Civilized Virtue Composition for Junior Three
Thinking alone in the snow
2022-11-02 02:30:33
Junior three
Chapter I: Civilized Virtue

Today's people have begun to pay attention to the quality of China's civilization. All people are changing, whether adults or children are changing.

One thing happened a few years ago. Someone saw a story in a foreign country. It was told that a Chinese man saw a man in a foreign zoo. When he inserted a notice board, the first few were in other countries' languages, and the most of the first few were in Chinese. The man asked him why he wrote that. He replied that only Chinese people can do it. It said, "Don't step on the lawn, don't litter." And spitting everywhere.

Another thing I saw when I was playing in the park a few days ago was that a family had just finished eating bananas and the child was about to throw them away, but his mother stopped him and said, "We should throw the banana peel in the garbage can." Although it was just a small thing, it was a sharp contrast with the last one.

After the above events happened many times, the Chinese people were finally reminded why they were bought by foreigners. Why are Chinese and Japanese very different? All kinds of things can be reflected in China's progress. Let us live in a world full of civilization and virtue. People began to plant trees and protect land. They would not mine a lot of stone mines. But there are still illegal people. But I think Trust will surely punish these bad people.

Chapter II: Civilized Virtues

Civilized virtue is not only the inheritance of our ancestors, but we will also become ancestors in the future. It will be our eternal call and pursuit. Since ancient times, our Chinese nation is an ancient civilization that stresses traditional virtues and everyone has etiquette culture. He has always been known as the "nation of ceremonies". The hard-working and brave Chinese nation has created a brilliant and unique culture, making every Chinese people a beneficiary, carrier and communicator of civilization; It is responsible and obligated to carry forward the excellent traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and the light of civilization for thousands of years is shining and developing in contemporary China. Bring happiness and warmth to everyone.

Walk into the campus and look around. The beautiful campus environment is clean, spotless, neat, and the air is so fresh. Look up at the sky. The bright five-star red flag is flying in the wind. At this time, will you change your bad habit of getting dirty? When you see the rubbish flying on the ground, will you bend down to pick it up? Will you walk the lights out, save water, and not trample on food cheaply? Will you participate in the recycling of waste paper, plastic bags, non-metallic materials, etc., and put an end to the good habit of wasting everything?

Have you ever had these bad behaviors? If so, let's make a secret determination under the national flag and strive to be a civilized, polite and cultured person from today on. Civilized etiquette is manifested from the small things in daily life. Say hello to teachers when meeting them; Greet others before entering or leaving their homes; Offer your seat to the elderly when taking the bus; No littering in public places

We should unite to pass on the civilization goals of our ancestors; Use our actual actions and behaviors to create a quiet, civilized and polite campus environment. Don't let your feet kick the wall and trample on the spiritual plants and trees; We should make ourselves a civilized and good student with noble morality and fluent language; We use our small hands to help everyone in trouble, so that everyone around us can feel that it is a harmonious, happy and caring world - campus. Believe us, believe that each of us can do it, then, looking forward to tomorrow, we seem to see that the sky is bluer, the trees are greener, the water is clearer, and our campus is cleaner and more beautiful.

Students, we wish together under the national flag, that our study and life are full of civilized flowers, and that we step by step towards civilization!

To be a civilized person is always a call and a lifelong pursuit!

Chapter 3: Civilized Virtues

Without waves, the sea would not have its magnificent; Without green trees, the mountains would not have its vast expanse; Without the virtue of civilization, it is difficult for people to have a foothold in society.

Civilized virtue is the embodiment of self cultivation, which can measure a person's quality. If a person loses civilized virtue, he will lose the principle of being a man. Civilized treatment can narrow the relationship between people; Paying attention to civilized etiquette can create a good living environment for us; Observing public civilization can form a good social impact.

Civilized virtue is like a bond that narrows the distance between hearts.

