Three Writing Modes and Examples Worthy of Reference in College Entrance Examination
2022-11-03 01:38:52

[Policy Reminder]

1. Concept: it is a structural model of the article that uses symbolic sentences to present the paragraphed comparison of the full text, and uses this to connect the parallel or progressive materials, and to build a singing and singing pattern.

2. Suitable for style and content: "Parallelism and lyricism" is suitable for lyric prose writing.

3. Key points of success or failure: In writing, the internal materials may be parallel and parallel, and may be progressive layer by layer.

If the materials belong to parallel and parallel materials, attention must be paid to clear angles, and no confusion is allowed; If the material is progressive layer by layer, pay attention to the clear venation. In addition, if the comprehensive and skillful use of rhetorical devices such as questions, metaphors, quotations and parallelism can be properly realized, it will receive a strong performance rendering effect.

[Appreciation of examples]

You are a landscape

There are countless heroes in different periods, with the changes of the wind and the clouds and the alternation of the sun and the moon.

I want to say to you: "You are a beautiful scenery!"

Mozi pleaded for the people and advocated that the people should be respected and the monarch should be light. Chu wanted to attack Song, so he traveled far to Chu and fought against the King of Chu with his own life to protect Song's country and people.

Mozi, you are a landscape.

"Since ancient times, no one has died, so stay loyal to history." Wen Tianxiang, who refused to surrender until death, is admired.

Wen Tianxiang, you are a landscape.

Zheng Chenggong, the hero who made great efforts from childhood to fight against the Qing Dynasty and finally recover Taiwan, China.

You are a landscape.

The waves of the Yellow Sea cannot submerge you. No one will forget the scene of the Zhiyuan ship rushing towards the enemy ship; No one will forget the ambition of sinking a ship while people are there.

Deng Shichang, you are a scenery.

What a will! Your deeds will last forever in the fire. No one will forget the painful scenes.

You are a landscape.

The waves of the South China Sea, you are hovering over it. In order to safeguard the dignity of the motherland, you are willing to sacrifice your life. You will always be left in the South China Sea.

Wang Wei, you are a scenery.

The smoke of gunpowder filled the air, and the war raged. You went to the Iraq battlefield. Announce those cruel wars to the people all over the country. You can see that life may be hit by shrapnel at any time.

Shuijunyi, you are a landscape.

SARS is rampant. When others stop working at home, you rush to the front line of SARS. Have you ever heard your child call you "mother". You are always on the first line of "SARS".

Ye Xin, you are a scenery.

The thousand year flying dream has become true today. You don't know how many generations of dreams have been fulfilled. You can see a mistake. You will turn into the dust of the universe, but you have made up your mind and successfully returned. We cheer for you and are proud of you.

Yang Liwei, you are a scenery.

People of talent have emerged from all over the country for hundreds of years. Scenery forms the picture of "heroes".

I'm sure: I am the future scenery.

Appreciation: The article adopts the writing mode of "parallelism and lyricism". Clear hierarchy and strong logic. Rigorous structure. It well interprets the mode of "parallelism and lyricism".

Composition Mode II: Character Narration

[Policy Reminder]

1. Concept: It refers to the writing mode that fully excavates the background information of the characters in the article, and analyzes the characters from various aspects and angles, so as to achieve in-depth analysis of the characters' images.

2. Suitable for style and content: argumentative articles.

3. Key points of success or failure: fully understand the characters described. Cannot simply repeat and stack. Three dimensional and multi angle presentation of characters.

[Appreciation of examples]

The season of chrysanthemum fragrance

When the crisp autumn wind blows the sky higher, when the strange child looks away from the last goose, when the green leaves on the branches change to orange, when a little bit of acid has touched the branches, it is time for chrysanthemum fragrance.

The light of chrysanthemum

"Kuangdang, Kuangdang..." Did you hear the sound of striking iron? The wind blows the clothes and the strong muscles radiate the breath of life. The fierce fire edifies the noble sentiment. Ji Kang, a hero of this era and a generation of talented people, lives a life of blacksmith here. Like anyone, you have high expectations of him, but do you dare to persuade him to become an official? Did you forget the Letter of Breaking up with Shantao? The sonorous words have announced to everyone that he disdains the official career. Let him be himself. Let the "Seven Sages in the Bamboo Forest" live forever in the life of "singing under the Ye", "drinking in the bamboo forest", "drinking in the winding water", and "picking chrysanthemums in the Nanshan Mountain". Don't let the secular filth cover the faint fragrance of chrysanthemums.

The pride of chrysanthemum

Can you remember that Chuang Tzu who ignored Chu's position and still decided to "drag his tail on the way"? This noble hermit, whose heart is as clear as autumn water and body is like a boat without ties, has the talent of the whole world, but has never yielded to the power and nobility, and has lived a poor and wandering life. Do you also want to persuade him to join the world, hoping that he can do something great for the motherland and the society and the people. Yes, everyone hopes so. However, Chuang Tzu thinks he is a tree, a tree that defends the soul of the moon. If you insist on uprooting him and planting him in the dirt of the dirty society, he will wither and die immediately. Let him be a tree forever. He will be accompanied by a proud chrysanthemum.

