Composition of "Choosing to Create the Future" in Volume II of the National College Entrance Examination
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2022-11-02 00:55:31
college entrance examination

In life, there are always many choices. Some of these choices will put you in a dilemma. But this feeling can only make people realize the difficulty of choice when they have to make such a choice in front of time.

As time goes by, the important people in our life will always leave us. So I thought of the four most important people in my life. They are father, mother, friends and pets.

Of course, time always makes you choose one of the four people who will leave you. Which one will you choose? I briefly thought about it. My parents and friends are all important people, but pets are relatively unimportant. So I chose pets.

Time is passing quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, time makes us make such a choice. This time I have to think about it. Mom and Dad are the people who gave birth to me, raised me, and nurtured me, while friends are the people who help me when I encounter difficulties, so I chose to leave friends.

Now only my parents are left. I really don't want time to let me make such a terrible choice. I wish the game would end immediately.

Of course, time is cruel. He wants you to get rid of one of them.

Really, I really can't choose. I grew up drinking my mother's milk, and my mother took me so hard, I can't repay my mother for her kindness in my life. Dad is the backbone of the whole family, supporting a home. I can't lose any of them. I shouted, "Let this cruel game come to an end!"

In an instant, the game ended, because it was just a dream.

Yes, we should cherish everyone around us, because there is only one person!