700 words for hiking senior high school composition
let nature take its course
2022-11-01 00:31:30
third year in high school

In life, work and study, everyone often comes into contact with the composition bar. Through composition, we can gather our scattered thoughts together. I believe many friends are very upset about writing compositions. The following is the 700 words of hiking senior high school composition collected by Xiao Bian. Welcome to share.

Today is April 8, the day only 56 days away from the college entrance examination, and the day of hiking in senior high school.

When I walked out of the dormitory door, I knew that today was a sunny day. It must be a sunny day. The last collective activity in high school life will be accompanied by warm sunshine.

Hope, hope, it's time to start. One by one, the students walked out of the school wearing caps and big school bags. The sun is warm and the breeze is pleasant. The sweet taste of buds, the wheat field smell of flying insects, and the release of repression come from the face.

At the beginning of the hiking, the students were very excited, talking and laughing all the way. The sun shines directly on the ground through the leaves, forming a colorful halo. The birds on the branches were singing happily, as if saying, "Welcome! Welcome!" Wild flowers on the road were blooming everywhere, red, yellow, pink, white, purple red like fire, yellow like gold, white like silver, pink like silk, purple like satin, all kinds of colors. Everything is bathed in the spring breeze, swaying and swaying in the spring breeze. Also bathed in the spring breeze, we laughed all the way.

As the journey continues to grow, the students gradually lose their support, but they still persist. I looked at the students beside me, smiling and not tired. So I told myself secretly: can't give up! Persist! perseverance prevails!

Finally, we arrived at the destination - Beiyangji Nursing Home. After a short rest, we embarked on the return journey. On the way back, we were all so tired that our feet felt numb and our legs felt weak. But, "Your feet hurt? Let me help you carry your bags." "Thank you, it doesn't matter, we stick to it together." Such words echoed in our team all the time. The students cheered and encouraged each other. Hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, singing "Unity is strength", and marching forward bravely.

After a long journey, sit down quietly and savor. Besides pain, it is more meaningful. The hiking road is hard but exciting. There is happiness, surprise and blessing. I gained strength, learned unity and experienced life. I can also be called a life warrior after I insist on walking this part of the road. "People will not grow old until regrets take the place of dreams". A person's life is an experience. The journey of more than 60 li of hiking activities is inadvertently condensed into a miniature of life. There is a kind of life you have not experienced, you do not know the hardships; There is a kind of hardship that you don't know the happiness without experiencing it. Hiking, i feel pain and happiness.

Think about the upcoming college entrance examination, which is more difficult and painful than hiking. Thinking about the countless test papers in the days to come, thinking about the harsh sun in June soon, thinking about the unpredictable future,...... Will I be afraid after hiking?