Common shortcomings and countermeasures of college entrance examination composition
Booming Flowers and a Full Moon
2022-11-03 03:42:10
college entrance examination

Disadvantage 1: Inappropriate examination of the topic and deviation from the meaning of the topic.

In last year's composition, special attention should be paid to the word "and" in the topic and the word "relationship" in the prompt, otherwise the topic may be off track or off topic. It is found in the grading of the college entrance examination that many examinees do not understand the meaning of the question. They fail to grasp the "relationship" between feelings and knowledge, or talk about knowledge unilaterally, or talk about feelings unilaterally - for example, they define their intention as "parents' love makes them incompetent". Such compositions can only be regarded as basically in line with the subject at most.

There are also some examinees who do not understand the difference between topic composition and material composition at all, and completely put aside the topic. As a result, they wrote thousands of words, far from the topic. For example, some examinee thought that the rich man in the fable suspected the old man, and that the old man had no good intentions, so he wrote a piece of "No good intentions" from this perspective, naturally far away from the requirements of the test questions; Some examinees inferred from the rich man's casual suspicion of others that he lacked life bearing, so they started from the theme of "life needs bearing"; Another candidate thought that the rich people's judgment was due to the lack of communication with others, so he talked about the importance of "communication"?? In fact, I completely misunderstood the idea that this would be in line with the question. This kind of examinee made a big mistake in the composition of the college entrance examination, and finally suffered a big loss. This is all a sign of poor understanding. Of course, another reason for this is that in recent years, the publicity of "reducing the difficulty of examination" has misled some examinees.


Topic composition is very open, but it is impossible to have no limiting factors. Therefore, there must be a serious process of examining the topic when writing. The so-called "examination of topics", to be clear, is that you write what the proponent asks you to write; If you are asked to "go east", you will "go east". You must not "go west" by your temper. The level of examination questions is closely related to the overall quality of the examinees. At the same time, they also need to master some specific examination skills. These "tips" are:

1. Don't "scan" in a hurry, but read the test questions silently in your heart one word at a time. In this way, you can force yourself to settle down and read every word in the proposition clearly.

2. Read this way to find out the "key words" in the examination questions. Key words are the most important "carrier" for the proponent to give "instructions", and they must be grasped.

3. When a word appears many times in the examination, it is likely to be a keyword. Sometimes there is more than one key word. Try to find it and never miss it.

4. First circle the key words one by one with a pencil, so that you can have a "material support" to prevent you from losing everything when you "think in your mind"; Then, implement the key words that have been circled one by one, that is, reflect all their requirements in the composition. After the examination, use a rubber to erase the traces of pencil circles, so as not to leave a "mark".

5. Read the "[Note]" in the proposition carefully.

In addition, it must be clear that "the core of topic composition is topic" (Mr. Zhang Weiming from the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education). The materials provided by topic composition, unlike previous material compositions, are the starting point and destination of the idea. It is just the "pre guidance" made by the proposer, and is a "starting point" for the examinee to think, It is an "example" that inspires examinees to open their minds. Therefore, one must not extract a certain point of view from the materials and use it arbitrarily, but must write strictly according to the topic.

The second disadvantage: superficial understanding and empty content.

The examinees' understanding of the topic is deep or shallow, which largely determines whether the article's intention is high or low, and whether the material is good or bad. Many examinees do not have a deep experience of the relationship between emotion and cognition, and the purpose of the article is limited to the surface of life, floating on the superficial level. If you write an argumentative paper, you are busy building arguments, lacking analysis and reasoning, and cannot go further; If it is a narrative, it lacks the charm of application and seems too straightforward. This is all related to the lack of in-depth understanding of the topic. Some examinees have obvious subjectivity in their argument, such as "the rich man should think that his son is a thief, not his neighbor", which itself stems from the author's subjective assumption. Another examinee seriously wrote: "The hope of our motherland should cultivate a selfless spirit of dedication. Don't let our kinship and cognition have any relationship. Human value is reflected in the contribution to society!" It can be said that it is contrary to sentiment and illogicality.

Last year, many argumentative papers were selected for the college entrance examination, but the arguments were rather poor. King Zhou of Shang Dynasty and Daji, Cao Cao suspected people, Kong Ming lost the street pavilion, Bao Qingtian was selfless?? It is the most cited example by examinees; To give examples in real life, most of them are students whose wallets or pens were stolen, then someone was wronged, and finally the facts were always clarified, stereotyped, and detestable. Some candidates chose to write essays, but they were too political, not like literary works. There are also some examinees' compositions, which are actually expansion of topic materials, and the scores of such articles are pitifully low. This fully exposes the problems of current middle school students' single life, narrow reading range, poor association and imagination. "Speak your own words and express your feelings" is a basic requirement that many examinees cannot do.


