Excellent composition on the college entrance examination for the 2022 epidemic
Inclusive love
2022-11-01 02:16:58
third year in high school

Through thick and thin, we cut through the thorns. Since the outbreak of pneumonia caused by COVID-19, the whole country has worked together to take various "hard core" measures to prevent the spread of the epidemic, and built a dam for epidemic prevention and control with responsibility and responsibility. However, as time goes by, a few "uninfected people" are also ready to "test their poison" with the mentality of "try it", "no one on the street anyway", "go out to the sun". How to resist the "psychological droplets" of "paralysis", "fluke" and "anxiety", and hold the "victory" of the epidemic phase of the war, local governments and party members and cadres need to continue to compact their responsibilities, take multiple measures, and wear a "heart protecting mask" for the masses until the final victory of the "epidemic prevention war".

Fasten the "tie at both ends" of Weimin to resist the "numbing mental spray". In recent days, with the joint efforts of governments at all levels, party members, cadres and the masses, traffic control and home isolation have become effective means to curb the spread of the new coronavirus. However, with the extension of the time of control and isolation, many people have lost their panic at the beginning of Wuhan's "closure" and gradually relaxed their vigilance. The mentality of "I'm fine anyway" and "what's terrible" has also appeared. The next period of time will be the most critical "window period" for epidemic prevention and control, and it is particularly important for the whole people to be vigilant. Party members and cadres at all levels must improve their political standing, implement the requirements of the Central Committee's decisions and deployment to the end, tie themselves and the masses' "ties at both ends" tightly, "combine soft and hard" to do a good job in publicity and investigation, effectively overcome the paralytic ideology, completely eliminate the "anyway" mentality, and make full ideological preparation for winning the battle of epidemic prevention, control, and resistance.

Tightly press the "metal protective strip" to awaken the people and resist the "fluke mental spray". With the change of seasons, spring is really coming. After a period of isolation at home and seeing the warm spring sun again, it seems that some people have also started to have the idea of "going out to bask in the sun". However, the epidemic situation of pneumonia caused by COVID-19 has not shown human to human transmission at the initial stage, but now it is pointed out that "it may cause continuous human to human transmission", and even mutation may occur. Therefore, it is urgent for Party members and cadres at all levels to maintain a prudent attitude at all times, take the epidemic more seriously and estimate the risk of its spread more seriously, adhere to the principle of "paying equal attention to both points and areas", tighten the pressure on the prevention and control of "metal protective strips", so that the "fluke mentality" of "playing boldly" and "not defending" cannot be "integrated". Deeply mobilize the masses to completely abandon their illusions, implement prevention and control measures, truly achieve early detection, early report, early isolation, early diagnosis, early treatment, and strictly organize the national "prevention and control network".

Open the "middle fold" of the trapped people, and resist the "anxious mental foam". In recent days, the first thing that many people open their eyes every day is to turn on their mobile phones and browse the overwhelming epidemic information. How many newly confirmed patients, the official action route for confirmed patients, and whether medical supplies are sufficient? When encountering "key points", we should check whether we are "listed". Even some people dare not leave the house even if they have a common cold, for fear of "being isolated". In addition, you can't visit relatives and friends, go shopping and travel, or even go out for a walk because you are afraid that masks are not enough. You can also see the anxiety of "being nervous" and "crying when reading reports". Therefore, governments at all levels need to mobilize and organize forces, adhere to the combination of online and offline consultation, pay equal attention to physical health and psychological stability, and combine psychological counseling for diagnosed patients and suspected personnel, do a good job of public psychological intervention during the war epidemic period, pull out the "middle fold" that troubles the masses, strengthen the "sense of calm", and ensure a safe and stable "pass".

In a word, this war of epidemic prevention and control is a war of the whole people. Party members and cadres should firmly stand on the front line of epidemic prevention and control, lead the masses to respond to the epidemic without "paralysis", "fluke" or "anxiety", and take "practical" and "hard" measures to prevent the phenomenon of "running naked" wherever the "heart mask" is opened, and truly be the "close person" and "backbone" of the masses, In this "epidemic examination", we will hand over an answer sheet that will satisfy the people.