It is a civilized virtue to help others and return money. Sometimes a small act of your own can save others a lot of trouble. Such examples are all around us. Not long ago, Hu Huanming, a classmate of Beijing Middle School, found a wallet on the roadside when he was studying. Seeing that no one claimed it, he got out of the car in the rain and picked it up. Facing the money, he was not tempted. After returning to school, he did not hesitate to hand it over to the teacher for treatment, and helped find the owner and return it. There are not only more than 1000 yuan in the wallet, but also important documents such as ID card and medical insurance card. If they are not returned, the owner will inevitably encounter many inconvenience and trouble. Hu Huanming's behavior is a way to solve people's difficulties, and it is a reflection of good civilization and virtue, which is worthy of our admiration and learning. On campus, some students cut in line in the dining hall to save time. They did not take into account the feelings of others, let alone the dissatisfaction of the students behind them. They saved their own time and trouble, but they wasted other people's time and caused troubles to others. This is unfair to those students who waited patiently. Therefore, we must put an end to such uncivilized behaviors as queue jumping!

If everyone can abide by the civilized virtues, think more about others, say "sorry" when in trouble, and lend his hand when others are in trouble, people can complain less and be moved more; When friends and colleagues meet, they say "Hello". They are considerate and don't do things that harm others and benefit themselves. The distance between hearts can be closer and the social atmosphere can be warmer. This is the charm of civilization.

Civilization is like a clear spring, which filters our living and working environment more clearly and makes people feel comfortable.

On the lawn of our campus, there are usually signs like "Take care of flowers and plants, everyone is responsible", which are large and conspicuous. Some students turn a blind eye to it and step on the lawn calmly and habitually, as if they do not think it is uncivilized and immoral behavior. They did not realize that the flowers and plants they trampled on might wither and die, and the harmonious and comfortable campus environment would be destroyed. I have seen some students on duty in the weekly class help clean up the garbage in the green belt after cleaning the contracted area. Maybe in many people's eyes, this is a laborious and rewarding thing, but these students are doing things in accordance with their own good public morality, doing things that help promote the construction and development of campus civilization and virtue. They use hard work to create a clean and comfortable campus environment for us. Under the reflection of sweat, their hearts full of civilized virtues are shining.

If we can do things in a civilized way, everyone's small actions will converge into an inexhaustible spring, and our life will be clean. The purity and comfort of our living environment will be well protected.

Individual civilization level is like a mirror, reflecting the civilization level of a collective and a society.

In the Qing Dynasty, when Li Hongzhang, the minister, was sent to Russia to spit in a public place, he was greatly exaggerated and ridiculed by foreign journalists, and lost the face of Chinese people. Spitting everywhere was his personal uncivilized behavior, but it could reflect the backward civilization of China at that time. Time has jumped to today. Similarly, many times, our individual words and deeds reflect the common phenomenon in a collective. The traffic order at the gate of our school is very chaotic at school and after school, but some students still dare to run the red light. This uncivilized behavior not only represents the uncivilized behavior of these students, but also affects the reputation of the whole school and the social evaluation of the quality of today's students. In addition, there are many good phenomena around us. For example, Hu Huanming, a student who has returned the money, is a model for all of us in Beizhong. His willingness to help others has aroused positive repercussions in the society, leaving a better impression on the minds of people in Beizhong Middle School, so that people can understand that Beizhong Middle School is a virtuous student and a civilized school.

Public civilization is a reflection of social consciousness, and public civilization is based on the moral level of individuals, so the civilization level of people in a collective is reflected through the mirror of individual civilization level. If a person does not abide by social civilization, it will affect his/her personal image and damage the collective reputation. If everyone improves their personal cultivation and puts an end to uncivilized behaviors, it will cause positive effects in society.

We are a new generation of students and inheritors of social civilized virtues. Let's start from our own words and deeds, bid farewell to uncivilized behaviors, improve ourselves, earnestly practice social civilized virtues, be a civilized communicator, and let civilized virtues grow with us!