promise I will get 100 points. I calculated carefully, and thought of the teacher's words to us: examination is the process of fighting against sloppy. If you get full marks on the exam, you have defeated sloppy. If there are many "red crosses" on your exam paper, you have defeated sloppy. I think: I must answer the questions carefully, and don't let "sloppy" have a chance to make a point, otherwise, I will only be "failure".

After the exam, I felt that my calculation questions were all correct, so I didn't need to check again. Because I believed that my calculation level was very good, and there was no meaning in calculation, so I didn't need to check, so I didn't have to check. However, I was still not sure that I would get full marks in the exam, so I checked a few.

Oh, I hope I can get full marks!

400 word diary for midterm exam (12)

After an exciting exam, we were left with infinite tension and regret. Nervousness is because I don't know how many points I got in the exam. Regret is because some questions should not be wrong.

I'm looking forward to the score day. Early in the morning, the office door was crowded with small heads chirping, as if hundreds of multi billed sparrows had come. The teacher in the office could not stand the noise of the students, so he went to "bang" himself. In the morning meeting class, the teacher took the transcript in hand and began to report scores under dozens of pairs of expectant eyes. After class, students who did well in the exam played to their heart's content, while those who did not did well in the exam sighed and wept secretly.

When I returned home, my mood was like that of the rolling mountains. I'm sure my mother knows that my score must be one of joy and one of sorrow, because I got 97 points in Chinese and 92 points in math. Just when I was upset, my mother came back. As soon as she entered the door, she smiled and asked me, "How was the exam?" I was silent and handed the test paper to my mother. Soon, I found my mother's face looked like a god's face. One moment it was sunny, another cloudy, and another it seemed that a rainstorm was coming. At this time, my mother put down the test paper and asked me: "Why did you do so badly in this math exam? Even this simple word problem was wrong. It was too careless." I lowered my head and said nothing. Keep clutching at the corners of the clothes. When my mother saw that I was silent, she calmly said to me: "My son, this time you didn't do well in the exam, mainly because you were careless. Go and look at the topic again. Next time you can't be so careless." I was relieved and nodded to correct the wrong question.

Later, I thought about it carefully and felt that my mother was right. Once I lost many points because of carelessness, and I can't go back and forth in the next exam.

400 words diary for midterm exam (13)

Today, our school held a midterm exam in the second half of 20xx. The night before last, my mother kept reviewing for me, and even asked me when I got into bed. It was difficult for me to fall asleep because of the exam.

This morning, I went to school early and began to study early to meet the exam.

After breakfast, I started the exam immediately. In the morning, I took a Chinese and math exam. Before the exam, my heart was pounding and I was very nervous; During the exam, I looked at the questions I had done before from time to time. After finishing the questions in a hurry, I continued to do it again, that is, check. The roll up bell rang, and the invigilator began to collect the paper. I rubbed my eyes and relaxed. I was relieved that the morning exam was over.

After the Chinese and math exams, I began to eat. I was exhausted and wanted to take a nap.

In the afternoon, the bell rang. We got up one after another and began to prepare for the English exam.

After the English exam begins, first listening, then writing. I made some small mistakes in English. I couldn't read some words, so I turned over the front. After the exam, the teacher began to collect the papers again.

The exam of a tense day was finally over. I yawned, stretched, lay on the table, and quietly thought: How many hundred points can I get? I don't think I'm serious at ordinary times, so I can't do some questions in the exam; From now on, I must listen carefully in class, check carefully when doing homework, and correct my learning attitude. Only in this way can I achieve good results.

400 words diary for midterm exam (14)

Feeling after Mid term

Last Friday, we had a mid-term exam. Among them, I was the most nervous when I took the math exam, because I was afraid that I would make mistakes in my calculation and lose my score in vain. Therefore, I seriously calculated for fear that I would miscalculate.

After getting the math roll paper, I hurriedly wrote down the name, class and examination number. After that, he began to "browse" the test paper and thought: "Wow, it's OK.". I have reviewed all these questions before the exam. But as long as there are no mistakes in the calculation, I promise I will get 100 points. I calculated carefully, and thought of the teacher's words to us: exam is the process of fighting against sloppy. If you get full marks on the exam, it means you have defeated sloppy. If there are many "red crosses" on your exam paper, it means sloppy has defeated you. I think: I must answer the questions carefully, and don't let "sloppy" have the chance to make a point, otherwise, I will only have the part of "failure".

After the exam, I felt that my calculation questions were all correct, so I didn't need to check again. Because I believed that my calculation level was very good, and there was no meaning in calculation, so I didn't need to check, so I didn't have to check. However, I was still not sure that I would get full marks in the exam, so I checked a few.

Oh, I hope I can get full marks!

400 word diary for midterm exam (15)

"You can't see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky, running to the sea and never coming back; you can't see the bright mirror in the high hall with sad white hair, and the morning is like green silk and the evening is like snow." With this opening line, the students' faces show sadness or joy, and time is slipping away quietly in our hands.

Exams are a test of our own learning at this stage. We don't need to be so sad or excited. You should know that big setbacks are waiting for you not far away. Your only choice is to seize all the time to study now and work hard for the future. I believe that a bright future is waiting for us.

I learned some lessons from this exam. The lack of solid knowledge and formula, carefulness and seriousness have also become the weaknesses of the exam. I did not lose heart and stood up bravely. I believe that success belongs to me and happiness belongs to me.

I should seize all the time to study, not all the time to study. It means that we should be careful and efficient in learning, so that every minute and every second of our learning will not be wasted. I believe that I will be a happy ship to conquer the world.

The above 400 word midterm exam analysis diary is a smooth and natural article