Songs for Mother Senior Three Composition
The sunset knows the autumn
2022-11-02 00:34:26
third year in high school

There is a kind of love, you have not experienced, do not know her noble; There is a kind of feeling that I don't know her fierceness until I get it. A bright lamp and a bright window burn from winter to spring and from summer to autumn. This is maternal love.

Nagging love

In the morning, when I was ready to go to school with high spirits, my mother always told me: "Be careful on the road, pay attention to safety, and listen to the teacher at school..." Every time before my mother finished speaking, I recited the next words word for word. Alas, it's so annoying. Every day, there is no creativity. You don't hate me. But my mother always smiled after I recited and said, "Yes, just remember." Those instructions, although annoying, warmed my left ventricle. The smile was like honey, sweet but not greasy, and it was memorable.

Caring love

People will always be unsatisfied. When I am sad, my mother is the safe haven that will never fall. When I was lonely, she gave me companionship; When I was sad, she comforted me; When helpless, she helped me; When in difficulty, she gives me strength; When angry, she always tolerates my capriciousness. In the past 14 years, I have never stopped, never complained, and will selflessly give to me whenever I need it.

"Falling red is not a heartless thing. It turns into spring mud to protect flowers". What a selfless and noble spirit. Isn't this mother's love?

Strict love

"I hope my son will become a dragon and my daughter will become a phoenix", which seems to have become the common goal of all parents. Mother was no exception. In order to make me a proud Feng, she held a family meeting and drew up a schedule for me. That schedule always threatens me and makes me feel like I am imprisoned. I also tried to break the rules and strolled around with my classmates for an afternoon, and the results were predictable.

But after reading some bad events about middle school students from newspapers, I finally understood my mother's strict love.

Songs for Mother

That head of hair is going white, because it's too much work for me; The pale face is a sign of sleepless nights; That pair of weak shoulders, I do not know how many things to carry for me, when how many wind and rain; Those rough hands are holding me when I was young and carrying me to a better tomorrow. Although she is ordinary like a grass; Simplicity is like a small tree, but I can experience the noble brilliance twinkling on her.

I will use what I have learned all my life to compose a moving ballad, a song praising my mother, and dedicate it to the greatest person in the world - my mother.

Only know that mother's care is love; Only know that mother's nagging is love; I only know that mother's strictness is love. Flying, my heart is tired, my wings are painful, but what comforts me through tears is my mother's selfless love!