2020 College Entrance Examination Composition Forecast and Material Application
Learn to cherish
2022-11-02 03:26:44
college entrance examination

[Composition Materials]

1. If you don't worry about yourself, others will never worry about you: so try to change your mind and adjust your mood. Learn to accept the reality calmly, learn to face the bad luck calmly, learn to let go of the clinging to the lack of karma, learn to tell yourself to let nature take its course, and learn to think about the good in everything. In this way, let the sun shine on my heart, drive away greed, anxiety, wishful thinking, and all the reasons for unhappiness.

2. Life is a journey full of meaning. Only through the rugged mountain road can you realize the steadfastness of your feet, and only when you dare to go up against the wind can you have the courage to fight against the huge waves. Learn to appreciate the scenery and find warmth from the scenery. If you are indifferent to life, life will return your original beauty. Be grateful for life, fear life, and be a smiling sunflower. No matter how the world turns, you can find your own warmth and never bow to the sun.

3. [Psychological maxim]: When you can face your own inherent awkwardness and loneliness, you will be able to completely understand your past self. Most people live like us, not smart, but sincere; Make mistakes, but be calm.

4. Be kind to yourself, starting from the heart: the world in your eyes is always just an appearance; The voice of the soul is the essence of life. Whether a fallen leaf is a sign of decline or a sign of rebirth depends on the direction of the heart. The beauty is like the sun. The heart is full of haze, and the sun can't come in. If you have a good heart, the standard of judging personnel will be better. The reason why the sun is warm lies in the eternal enthusiasm of the heart. In pursuit of a better life, first beautify your soul.

5. If everything goes too far, it will lose. We need to be prudent: life is a polyhedron, and confused people only see one side. Some people feel tired and want to take the bus while others feel bored and want to walk. In fact, only when you can feel happiness from a superior life, but also know how to taste happiness from a hard day, can you truly understand life. When you look up, you can see happiness. When you look down, you can also see happiness. That is the true meaning of life. Happiness depends on mentality.

6. There are four required courses in life: first, kindness. You don't have to be vigorous and indomitable, but you must be kind and sincere! The second is happiness. There is no absolute happiness in the world, only a heart unwilling to be happy. The third is steadfastness. Be a down-to-earth person and handle affairs in a down-to-earth manner. More efforts will lead to more opportunities for success. Fourth, integrity. Be upright, act decently, sit upright, walk straight, and act upright. Being upright is the foundation of the world.

7. [Five things can't be lost]: Pursue, without goals, you will lose the belief of spirit and the direction of running; 2. Dignity, which can support your backbone and make you live proudly; 3. Confident, why sigh when the weight is too great, and look ahead through the thorns; 4. Perseverance, success or failure are all within a stone's throw. As long as you choose, you must stand up no matter how hard it is; 5. Knowledge is easy to dissipate. Good learning is wealth. Only knowledge can create everything

8. [Zen Language]: People come back empty handed. Everything is a gift from the world. None of these gifts is bad, and we should be grateful. Grateful, grateful pain makes you wake up; Be grateful that failure has brought you closer to the truth; Grateful loss makes you know how to cherish; Thank life for giving you energy; Be grateful for the success that makes you feel happy. Happiness is a sweet feeling that only a kind heart can feel. To practice is to cultivate a grateful heart.

9. The real busy is not the busy body, but the busy mind; The real tiredness is not physical tiredness, but mental tiredness. It is inevitable for a man to be tired from travelling all his life. When you are busy and tired, it is because of the loss of value and excessive desire. If you have a direction in life and a reason to struggle, your heart will be stable; Less fuss, more tolerance, knowledge of satisfaction, the heart will be idle. Let nature take its course, take it as it is, know how to let go, and life will be more perfect

10. Learn to adjust your mood and try to think in the best way. Many people complain and get upset when they encounter something difficult to solve. As a result, they tend to complicate simple things and make complex things more difficult because they can't grasp their emotions. When we encounter difficult things, we must first control our emotions so that we can think calmly. And the more you think about the good side, the more open your heart will be. The more you think about the bad side, the narrower your heart will be!