Misery of Chrysanthemum

"The strength to pull out the mountain is unparalleled. The disadvantage is that Zhui will never die. What can I do if Zhui will never die? What can I do if Concubine Yu wants to do?" In the face of the surging river and the villagers on the other side of the river, a generation of overlords can't help but wet their clothes with tears. The mountains and rivers have followed others' names, and the beauty has committed suicide. Is it to escape by boat, reorganize the flag, or join the Wujiang River, "death is also a ghost"? If you were around Xiang Wang, would you persuade him to "stay here, not afraid of no firewood"? Jiangdong people also expect King Xiang to endure humiliation, and maybe history will be rewritten for this. However, King Xiang finally chose to die in the river. He thought that he should die with dignity. He thought that was his heroic nature. A chrysanthemum's life form withered, but the fragrance of the flower would remain forever.

Perhaps this is the true meaning of life. No matter what others expect, we should pursue what we think is right, pursue freedom, pursue loftiness, pursue the dignity of life, pursue heroism, put aside others' expectations, and put aside others' discouragement, and move towards our own understanding.

When the sound of striking iron comes from afar, when the ancient roc spreads its wings, when the surging Wujiang River roars to the sky, it is the season of chrysanthemum fragrance again.

Appreciation: In this article, the author selects three characters Ji Kang, Zhuang Zi and Xiang Yu to narrate the characters separately and highlight their noble character. Rich imagination and rich culture.

Composition mode 3: horizontal and horizontal of the same kind

[Policy Reminder]

1. Concept: The same kind refers to the "vertical and horizontal" of several aspects of a character, and can also refer to the similar temperament, spirit and experience of several characters. It can also refer to different characters and different periods.

2. Suitable for style and content: argumentative articles

3. Key points of success or failure: find "similar" key points between characters and connect them.

[Appreciation of examples]

Eternal Paradise

Time passes quickly and stretches into a vast river. When I -——

A latecomer paddled upstream, and the history of the past unfolded like a scroll along its coast. I saw many beautiful fairylands, which were marked with the deeds of patriots, filled with the laughter of benevolent people, echoed with the songs of wise people, and fascinated me

Zhuge Thatched Cottage

Longzhong in the west of Xiangyang, with mountains rolling and forests boundless. On the hillside of a high hill with waterfalls and flowing springs, a simple cottage is hidden by thick trees, which is very natural and fresh. The thatched cottage in Gaogang looks like a sail floating across the vast lake, and a wild goose flying across the distant sky. The owner of the cottage is like a fairy flying from a small cave, and the shallow stream hides dragons. Mr. Zhuge lives here deeply and sends away his peaceful years like a wild crane. When he goes out, the grass house is the starting point of his happiness. He strolls on the secluded path, caresses the pines, listens to the clear spring, and feasts on the beautiful scenery; When he returned, the grass house was the end of his happiness. He lit the green lamp, tuned the lute, and recited the yellow scroll, all of which were ancient and elegant. He worked hard, and there was no tyranny to disturb him; He talks about military affairs, and is often invited by his close friends. The Thatched Cottage is full of free air. He often sleeps soundly until the sun rises. When he wakes up, he is intoxicated with himself: "Who wakes up before the big dream? I know myself in my life." The Thatched Cottage is his paradise. He lives in paradise and aspires to the world.

Tao Qian Dongli

The setting sun crashed into the Xunyang River, splashing the sunset clouds all over the sky, and dyeing the river red like blood. In front of the door of an ordinary family on the river bank, there is a ring of sparse short fences. To the east of the short fence, chrysanthemums are blooming like innocent little faces with childish smiles. The autumn wind gently swayed their graceful posture, and wafted out bursts of rich fragrance. In the flowers, Tao Qian, "Mr. Wuliu", with a thin face and frosty temples, is calmly picking chrysanthemums one after another. Sometimes he put the petal to the tip of his nose to smell it, and infinite joy rose between his eyebrows. Chrysanthemum is his companion, his pleasure and his life! Suddenly, he inadvertently raised his head, and his eyes were meeting the faint Nanshan Mountain. There is smoke, clouds and deep gullies. Maybe there are people with the same ideals who live in seclusion. "Picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, you can see the Nanshan Mountain leisurely." He couldn't help singing. His thoughts were carried far, far away. He forgot the hard life of "being surrounded by obstacles and not sheltering from the wind" and "being short and knotted and empty", and was satisfied with his nature in this small world. At that moment, a pair of birds who went back to their nests together passed by his eyes, and he was happy: "There is truth in this, but he has forgotten to speak when he wants to argue." Dongli is his paradise. He is in the paradise, but he is mindful of the current situation.


In this article, the author selected several figures in the historical trend through time and space, and "vertically and horizontally". The article is grand and natural. Make full use of the writing mode of "same kind vertical and horizontal". It is a masterpiece.