Physical Education Composition in Junior Three (8 compilations)
The vicissitudes of life are drinks
2022-12-28 01:24:41
Junior three

Physical Education Composition in Junior Three (1)

Shortly after the beginning of school, we were engaged in intense physical exercise. Every day we had physical education classes, which made me exhausted. For me, who was not good at sports, it was a disaster.

Recently in PE class, the teacher always asked us to run, jump, and continue training before we had a long rest. Many students felt that they could not bear it, but in fact they were working hard to stick to it. However, after every class, our bones seemed to fall apart, and we could not even stand up, So it's hard for us to stand up and say good teachers in class these days. It's really torture.

I knew that I really couldn't do sports, so I began to practice hard. Yesterday I decided to start running at the weekend, so I went downstairs to the football field with my mother to run.

Long distance running needs willpower. I can't stop even when I'm tired. I also told myself that no matter how tired, I can't walk, so I started running.

After one, two and three laps, I felt a little short of breath after running these laps. My back was sweating constantly, and my feet began to lose strength. However, I kept on trying to keep myself going. I beat my heart and ran slowly. After a while, my breathing became stable. I was very happy because I finally made some progress.

I kept on like this. I tried my best to keep my breath, and then slowly ran round and round. Finally, I felt that it was long enough, so I went home with my mother. I asked my mother what time it was. He said that I ran for half an hour. After hearing that, I was also shocked. How could I run so long? But this exercise was enough, We must persist next time!

Physical Education Composition in Junior Three (2)

There are four fears in life: fear of teachers, parents, homework and PE class.

With the sound of "killing pigs", I had no choice but to go out in fear. There was a PE class today. The light rain outside the window is drizzling, and the cold wind is beating on my heart. A sense of desolation arises spontaneously. Alas, the old wound is still not well, and there will be new ones.

In an instant, the team was neat and uniform. I felt as if there was a "death squad" in front of me. Everyone looked solemn, waiting for severe tasks and difficult tests. When hearing the order of "running around the stairs ten times", and still going up and down the fifth floor, the "death squad" immediately revealed its original shape, one by one, panicked, just like a "panic picture in rainy days". While I was calm on the surface, my heart had already collapsed.

"Rush forward!", I kept hitting at high speed, stepped three steps at a time, and tried to catch up with the people in front. But what's the use of this? No matter how hard you try, it's useless if you can't improve your endurance.

Gradually, the legs are soft, the feet are soft, and there is no sense of strength. The steps also shook, so I had to go downstairs one by one. I was afraid that I would lose more than I gained because of the illusion. Dizziness also accompanied me, like a soft and powerful hand grabbed me, and my body seemed to be unable to run any more.

However, I had no choice but to breathe heavily and walk hard. My lungs were almost suffocated and the air was not enough. Every hair was struggling to pick up the big sweat beads, which shook and broke. Then I rolled down the forehead and dragged my body, like a sick cow, slowly moving, one circle, two circles, three circles - by the tenth circle, my scalp was numb and my clothes were sweating, I was in a trance, but I still walked through the tenth lap.

Back to the classroom, I washed my face, drank a few mouthfuls of water, sat down, and recalled what I had just experienced. I really can't imagine how I persisted. As a result, my admiration for myself is flowing like a river. Physical education is not so scary, it only needs hard work and endurance, and will eventually succeed.

Physical Education Composition in Junior Three (3)

In ancient times, people who achieved great things not only had extraordinary talents, but also had perseverance (tenacity) and unyielding ambition


Li Bai wrote his life with the audacity of being able to crush the eyebrows and bend the waist to become a powerful person, while Su Dongpo sketched from life with a bold book that can draw a bow like a full moon. Du Fu wrote his life with the broad-minded and happy face of the poor people, while I will write my life with tenacity.

When the wind in early spring was not blowing all over, we had already begun to prepare for the sports middle school entrance exam in the face of some cold wind. 1000 meters was always a difficult hurdle for me to cross. Standing at the starting point, listening to the teacher's order, my heart trembled. Maybe I still couldn't do it. The red sand was accompanied by a white line, and the white line on the curve drew a beautiful arc, which also drew my discomfort.