11. Keep a low profile; Low profile is a detached, free and easy, peaceful and open-minded attitude towards life. A low-key life means being magnanimous when you are humble and not arrogant and impetuous when you are prominent. Low profile shows a kind of atmosphere and calm. To be a low-key person is to learn to hide the front, think carefully and be kind to others; We should also learn to be modest and peaceful, indifferent and open-minded, and broad-minded. Low profile, so that you have a magnanimous life, be calm; Low profile, allowing you to assess the situation and be skillful.

12. Master Xingyun: The five impossibilities in the world: 1) There are things that can be done and things that cannot be done. It's easy to help others. If you refuse to do it, you will not do it. Give people a good word, a smile, and be stingy with charity. In the world, it is unwise not to do what can be done and not to do what cannot be done; 2) Uncover disadvantages rather than shortcomings. There are many malpractices in society, in politics, in companies, even in schools and families. It is a failure to scrupulously fulfill one's duties to allow malpractices to exist and ignore them. If there are shortcomings, we should expose them and put them forward for review and improvement. However, it is OK to expose disadvantages, but not shortcomings. Expose people's shortcomings, hurt people's future and bad people's reputation. If we only expose its disadvantages, so that it has the opportunity to improve, not involving personnel, this is the best of both worlds; Pack up but not fix people. It is a kind of social etiquette for people to keep their dress and appearance dignified and tidy. Before going out every day, look in the mirror and dress up to see if your clothes are correct and flat. Sometimes you can even help others dress up, help them put on their hats, straighten their clothes, and add a tie, scarf, etc. It's OK to dress up as a person, but not as a person. Some people like to joke and take pleasure in dressing up as a person; Some people don't have enough culture. They take grinding as fun and love to fix people. As long as he is willing to do a small favor, it will be solved quickly, but he wants to trouble you. He wants you to write a new document and run again. He does not care about the hard work of others, and makes others more difficult by arbitrarily asking. This is the whole person. People who treat people think they are proud of themselves. In fact, you treat more people. One day, the cause and effect will be reported. You treat people, people treat you, and you will regret it later. 3) Easy but not frivolous. People's life cannot be tense 24 hours a day. It is required that every action in life should conform to the principle of "walk like the wind, sit like a bell, stand like a loose, and lie like a bow". This is also too serious. It is also difficult for others to live together with you. Occasionally, we should have a relaxed side in our life, and we should be able to follow our fate. For example, it is harmless to express a warm welcome at first sight, to have a pleasant talk, to have a witty remark, and to make a small joke. However, life can be relaxed, but behavior cannot be frivolous. Being frivolous is different from being relaxed. Being frivolous is to make fun of others, and being frivolous is to say something inappropriately. Especially between men and women, frivolous behavior is disrespect for people. Lightness means dissoluteness, and lightness means nature. Our speech and behavior can be relaxed and natural, but not dissolute and frivolous. 4) Be confident but not complacent. Do things with confidence, confidence is the strength. Everything is arranged in advance, and we have goals and methods to start with. Of course, we are confident that everything will develop according to our own plans. Be confident in doing things. Don't be complacent. Don't think your plan is unique and your methods are impeccable, so you despise others. In self-confidence, we should know modesty, because complacency is prone to arrogance. The so-called "modesty benefits, complacency begets loss". People who are arrogant and conceited are prone to failure, which is a big taboo in life and work. 5) Follow the circumstances rather than be casual. There is a Buddhist saying rich in life philosophy, called "Suiyuan". If you ask him to say anything, if he feels able to say it, he will say, "I follow suit"; What do you ask him to do? If he thinks he can do it, he also says, "I will follow suit.". Give alms according to circumstances, participate in them, contribute and make contributions according to circumstances, but never be casual. If you talk about the good or bad of a thing, or if the cause and effect are not clear, you can execute it arbitrarily, and the casual consequences must be inconvenient. You are too casual. Once you cause a rebound and cause inconvenience, it will be a big trouble.

13. [Zen Enlightenment]: 1. Pot: There is no boiling life without suffering. 2. Bowl: If you don't enrich yourself first, how can you provide nutrition to others? 3. Rolling pin: Although you are not familiar with other aspects, you also have your own skills. 4. Kitchen knife: It can create split, but it can make both sides bright. 5. Pressure cooker: pressure can shorten the distance to success. 6. Chopsticks: Be honest and selfless all your life, and try everything for others.

