Refusing mediocrity in college entrance examination composition 750 words
No trace after wind
2022-10-31 02:43:35

It is common to see that when people are happy, they are all for profit; People are bustling, all for profit. Only those who reject mediocrity can strike boats in midstream and write magnificent poems with transcendental spirit of will.

Refusing mediocrity means the enterprising spirit of striving for progress and self-improvement. As Heaven keeps vigor through movement, a gentleman should unremittingly practice self-improvement. Reject mediocrity and pursue excellence. Or Qu Yuan "drank magnolia dew in the morning, and ate chrysanthemums in the evening", or Ban Chao abandoned his pen and followed it, crisscrossed the battlefield and defended his country. Rejecting mediocrity is a quality of self-improvement, but it is also a spirit of being upright and not falling into the secular world.

Refusing mediocrity means the spirit of a taxi who does not associate with the common customs. Recalling Qu Yuan during the Dragon Boat Festival, he pointed his sword at the sky, turned his back to the capital, sighed and covered his tears, which cut through the sky of history. What he resists is the dark 'era, the intoxication of everyone. He saw on the temple, rotting wood was an official, between the temple and the emperor, animals were eating money, the vast Chu State, mediocre, flattering courtiers, dead and dead. As for the Qin army's attack on Yingdu, the country was turned into ruins and the country was destroyed. His soul carries the noble character and conscience from ancient times, and even the eternal pursuit of truth and civilization. With his determination, he sank into Miluo, his body and rivers flowed, but his spirit was as immortal as the Chinese civilization.

In the face of the court dominated by treacherous and sycophants, his refusal was to awaken the sleeping country with his insistence on outspoken remonstrance; In the face of the people who "wash the mud and raise the waves", he resolutely chose to go to the river instead of dyeing the dust of the secular world with white! How can a thousand men be like a single man! He rejected the mediocre fate, and the mighty voice of that era! Although he could not save the ruined country, he let the spirit of rejecting mediocrity and secularity spread. You can't see that the righteousness is mighty and immortal. Wen Tianxiang refused to surrender and wrote the righteousness song generously: "It is the majesty of the spirit, and the majesty of the spirit survives forever." So a kind of rejection of mediocrity spread in the blood of Chinese literati.

To this day, Premier Wen said that a country and a nation should always have a group of people who are worried about the world and dare to take responsibility, a group of people who are calm, calm and think calmly, and a group of people who are upright and dare to speak frankly. Those who are worried about the world and brave to take on the responsibility reject the mediocre life state of making profits for themselves, carrying the responsibility of national rejuvenation and social progress; Calm and calm thinkers refuse the mediocre method of learning from the emperor and drifting with the tide, and undertake the mission of rational thinking and pointing out the country; They are upright and dare to speak frankly. What they refuse is the mediocrity of flattery, flattery and kitsch, which represents the integrity of being upright and generous.

Reject mediocrity, and become a proud pine, a hardened lime, and a sea swallow fighting the wind and rain. Let our life embrace the noble spirit, and no longer be mediocre.