Model Essay for Full Score Composition of Senior High School Entrance Examination
Searching for Plum after Snow
2022-11-01 01:58:12
Senior High School Entrance Examination

I don't understand. Why am I a Gemini? I can't find any trace of the legendary double personality, acting school.

But that was once.

In junior high school, the terrible side of my dual personality gradually emerged.

It was careless and heartless, which foreshadowed my suspiciousness and sensitivity in the future.

Years of verdant soul of the desert, but can not cover up the bloodstained ruins. The injury is still painful.

A cold-blooded knight wearing a helmet changed everything. Even though he was covered with blood and begged for mercy on his knees, the dagger still pierced his heart.

I felt no pain at all. Why?

Because I hate you.

Later I realized that the name of that cold-blooded knight was World.

Isn't the world the boy next door with a sunny smile on his face?

Is the world gone like this?

Is there a rose growing there? Why do I think it is a heartbreaker, or a flower on the other side?

One side is sunny, and the other side is dark.

The Gemini passed through the sky and disappeared.

Suddenly thought of a word, fireworks easy to cold.

It turns out that fireworks are really cold.