2021 College Entrance Examination Composition Writing Guide
Eight rose
2022-11-02 03:29:47
college entrance examination

1、 Let the case become the source

After determining the center of the article, search for examples that can prove the point of the article, and then unfold the narrative as if telling a story. This kind of beginning is not abrupt, not stiff, durable, gentle and contains power, which can quickly catch the readers' heart. For example, at the beginning of the excellent composition "Begonia still? Green, fat, red and thin?" in the 20xx college entrance examination in Guangdong:

After a night of rain, wind and gust, Li Qingzhao, who couldn't stop drinking, asked about flowers. The maid replied with a smile that Begonia was still there. But the poetess sighed: It should be green, fat, red and thin! Li Qingzhao has exquisite feelings and deep concern and pity for flowers, so she imagined the withered appearance of crabapple after rain and wind. But the maid was not, so the destruction of the flower did not touch her at all, nor was she even aware of it. It can be seen that the closeness and closeness of feelings are related to the depth of the right and wrong cognition of things.

2、 Let the case radiate true feelings

In the writing, the strict and realistic reasoning is replaced by the narration that permeates personal feelings, so that people can fully understand the author's praise and criticism, love and hatred, and naturally move the readers, so as to achieve the goal of convincing. For example, the excellent composition "That Fragrance" in the college entrance examination of Zhejiang in 20xx, the full text is to impress the readers by using words and sentences that are imbued with emotion. We choose one of them:

The First Emperor tasted the sadness of countless eyes, so that hundreds of schools of thought disappeared in the flames, and the world's Confucian scholars slept in the desert. The indomitable soul of the scholars in the world grows old with the annihilation of their thoughts. Alas, the pomp of a prosperous age has also disappeared in this moment. Don't confuse the world with a leaf, don't be polluted by the so-called wisdom, and don't become the leader of the historical retrogression because of the imprisonment of humanistic thoughts!

3、 Let the case present a delicate image

By carefully copying the scene of the case and the behavior of the characters, the author gives the image of the case with a novel like writing style, making people feel as if they are in the scene, feel the hearts of the characters, follow the thinking path set by the author, and make the same judgments as the author. For example, in the first paragraph of a composition titled "Competition" - "The True Love Forever", the famous words of Jordan and Socrates are quoted to tell people that competition should not abandon warmth. Then the author described two scenes with exquisite and vivid strokes: Wu Zetian showed Di Renjie the memorial to Lou Shide's recommendation of him, and Liszt arranged Chopin's successful performance. At the end of the article, it is pointed out that the sincere heart should guide the competition and let the human feelings sublimate in the competition! Here we refer to one of the scenarios:

In the golden palace, facing Empress Wu, Di Renjie boldly said, "Your Majesty, Lou Shide is an unjust officer, he took bribes and perverted the law, and he once killed civilians because of a trivial matter - as if there were mountains of ironclad evidence!" He felt guilty. Lou Shide has always been at odds with himself. He is a strong enemy both in officialdom and in life. But today's participants are all illusory. What should we do? Take heart and go out.

Empress Wu smiled slightly and picked up the memorial to Di Renjie: "Ai Qing, look at it." Di opened it and looked at it. Her face changed greatly - it was all about Lou Shide's request for higher rank. For many years, the strong sense of competition has seriously distorted his mind, and what his rivals have given him is such a sincerity.

Perhaps the fierce competition can blind people's eyes, but the sincere sunshine in the heart will break through the fog and illuminate a bright world. The flower of human relations should not be withered by the flame of competition.

4、 Turn the case to illusion

Search for examples that meet the point of view, give play to imagination, create the carrier of the case (such as dream, spanning time and space, etc.), and integrate the case into the fictional world, so that the article has a kind of unreal and ethereal beauty. For example, in a composition on the topic of "beauty of life", the article made a fiction that "I" looked up at the bright moon at night to think about how to create a beautiful life. At this time, Athena came to guide me: she waved her hand to show three pictures in front of my eyes to reveal the profound philosophy of life. Now we quote part of his article:

I was thinking, and suddenly a bright light flashed across the night sky, and a goddess came to my window. "Hello, I'm Athena." She smiled and said to me, "You seem to be full of doubts." "Yes, Goddess of Wisdom, can you tell me how to create the most beautiful life?" Athena smiled but did not answer. She gently waved her hand, and a picture appeared before my eyes -- the familiar figure of the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan. He is also like me, sleepless at night, thinking alone under the lamp. There were two ways before him: one was to join forces with Jin Shang and others, flattering and offering slander to the King of Chu; The other is being relegated and exiled to the south. He finally chose exile because he didn't want to bow to those filthy people. He wanted to keep his innocence and stick to his truth

The picture disappears. "Do you understand?" Athena asked me. "Well, we need to stick to our own opinions and make ordinary and great choices in life."