The physical education teacher raised his hand to indicate that I had only passed two laps, but I was already exhausted. There were three laps left. The physical education teacher held a stopwatch and hurried while watching. The sound of rapid breathing accompanied by sweating dragged the two feet that had been filled with lead and could not be moved.

I can't do it. I want to give up. If I fail, I will fail. I really can't run any more. Several students are also gradually failing and start to walk down. 'Let's go together and run less.' I don't know why. I firmly shook my head. The ivy on the wall is full of life under the wind of spring, and seems to have endless power to climb.

They are for the scenery outside the wall. They have dreams and pursuits. What's more, I must first take a good high school entrance exam for my lofty ideal. How can I plant on the 1000 meters? The brain has given the body a dead command to insist on running the whole distance, but how can the exhausted body carry out smoothly.

After holding on for a while, my stomach began to feel uncomfortable again. Sometimes my stomach turned upside down. Sometimes I ran with pain. I hated my body. I was so weak that I could not stand a little test. I was always weak at the critical moment, but the strength of my will was always strong.

As long as you are determined to persevere, I take a deep breath, lift my tired step, burst into a roar, full of breath, forget all the pain, imagine that I am as light as a swallow at this time, and now I want to reach the end point in the distance of 50 meters. Hurry. I must reach the end, I must, the running shoes and gravel under my feet seem to rub out Mars, and my tired and weak hands waved crazily, like an arrow, leaving the bowstring and heading towards the end, flying at high speed.

100 meters 50 meters 20 meters 10 meters because of the waste of time before, I only ran a quarter and a half seconds, which was an unqualified score, but I was happy for a long time. This was my first time to run the whole 1000 meters and let me taste the joy of struggle. Even if the result was not very good, I tried my best to score four twenty, four fifteen every time after 1000 meters, Finally, I got 100 points with a score of 16 points in the middle school sports exam.

This may (it seems) impossible, but I really did it, because two words "tenacity" gave me infinite strength when I was most tired. I believe that what I wrote in junior high school with tenacity will play an important role in my future life. As long as I have perseverance, nothing will be difficult in the world.

Only with sharp weapons can the god of war be strong, and only with light wings can the bird soar in the blue sky. But I will use this magic pen to write my own chapter on the scroll of my life.

Physical Education Composition in Junior Three (4)

Our life is always inseparable from sports. With sports, people's life is colorful. Through physical exercise, not only can we strengthen our physique, but also can we cultivate our sentiment. The school playground, basketball court, table tennis table, fitness facilities in the community, swimming pool, badminton hall, etc. are all good places for physical exercise. Every day's physical education class, so that we can relax in the tense cultural study.

My childhood experience made me deeply feel that healthy physique is the result of physical exercise. I remember when I first went to kindergarten, because of my allergic constitution, I often caught a cold and coughed when the seasons changed, so I could not go to kindergarten every day like other children. I could only sleep late at home with my grandparents and watch TV. The most outdoor activities were to take a walk in the community park and play with fitness facilities. Although the elders take good care of them, they often catch colds.

In the autumn of 20XX, I became a student of the times. There was a rope skipping sport in the physical education exam. At first, I could only jump 2-3 times at a time. In order to achieve good results, I insisted on going home from school every day to practice. My Kung Fu did not disappoint those who wanted it. In the final exam, I actually jumped 66 times in half a minute to achieve excellence. I was also surprised to find that the number of colds and coughs was much less than before.

Students, let's go out of the classroom, into the playground, get close to the sun, breathe fresh air, bathe in the warm sun, actively participate in a variety of sports activities, exercise a healthy body, and experience the joy of sports.

Physical Education Composition in Junior Three (5)

Honesty is like a mountain.

"After dinner, I will go to Seven Star Middle School to play basketball." Maybe my father was happy and told me with a loud voice. My father offered to turn the calendar for the first time on New Year's Day. My care dirty like blooming one after another quickly jumped out. Dad finally took me to play basketball, oh yeah! A gust of wind outside the door shook the tree, as if he was happy for me.

