2022 National Volume B Gansu College Entrance Examination Composition
Slightly miss
2022-10-30 02:09:21

Life is like an electrocardiogram, full of all kinds of setbacks and difficulties. Those setbacks and difficulties are like the threshold in life, and you will fall down if you are not careful. However, as long as you can stand up bravely and take a bigger step after falling, you can cross these thresholds and stand at another starting point of life.

The arrival of June 23 this year reminds me of the big threshold of my life two years ago when I was a junior high student. At this threshold, I was thrown down. It was the first big setback in my short life.

At that time, I registered for two middle schools. One of them took the exam a month in advance. I was killed beyond my grasp, but I entered the exam room with confidence that I would be able to pass the exam. When I got the exam paper, I immediately looked foolish. I could hardly do any questions. I was extremely depressed. I knew I would fail the exam. On the day when I announced my score, I learned from my mother that my score was only 138 points, 21 points short of the score line. I was shocked and felt unbelievable, but the truth could not be changed. I had to accept it. I cried all night. Later, after being comforted by my parents, I decided to cheer up and stand up at this threshold. I can't let this huge threshold laugh at my cowardice.

From the day when the results are announced, there are only 29 days left before the MLS exam. I review crazily every day. In addition to the homework assigned by the teacher, I also review other contents. In the spirit of "sacrificing their lives to accompany women", my parents personally set out 5~6 math problems for me to complete every day, and taught me the solution of "binary once" and "ternary once" equations in one day. My mother is responsible for reviewing Chinese and helping me classify poems (words), such as "wind, flowers, snow, moon", "spring, summer, autumn, winter", etc. And asked me to recite before the exam.

After less than a month of full preparation, on the morning of June 26, I ushered in an exam. Because I had the experience of failing in the last exam, in this exam, I didn't have others' anxiety and panic, but only modesty and self-confidence. After finishing the examination paper carefully and accurately, I calmly walked out of the examination room. This time, I am confident that I can enter this middle school. Sure enough, on the night after the exam, the admission notice came and told me that I was accepted by this school. That night, I stayed up all night, just because I could cross this threshold and start another chapter of my life.

From then on, I learned that as long as you are fully prepared, no matter how high the threshold, you must be able to cross it, but it depends on whether you have the courage, endurance and confidence to stand up and cross the threshold when you fall. Now, I am a junior high school student. After crossing the threshold of "junior high school entrance examination", I have reached a new starting point. I will face the threshold of "high school entrance examination".

Goodbye to Xiao Shengchu; The high school entrance exam will come!