5、 Let the case combination come into being naturally

In the article, the story is written quickly, forming several fragments, and the theme is integrated into the fragments. After several fragments, the center is directly pointed out without discussion, just like the finishing touch. For example, the article "One leaf falls and knows the world's autumn" leads the case of three ancient Chinese writers, Su Shi, Xin Qiji and Li Qingzhao, with three subtitles, focusing on their temperament, psychology and life. After the three cases are finished, the full text is summarized to show the dignity of the fundamental reason that they are remembered by future generations - "proud but not cold, lonely but not sinking". The first part and the end are quoted here:

Is that you, the old man with floating beard and high vision? Are you the brave man who held up his glass and dared to ask the sky "What year is this night?"? Is that you, Su Dongpo, who sits in the boat and watches the gentle breeze and the stagnant water? I have been trying to follow your footsteps, but I only see the green bamboo branches are still covered with the morning dew, and the ripples in your high eyes. You hope that one day you can serve your country and display your talents, but the darkness of the secular world has plunged you into an abyss. In the lonely night, you still can't sleep, and the only thing that accompanies you is the bright moon, which is "Zhuanzhu Pavilion, Lowly Qihu, Shining Sleepless". You have your dignity. You don't want to bow to the fatuous courtiers or to the dirty officialdom. Therefore, your moon is doomed to be lonely. You have carved your dignity in the proud eyebrows, and once you brushed your long sleeves, it became an immortal poem.

(End) Pieces of fallen leaves float down in the bleak west wind, indicating the arrival of autumn. Su Dongpo, Xin Qiji and Li Qingzhao are all just small leaves in the forest of history, but one leaf falls and the world knows the autumn. Through them, we can see the poetic soul of the whole history - dignity, proud but not cold, lonely but not sinking.

Turn on a light

Honesty is gold, honesty is silver, and honesty is a name. It measures people's words and deeds, ways of doing things, and attitudes towards people. It is better than other things people have. I still remember a story about a young man who wanted to pick out one of the seven backpacks of "health", "beauty", "integrity", "agility", "talent", "money" and "honor" to reduce his burden, but he lost his "integrity"! That's a stupid thing to do.

Honesty to oneself, that is, people often say to be worthy of their conscience. Remember the story of "concealing one's ears and stealing the bell"? That is the most obvious example of self deception. If a person cannot be honest with himself, he is doomed to live in a world of self deception all his life, and never dare to stand up to himself and face life.

Honesty to people is our attitude to correctly handle interpersonal relationships. Do you still remember the story of "Zengzi killed a pig"? In order to fulfill his promise to his son, Zengzi killed the only pig in his family. Zengzi's words and deeds not only upheld his integrity principle, but also gave his son integrity education.

Honesty is not a behavior, an attitude, but a spirit for society and for the country. A spirit of loyalty to the country, to the society, and the soul of a nation.

Yan Shu, a poet of the Northern Song Dynasty, was recommended to Song Zhenzong as a prodigy when he was fourteen years old. Song Zhenzong summoned him and asked him to take the exam together with more than 1000 Jinshi. As a result, Yan Shu found that he had just practiced the exam ten days ago, so he truthfully reported it to Song Zhenzong and asked to change other questions. Song Zhenzong greatly appreciated Yan Shu's honesty, so he gave him "the same Jinshi origin".

When Yan Shu was in office, the world was at peace. As a result, officials of all sizes in the capital often visit the countryside or hold various banquets in restaurants and teahouses in the city. Yan Shu's family was poor and had no money to go out to eat, drink and play, so he had to read and write articles with his brothers at home. One day, Zhenzong promoted Yan Shu to be the Eastern Palace official who assisted the prince in reading. The ministers were surprised and did not understand why Zhenzong made such a decision. Zhenzong said, "Recently, officials often play at banquets, but only Yan Shu is studying behind closed doors, and he is the right person to be an officer of the Eastern Palace." Yan Shu thanked him and said, "I am also a person who likes to play at banquets, but I am only poor. If I had money, I would have participated in banquets." These two things have established Yan Shu's reputation in front of the officials, Song Zhenzong also trusted him more. Yan Shu's honesty is worthy of our study. He has won people's trust with his precious honesty.

Let us light up the bright light in our hearts to look forward to honesty, let honesty become the warm sunshine in front of the window in the morning, let honesty become a bird singing in your ears, let honesty become a red fire around you when you are cold, and let honesty become a green shade above your head under the scorching sun.

Light up a heart lamp, we look forward to honesty together, let the world be full of spring and colorful because of honesty!