Composition about happiness in the third day of junior high
Heart like a rock
2022-11-02 01:44:03
Junior three

In the 38 degree heat, I walked under the shade with my schoolbag on my back. One hand was still swinging back and forth, and my mouth was still complaining. I had to come out to class on a really hot day. When I was walking, a voice suddenly came into my ears. When I came closer, I saw that it was a blind man and a little boy. They were dressed very shabby and dirty. The voice I just heard came from the little boy's mouth. I could not help looking down, and suddenly a profile and a big yellow bowl came into my eyes. The profile was about their father and son's current situation. Because of the poor family situation, the little boy could not afford to go to school; There were only a few notes and some coins in the big bowl. I didn't know why I had a strange feeling in my heart. This feeling drove me to take out my pocket money and put it into the bowl. The blind man said thank you after hearing the voice, and I quickly fled the place.

Sitting in the classroom, thinking about what just happened, I felt sad. At this time, I finally understood that the inexplicable feeling was guilt, guilt and deep remorse for my dissatisfaction with the status quo. The man and the child had to beg in the street because they were disabled and had no money. What about me? There are air conditioners to blow at home. When I return home from school, there will be delicious meals, and sometimes there will be some snacks and fruits. I can also go to school to learn more knowledge and make more friends. I am much luckier than them.

My friends, please remember that happiness is around us. Compared with those with disabilities, we have healthy bodies; Compared with those left behind children, we have parents to accompany and take good care of

Happiness is around us.