About taking shelter from the rain, the third day of composition
Laugh about the situation
2022-11-02 01:22:01
Junior three

"Mothers all over the world are so alike! Their hearts are always the same, and every mother has an extremely pure childlike heart." Because of the conviction of this sentence, every time I see a mother who hurries with an umbrella in the drizzle, or in the pouring rain, I will definitely say the destination of their umbrella - where their children are. I always stop involuntarily, looking at their faraway back, as if I could see my mother.

It was when I was young, I was studying at school, but something bad happened - in the blue sky, suddenly dark clouds covered the sky. Soon, rain grains as big as the ears of wheat began to fall in the sky, but at that time, the weak I had a wonderful idea: "Will walking in the rain be more brilliant and poetic?" But when I rushed into the rainy evening, the piercing cold made me tremble, I had to give up the idea, so I ran into the eaves of someone else's house, and I hid like a mouse across the street.

In the crowded crowd, I saw a middle-aged woman wearing a raincoat slowly approaching me. When I looked closer, my heart suddenly warmed. It was my mother. Small raindrops wetted her hair and ran down the uneven raincoat. Raindrops wetted her hair, making her face appear drops of rain from time to time. These raindrops like magic -- they touched my soul from time to time, making me very worried. At this time, I could not help but jump on it and say: "Mom, why are you here?" But my mother said humorously: "I'm here to pick you up, little rascal." Suddenly, my heart was filled with gratitude.

My mother cares about me and pays unconditionally for me, just like the lotus leaves set off the lotus flowers. Without the lotus leaves, the lotus flowers cannot reflect the beauty and provide poets and painters with appreciation. I am a lotus flower, and my mother is a lotus leaf. My mother has no complaints in front of me to protect me from the wind and rain. However, she has only one small desire, that is, to set off my small and delicate lotus, just like Mencius' mother has moved three times for Mencius' learning, and we are growing, just as Meng Xiaokou said: "Who can say that every inch of grass will be rewarded with three spring sunshine."

Yes, everyone has such a picture echoing in your mind. We all have this happiness. However, we must also take a good hold of this happiness, please remember, do not let it slip away from us quietly.