Composition about getting together in junior three
Lotus Picking in Jiangnan
2022-11-02 01:27:43
Junior three

60 smiling faces welcome the sunshine and embrace freely, which is a friendly group. When you greet a new smiling face, you will be extremely excited. In the same season of camphor, stop and let's smile at each other, say hello to each other and stay together.

You wear a clean white shirt, a light colored skirt, and a pair of white ball shoes. You tidy up your clothes, raise your head, slightly raise the corners of your mouth, put light in your eyes, and it is as calm as a lake. You frowned and said, "My name is Wan, and I will be your head teacher later. Please take care of me when I first meet you." You fell on our hearts like a ray of sunshine. It's good to have you in the future.

When we first met in a strange environment, we didn't know how to open our hearts and have an unimpeded conversation. The fragrance of flowers wafted into the classroom, softening the air and easing the slight embarrassment. Outside the window, the birds are singing crisply, and the golden leaves are gradually stained, which are particularly bright in the scattered sunshine. Large clouds can not block the warm sunshine. In class, this corner, talking about dreams; In that corner, talking about the past; On the other hand, talking about interests. I really hope that, like flour, we can never be separated after the infiltration of time and water.

In a hurry, a year will pass in the twinkling of an eye. Now, we talk and fight with each other, and get along well with you. This big family is always so happy and harmonious. I hope life is a preservative, and after the baptism of time, it will be as good as ever. The fragrance of flowers diffuses in the air and permeates peace. In class, we are serious and attentive. Your eyes are shining on the stage, and we dance with the text, which is lifelike.

After class, relax and play, the atmosphere is particularly harmonious. We also go to your office from time to time to ask questions about learning. When the teacher in the office saw us, he said, "Here we go again!"

Time is too lively for us to catch it. Let's go through this long journey together.