Just after dinner, Dad went into the bedroom and lay on the bed. I waited anxiously and patiently. An hour later, I went into the bedroom and pushed to wake him up to play basketball. He was lying in bed, snoring all over the sky. At this scene, I couldn't help singing: "Ah! This song should only be heard in the sky, and rarely heard in the world!" Dad turned over and fell asleep. I rolled my eyes at him. It seems that the soft one is not good, so I will take the hard one. I ran into the bathroom, wet my father's towel and put it on his face. Usually, he would immediately sit up. Today, I put the towel aside and continue to sleep. I can't kill anyone. Dad just said, "I went out of the bedroom and slammed the door.".

In less than 10 minutes, my mother came back, and I begged her to take me to play basketball in Seven Star Middle School, but my mother didn't agree. At this time, my sleeping father came out of the bedroom, and my eyes showed a particularly warm light, thinking that he would take me to play basketball. Who knows, he urinated and went straight back to his bedroom to sleep. Ah! Playing basketball today is going to be a flop. I was unhappy and pouted.

My mother's eyes are deep and transparent, giving me a lot of happiness and brightness. At this time, she seemed to understand something, and patted me on the shoulder: "Go! Seven Star Middle School plays basketball, take your basketball." What? I heard it right, happy, like a free bird. Look, the basketball in my hand is also laughing. It keeps moving.

I took the basketball and rode the battery car around Gushan to the Seven Star Middle School. The wind was particularly cold that night. The mountains stood still, leaning against the sky, and shining neon lights from time to time.

Physical Education Composition in Junior Three (6)

Composition 1 on Physical Exercise in Junior Three

Sports do us good in many respects.It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength.In collective sports like basketball,volleyball,or football,we will learn the importance of cooperation.While taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse ourselves the competitive spirit.Sports can also help us relax after a period of exhausting work.However,as the saying goes, "there are two sides to everything", and sports is without exception.We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities.What's more,excessive or severe training can do harm to our health.

My participation in sports tells me that sports can make us healthy both physically and psychologically.It is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between people.So long as we are carefully enough,sports can do us nothing but good.

Composition 2 on Physical Exercise in Junior Three

Though PE class is a part of children’s education, many teenagers didn’t form the habit of doing exercise, they don’t have interest in sports. Enthusiasm for sports is of great importance, young people should treat it as their integral part of education.

Although physical education is a part of children's education, many teenagers have not formed the habit of physical exercise, and they are not interested in sports. Sports enthusiasm is very important, and young people should take it as part of their education.

On the one hand, promoting enthusiasm for sports among teenagers helps them keep a healthy lifestyle. In the school, students are forced to take exercise in the PE class, they need to join certain activities. In this way, students live in a healthy lifestyle, they won’t get sick easily. But after they leaving school, no one forces them to do so, so they are lazy to take exercise, their bodies gets weaker.

On the one hand, promoting teenagers' enthusiasm for sports will help them maintain a healthy lifestyle. At school, students are forced to exercise in physical education classes, and they need to participate in certain activities. In this way, students maintain a healthy lifestyle, and they will not get sick easily. But after they left school, no one forced them to exercise, so they were too lazy to exercise and became weak.

On the other hand, the enthusiasm for sports can help students enhance their sense of teamwork. As we known, most sports need more than one person to do, like badminton and table tennis, these sports needs more than two people. When students are playing badminton, they need to cooperate, so that they can defeat others, if they just keep an eye on themselves, they game can’t be played. Doing these sports will bring students the sense of teamwork, which is important for their career.

On the other hand, physical training can help students strengthen their sense of group cooperation. We know that most sports need more than one person to do, such as badminton and table tennis. These sports need more than two people to do. When students play badminton, they need to cooperate so that they can defeat their opponents. If they only pay attention to themselves, the game cannot be played. Doing these sports can bring a sense of cooperation to students, which is very important for their future career.

People should keep the habit of taking exercise, the sound body ensures better future. Enthusiasm for sports can make people feel it a happiness to take exercise.

