Training of topic composition in college entrance examination
A rose that never withers
2022-11-02 05:07:15
topic of conversation

[Topic examination point explanation]

The fish come out in the drizzle, the swallow inclines in the breeze

The fish are jumping happily in the drizzle, and the swallow is leaning gently across the watery sky under the breeze... What a harmonious picture!

In society, harmony can also be seen everywhere: it is harmony for a family to sit at a dinner table and chat; it is harmony for a mother and daughter to play on a swing in the park; it is harmony for a neighbor to turn hostility into friendship; it is harmony for students to live in harmony; it is harmony for countries to live in peace; The natural action of Liu Xiang leaping onto the podium wearing the national flag is harmony. The neat and beautiful dance of the 21 actors in the "Thousand handed Avalokitesvara" is harmony. When the Prime Minister visits the families of the victims, it is harmony to shed tears in front of the children who lost their fathers... Harmony is a refreshing spring. Drinking the spring freely, our hearts will become pure and bright; Harmony is the spring breeze that makes people want to be drunk. When we bathe in the spring breeze, our hearts will become green; Harmony is the mind breaking snow. When we feel the snow, our hearts will become pure and peaceful. The times need harmony, and society calls for harmony!

"The harmonious society we want to build should be a society characterized by democracy and the rule of law, fairness and justice, honesty and fraternity, vitality, stability and order, and harmonious coexistence between man and nature." Building such a harmonious society is the goal of the Chinese nation, and harmony has become the main theme of society. Although the proposition of the college entrance examination will avoid direct "integration" with social hot spots, "articles should be written at the same time, and songs and poems should be written for things". From the selection of materials for the reading and writing tests of modern articles in the college entrance examination in recent years, social hot issues will be reflected in the examination papers. For example, 2017 is the 60th anniversary of the victory of the world's anti fascism and the 600th anniversary of Zheng He's first voyage to the West. So, The 2017 national college entrance examination volume III composition is required to take "forget and remember" as the topic, and the Guangdong volume composition is required to take "remember" as the topic. So, can readers turn a blind eye to the topic of "harmony" that is gradually warming up and even "boiling"?

[Typical topic topic]

Read the following story and write a composition according to the requirements.

The so-called "symbiotic effect" is widespread in nature. When a plant grows alone, it will wither and die, but when it grows together with another plant, it will grow vigorously. Some people call this phenomenon "symbiotic effect". For example, lichens associated with bacteria and algae can resist extremely harsh environments, while corals associated with algae make corals one of the strongest biological communities.

In nature, what is the symbiotic effect of people living in society? Please write an article on the topic of "Symbiosis Effect", which requires that you have your own idea, style, and topic, with no less than 800 words.

[Writing Guide]

The interdependence of plants in nature maps to human society.