2022 Guangdong Senior High School Entrance Examination Composition Topic Prediction and Model Essays
Flying in Dream
2022-11-02 01:55:56
Senior High School Entrance Examination

Tasteless life becomes more delicious

Two years ago, a friend asked me: "What do you think life is like?" She came to ask me because she read an article. I tilted my head and thought about it for a while, but I didn't understand much about the taste. I just felt good about the food with my tongue when eating, so I swallowed it. I replied: "The taste of life is the taste of food, and you can get a good taste of food and get a good taste of life." Now that I think about it, this understanding seems very superficial, and sometimes the perception of the taste of life is not proportional to the living standard. For example, Zhang Haidi, who is physically handicapped and mentally strong, smiles at life. Is her life sweet or bitter? Is Lu Xun's life sweet or astringent as he rushes west and east for national interests.

What is the taste of life? I have thought deeply about this problem, but I still have no clue. Maybe because I am too young and have too little experience; Maybe because I haven't tasted life seriously; Maybe... so I jump to the conclusion that life is boring.

When I face the vast sky and the glaciers standing on the wall, I am just a small generation of ants; When I faced the era of rapid development of science and technology and the society of unlimited knowledge, I was ignorant to the point that I was just like a primitive man who had nothing to do with his hair and blood.

Indeed, from the moment when we were born in our mother's "hotbed", who would know what your life would be like? In the days when you were a child and did not leave any memory for the future, what your life was like? Even you felt that those days were boring. But later, Old Time came to visit me again and again, and he taught me a lot. I have a new understanding of the taste of life in my heart. He is no longer tasteless, but more sweet after success, sour after failure, bitter when frustrated, sweet when happy, astringent when painful... I finally understand that life has no taste, but life needs you to make it taste, so you become the cook of life's big meal, cooking a hundred kinds of taste for life.

Later, I had a deeper understanding of the taste of life: different people have different perceptions of different things; Different people have different attitudes towards the same thing; The same person has different opinions on different things, which constitutes a hundred tastes of the whole social life. Everything has two sides. In fact, there are not only two sides, but also many sides. If you explore problems from different angles, you will find different answers. When it is applied to life, it means "seeing the peaks on both sides of the mountain horizontally, with different distances and heights". When you treat life from different angles, life will give you different rewards.

Baiwei's life needs to be mastered, and the theme of Baiwei's life needs to be modulated. I have a classmate who is said to have a personality. He is gentle and has a pair of glasses, which makes people feel that he must be a studious and progressive good student. But no one would have thought that he often has different views on life's various states from ordinary people. He always looks very quiet and doesn't say a word, but the language he exports will have amazing "answers". However, when I think about his attitude towards things, I think he is a great cook with personality, because he likes strange taste. However, few people have such unique understanding of the taste of life as my classmate. Often people are always indoctrinated with the taste of life by their parents when they are young, or accept the earnest instruction of teachers on the taste of life on the way to school in the future, or follow the social tide after entering the society. This phenomenon of losing oneself will make your life lose much color, and you will not feel that the life you need is to compose a magnificent movement in the end; To become a cook, in the tasteless life, you can adjust your life according to your personality.