People should form a good habit of exercise, healthy body can ensure a better future. The enthusiasm for sports can make people regard physical exercise as a kind of happiness.

English Composition 3 on Physical Exercise in Junior Three

As the proverb goes, “no one knows the value of health until he loses it.” From this, we know that health is very important to everybody. But how to keep fit? Many people believe that sports can offer people health and pleasure. As far as I concern, I think doing physical exercises have lots of advantages.

There is a proverb that says, "Nobody cares about the value of health until it is lost.". From this point, we know the importance of health to everyone. But how to keep healthy? Many people believe that exercise can ensure good health and bring happiness. As far as I am concerned, I think there are many benefits to doing more sports.

First of all, doing exercises in the morning will refresh my body as well as give me a good appetite to eat my breakfast. What’s more, the air in the morning is really fresh and clean, so I can keep my mind clear and sound in the class. By doing physical every day I can keep my mind alert that I can finish my tasks in time. If I do not do any physical exercise, I will feel tired and my body becomes quite sluggish. During the night, I may find it becomes harder to fall asleep. Second, doing exercises everyday will help me to mound a better personality. It takes time and patient to do exercises. Sometimes I just want to give up, but my friends encourage me to carry on, then I feel a lot of satisfaction. Doing physical exercises makes me stronger and healthier. That’s my personal experience.

First of all, doing sports meeting in the morning makes me energetic and have a good appetite for breakfast. More importantly, the morning air is clean and fresh, so that I can keep a clear head in class. The daily sports meeting makes me think quickly and finish my homework in time. If I don't exercise, I will feel mentally tired and physically sluggish. It also becomes difficult to sleep at night. Secondly, doing sports every day can make my character better. Exercise takes time and patience. Sometimes I really want to give up, but my friends encourage me to stick to it, and then I get great satisfaction from it. Doing sports makes me stronger and healthier. This is my personal experience.

As a student, sports are indispensable. You can pick up your favorite sport and do it every day. Only in this way, you can have both pleasure and a healthy body.

As a student, sports are indispensable. You can choose your favorite sport and exercise every day. Only in this way can you reap health and happiness from it.

Physical Education Composition in Junior Three (7)

As a middle school student of junior three, i do sports one or two hours a day, such as doing morning exercises, playing basketball, long-distance running and so on. i think it is very helpful to me. taking exercise makes me healthier so that i won’t be ill very often.

what’s more, i also get myself relaxed in different kinds of sports, and then i do the better job in my study in high spirit. by doing physical exercise, i’m becoming stronger and more confident than before.

i think it is necessary for everyone to spend some time on sports every day because people’s health is essential in modern life.

Reference translation:

As a junior high school student, I do sports for an hour or two every day, such as doing morning exercises, playing basketball, long-distance running, etc. I think it is very useful for me. Exercise makes me healthier, so that I won't often get sick.

More importantly, I am also doing different sports to relax myself, and then I am learning to do better in high spirit. Through physical exercise, I become stronger and more confident than before.

I think it is necessary to give everyone some time to exercise every day, because people's health in modern life is crucial.

Physical Education Composition in Junior Three (8)

Physical education

When I was a child, I was stupid. When I was in primary school, I still couldn't tell the left from the right. Later, I learned that the right hand is the writer.

However, when the teacher yelled "Keep up with the right" in the PE class queue, I always naturally kept up with the "left", because writing can never be carried out at the same time as the queue, and without a pen in hand, I can't figure out which is left and which is right in a short time, so I am very sad about this.

Another time, the teacher shouted, "Look right!" I turned my head in a direction without confidence. Then I heard the students laughing, and I knew that I was wrong again. But this time I had a new discovery: when I turned my head, I was facing the classmate on the left -- he was certainly laughing at me, and his teeth showed when he smiled, and a leek was sitting between his teeth. I immediately pointed out this new situation to the teacher: "Teacher, he didn't brush his teeth!" So everyone began to look at the student's teeth, forgetting that I was looking left.

I finally became smart, not only learned to keep up with the right, but also skillfully "turn left" and "turn right". This made me happy for a long time, and at the same time, I also learned that habit is not born, it is trained.