14. [Five major investments in life]: 1. The biggest investment in life is people. Who you associate with and follow determines your values; 2. The second biggest investment is time. Take time to do what you think is worth doing. 3. The third largest investment is physical and mental health. Without health, everything goes to zero; 4. The fourth largest investment is to choose the right industry and people; 5. The fifth largest investment is to choose the right partner. Did you choose the right one?

15. Real happiness: real happiness is a kind of spiritual feeling that is free from material pursuit. Happiness is not restricted by status, power and wealth, and it is a strong performance on the road of life. Optimistic people make people live a comedy; Pessimistic people turn life into a tragedy. In the eyes of different people, life has different states, you are strong, then you can dominate life; If you are passive, then your end is to chase life, and life is a chase for you.

16. Inclusion: When dealing with people, it is easy to be tolerant. Tolerance is a kind of realm, which originates from the kindness, benevolence and compassion of the human heart; Tolerance is a kind of modesty, with different personalities, different opinions, and different opinions. An inclusive person can learn from others' strong points and be as good as flow; Tolerance is to forgive others and allow others to make mistakes; It moves people with virtue, and it is the power of good. It shortens the distance between people and resolves the contradictions between people. Respecting people means respecting people, and tolerating people means tolerating people.

[Model Text]

It's hard to be a man. We cannot deceive others, let alone ourselves. Take off the mask of hypocrisy and breathe fresh air.

In modern society, Ah Q spirit is particularly important. This is not self deception, but self affirmation and self appreciation. You are your most loyal audience! The Shanghai Head Office was in progress, and could not be eliminated. I was injured and cried. Perhaps the shackles of the mind have not been untied, but we can not let it fetter our life. For the lovelorn, there is no good grass anywhere in the world, so why hang on a tree! For those who are frustrated, there will be times when the wind blows and the waves break, and the cloud sail will help the sea!

Maybe being kind to others is also being kind to yourself. Be kind to your soul. Just have a clear conscience and don't care how others comment or gossip. It can only make you more tired and bitter. More sincerity, less hypocrisy; Thanks for your concern and be less indifferent. Although I can't do anything for others, caring is not artificial. The greetings make people feel warm in the cold winter, feel a ray of friendship for those who are in poverty, and appreciate the beauty of meteors across the night sky.

Be kind to your own soul, and do not associate with others. Although we can't stay away from the noisy city, we should keep our intrigues away from ourselves. Be a devout believer and an open and aboveboard believer. Keep the unpolluted spiritual soil, carefully cultivate the lotus that "grows out of the mud but does not stain", and let the lotus blossom in the soil

Once I remember, what a pure smiling face it was. The dimples bloomed on the flowery faces one by one, and there was always a sense of shyness in speaking. However, this smile is like a epiphyllum, only once, it is as beautiful as a meteor in the night sky. Now, with sadness, with frustration. Feelings are extremely broken. Love or not, just listen to the arrangement of God, understand or not, how to explain. This thing makes people not sad, and makes people not follow their heart. What on earth is it? It makes people happy and sad sometimes. Some people play with it, but they don't know it's important until they get lost. Once, irresponsible, now, irresistible. Willingly hurt, love, learn to love, learn to love yourself kindly.

I want to drown my sorrows in alcohol. I want to sleep quietly through the anesthesia of alcohol. Without it, I cannot fall asleep. Cigarette, smoking recklessly, the smoke ring enveloped himself, as if that lingering sadness. Sorrow is like a smoke ring. In your heart, tell yourself. Face bravely, even if the heart is broken, it is also perfect. However, the past scenes, such as the playing pictures, are shown one by one. Today, the feelings of the past are still the same, and endless dreams are difficult to achieve. The hands of the clock tick and tick, but now they are wandering aimlessly like the end of the world. Find the lost beauty. If love goes on, what will happen?

I know that what is lost cannot be found again, and life has changed. You are the protagonist of life. One day, it will be wonderful. Although a little arrogant, treat the injured yourself well! Dedication is more concise than deception, dead, goodbye!!