In order to improve the level of ideological understanding and enrich writing materials, we should do "three preparations" at ordinary times: prepare for ideas, prepare for knowledge, and prepare for life. To prepare for thought, first of all, we should learn all the subjects in middle school well. The basic theories of each subject reflect the thoughts of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, which is the most basic point of view for us to understand the world. The second is to care about social life and current affairs politics, and correctly understand some hot spots and focus issues in contemporary society. In writing, one sidedness, vulgarization, and underage should be avoided. The preparation of knowledge can be combined with the preparation of ideas. Attention can be paid to reading China Youth Daily, Readers and other ideological and cultural newspapers, and also to collecting and analyzing examples. The general approach is to collect three to five examples every week through extracurricular reading, and list one or more points of view that each example can be used to illustrate. There are many ways to prepare for life, such as observing people, things and things around, actively participating in social practice activities, and communicating with classmates, relatives and friends. If you really want to prepare for life, you should also write down the contents of the above activities in your diary or writing practice, especially those people and things that are shining, striking and inspiring. Before the exam, look it up and sort it out to remember some typical events and details.

When facing topics in the examination room, we should be good at making connections from one to the other, inferring from cause to effect, analyzing from phenomenon to essence, and thinking from individual to general in order to deeply understand and accurately interpret topics. When the idea is written, attention should be paid to selecting materials with emotional points and positive meanings, and deep excavation should be made; In writing argumentation, we should pay attention to the rational analysis after putting out the arguments, and be able to stand on the height of theory to understand problems and reveal the essence of things.

The third disadvantage is that they make up nonsense and blindly seek novelty.

Last year, there were not a few people who moved soldiers to historical figures. Many examinees participated in the chorus of "thinking of the past", and some excellent works of historical themes emerged. What is puzzling is that some examinees have chosen historical themes even though they lack the accumulation of literary and historical knowledge and the quality of new stories. So when we don't know anything about it, we just swallow it up and don't change it. In addition, the language used to express it doesn't match the tone of the borrowed characters, and the content and form are seriously out of balance, which makes it seem neither fish nor fowl.

In addition, some examinees do not consider the content first, but deliberately "innovate" by grasping the "style of choice", and interpret by various styles. Their compositions are absurd in content, distorted in writing, and funny in language expression. Some marking experts call them not writing is hype, not like compositions are like games. For example, some examinees mechanically imitated the famous article "Ten Thoughts on Admonishing Taizong" and wrote "Three Thoughts on Admonishing Father", which is full of words such as "My son has paid you a good night today", "My son is a loyal minister to you," "If you hear about your mistakes, loyalty will turn into a sycophant. If you hear about your outspoken words, sycophant will turn into loyalty. Now, the advice is listed as follows" "This dead advice will make you think about your mistakes." "This is a dead admonition, please think about it", "Dad, his advice is harsh, and I hope to accept it for the sake of making the family prosperous" and other half sentences, and finally, "I wish the dragon health!", "I hope the people are healthy!", and "I hope the people are good at it", which makes people laugh and laugh.


First, the most important thing for an article is its content. Gorky once said: "Prose, first is content, second is content." Any article is a unity of three factors: ideological content, stylistic structure and language expression. In the final analysis, form should serve content. Without good ideological content, form will lose its life. Therefore, we must not just change the style and structure and innovate for the sake of innovation. As a middle school student, it is the right way to lay a solid foundation and master several commonly used styles. Second, the new story is not a panacea for all candidates. There are three requirements for writing a good new story: one is to study the original deeply, the other is to have a deep feeling of the real society, and the third is to find the entry point for the combination of the two. This is not what the middle and lower level candidates can do.

The fourth disadvantage is that the style of writing is unclear, and there is a hodgepodge.

Some examinees have a vague understanding of style, mistakenly treating mixed styles as interlocution, and their compositions are half argumentation and half narration, making the mistake that style cannot be unified; Some examinees' narration and argumentation are separated. The events described cannot explain the argument. The argumentation part is not extended from the narration, but starts from another source, resulting in the separation of the two expressions; Even there is a phenomenon that narrative, argumentation, lyricism, explanation and description use average writing power. Some articles are "four unlike" and "five unlike". I don't know which style the author "chooses".


The topic composition of college entrance examination has an important feature - "style of choice". However, this does not mean that writing does not need stylistic norms, but provides candidates with a variety of choices, so that they can play in their own style. However, once a certain style is selected, the composition must meet the requirements of this style, and must not be arbitrary. From the perspective of specific operation process, "style selection" has added several links to the candidates' conception: 1 Consider which genre is most suitable for this question. 2. Choose a genre suitable for their own play: students who have developed image thinking, are good at making stories, and are good at narration and description can choose narration, prose, or even small novels, fairy tales, fables, etc; Students who have developed logical thinking, are able to speculate, and are good at argumentation can choose argumentative papers to do it, or talk about it. 3. Consider whether there are enough materials corresponding to the genre. 4. Can you write new ideas in this genre. All these points have been thought out. The problem of genre has been solved. In fact, even the problem of selecting materials has been basically considered.

The fifth disadvantage is to take advantage of speculation and apply the current style.

In 2003, the college entrance examination again put forward the requirement of "no plagiarism", but there are still some imitations and plagiarism in the composition of the examination room, mainly some narrative articles. This kind of composition often applies the plot and characters of a novel or fable in a journal to imitate the structure of these stories. A few examinees can also do some processing and transformation, and pay attention to using their own language to express, while more examinees copy them completely.


Correct the style of writing and put an end to speculation.