Later, I also learned that I should look to the left first when crossing the road, which greatly reduced the probability of traffic accidents happening to me.

But when habits become rules, they become boring. Since I learned to look right, I no longer know what the students on my left have eaten for breakfast. Similarly, when I look at the left road, I must have missed the scenery on the right.

A classic urban jungle fairy tale of several meters goes like this: a man and a woman who live in an old apartment building in the suburb of the city never meet because one goes left and the other goes right when they go out

You never know what your habits will make you miss. Once in a while, let's "look left".


In the fourth quarter of this Tuesday morning, we had an interesting sports.

After the bell rang, the PE teacher's whistle sounded. We quickly ran downstairs to assemble and formed the team. The sports committee members took the team to the playground.

"In this lesson, let's play a game that we haven't played before. It's a test of brain flexibility. Let's see who has the most flexible brain response. Let's first understand the rules of the game," "Wow!" We all shouted excitedly. The PE teacher began to assign tasks. "Four lines are drawn here, four on the north and south sides, two in the middle are short, and two on the side are long. In two groups, students stand face to face on the middle two lines. When blowing a whistle, the students in the south run back, and the students in the north catch up. The students who catch up will go down. When blowing two whistles, the students in the north run back, and the students in the south catch up. If the whistle is prolonged, they will stay in place. Do you understand? " "I understand." The students responded in unison. "Well, the game begins."

The first round of the game officially started. Unexpectedly, the first whistle of the physical education teacher gave us a surprise attack, blowing a long whistle, and some students moved their bodies, then shook their heads and went down reluctantly. Fortunately, I'm still on it. The second whistle blew a short and clear whistle, and then the students in the south flew like rabbits, while our students in the north chased like eagles. Finally, they could not escape from our hands, and only one "leftover male" Li Zhen lost. There are still five people here. I thought to myself, "Five people against one, they must lose. Let's wait and see how badly they lose." I was proud of myself.

Two short whistles sounded, and I was proud of myself. It was too late just when I responded. Li Zhenxun quickly caught me and another student, and other students were also quickly "caught". Alas, it is arrogant to lose Jingzhou carelessly. We must learn from today's profound lesson in the future.

In this way, we had not yet waited for the next round of competition when the bell rang. In the laughter of the students, an interesting PE class ended.

Interesting Physical Education

Physical education, this once-in-a-lifetime chance to relax, finally came. Should I go to the classroom or go to the court to run? When I was in a dilemma, the teacher quickly ordered: "Boys and girls, let's practice one action in this class - raising our legs." As soon as the teacher finished, the students were shocked: "Practice again!" Before the practice, the teacher first taught us to warm up. Because I have practiced since childhood, my basic skills are good, Those movements are really a piece of cake. For people like me, I don't have to do them. I not only goofed off on the side, but also said sarcastic words: "Teacher, this movement is too easy, change the next one." Just after the words ended, 39 pairs of eyes stared at me, I'd better shut up! Heroes don't suffer from immediate losses. Those who know the current affairs are heroes. They don't see things the same way as you do. I muttered to myself.

The warm-up exercise finally came to an end and finally started. What happened next was unexpected. It was enough to make people laugh. The students' posture of raising their legs can be described as various and different. You see that female classmate, I don't know whether it is her own factor or the pants. Her legs just can't be lifted up. Forget it, just walk over! There is also a more god, I can't run past, can't I jump over? The way for students to muddle through is endless, which can be described as "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, Each Shows His Divine Power"! And I am so busy on the side. What am I busy with? Be a commentator! Look at the one who jumped. If Kangaroo is the champion of jumping, she is the master of Kangaroo. Look at that again. It's just a rabbit's brother! While talking and imitating, teachers and students laughed, but what about me? Even more, he was laughing up and down, but the party was already angry! Finally, the teacher announced that he was disbanded under the students' insistence. This was a big deal. A group of female students chased me and "captured" me. "Help!"

I leaned back weakly on the chair and sighed heartily: "The girls in my class are really 'skillful'!"