I wrote a composition in the third day of junior high
Gather the vicissitudes of life and white hair
2022-10-25 09:58:32
Junior three

I wrote a composition in the third day of junior high

No matter in study, work or life, everyone is familiar with composition. Composition is a narrative method to express a theme meaning through words after people's thinking and language organization. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is my composition from the third day of last grade collected and sorted by my editor. Welcome to share it.

I was in the third day of junior high, composition 1

Although we have only two weeks to start our third year of junior high school, I feel a lot.

By the third day of the junior high school, our sleep time was greatly reduced, which led to some maladjustment. Sometimes I dozed off when I went to early school and self-study at night. But when I thought that I had less than a year to take the high school entrance exam, I would twist my legs vigorously to wake up and continue to study.

The learning pace of the third day of junior high is very tight. After the third day of junior high, we added a chemistry class, and the teacher's teaching speed was much faster than before. Because my foundation was not solid, every night when I came home, I had to go over the knowledge I learned that day again, and then did the homework assigned by the teacher. For this reason, I often stayed up late at night.

After the third day of the junior high school, our physical training intensity has reached a new level. After every day's exercise, my whole body is weak and my legs ache. I want to give up every half of the exercise, but I still gritted my teeth to the end in order to get the sports scores of the middle school entrance exam.

In the third day of junior high school, although we only got one grade higher than in the second day of junior high school, the third day of junior high school means that we have to face the high school entrance exam, which is the first big exam in our life. It determines whether we can go to high school, whether we can enter key high school or ordinary high school, depending on our efforts and learning efficiency in this year.

In the third day of junior high school, I should study harder than in the first and second days of junior high school. At the same time, I should not study hard. I should make my own learning plan, combine work with rest, and strive for my ideal high school.

With the expectation of my parents and the dream of youth in my heart, I made a solid progress towards my goal on the way of learning in the third day of junior high.

I was in the third day of junior high, composition 2

The magpies outside the window are calling their children to return home quickly. The setting sun shoots into the classroom through the window. Why don't you go home? Alas, it's only because I'm in the third day of junior high.

The classroom lost the old laughter and laughter, and the air seemed to condense. The teachers did not take us to the countryside anymore, but competed to make up lessons for us, engrave, and buy a lot of learning materials. In the past, the friendship like streams evaporated in the heat of learning and evaporated into a dream like fog.

I don't know when the cups of milk on the table made me feel a sense of inexplicable fear, but I had to drink down cups of hunger, but I didn't feel energetic. My parents' repeated exhortations and admonishments made me feel an indescribable sense of hunger and depression, which made me gasp for breath. For this reason, I told myself again and again: "To study hard, you must enter a key high school..." But my grades have been stagnant.

Farewell to the laughing outing. Farewell to my lovely easel. Farewell to my hungry pop song. Tell Sanmao that I can't accompany her to the desert for adventure hiking

So I kept writing, calculating and thinking.

As a result, the three-point line in the classroom - canteen - dormitory has become my constant life mechanical program.

As a result, the stack of hungry reference materials on the desk is getting higher and higher, and there are more and more exercises in my schoolbag, so I have to work day and night.

Not only since when, a layer of "artificial eyes" has been put on the bridge of my nose to block my view outside the window. The world outside the window must be very beautiful, but she doesn't belong to me for the time being, because I am in the third day of the junior high school

I was in the third day of junior high, composition 3

"Summer vacation king - summer vacation king, hold on! You can't die!" Yes, just now my personal guard, summer vacation king, launched a desperate fight with the cruel swordsman, Junior Three, to protect me. As a result, due to the "lack of electricity", he collapsed under the knife of the first three monarchs and became a loser. "Sobbing, I have been with you for two months during the summer vacation." In this way, I became a slave of you and was "forced" to attend the third day.

At the beginning of September, I came to school with some dim sleepiness - class! "Hi~" yawn first. As soon as I entered the class, I smelled an aggressive atmosphere, as if there were hidden dangers everywhere. Everyone's face was added with a fortitude. Different from the past, this year! Ah no, next year! We will usher in a new turning point - the high school entrance examination. It can be imagined that the army swarmed in, but there was a bottomless abyss in front, and the mountains behind kept collapsing, while the only single wooden bridge connecting the two banks. How tragic and solemn the scene was. But I don't want to become a "dead soul under the cliff", and I don't want to leave any regret in my life. I will take a responsible attitude towards myself and the future and work hard on the battlefield. "Tired body, tired heart and tired bones, exhausted body and mind is really bitter". Teachers, do you want to be so forceful! Just a few days after school, the exercises are almost piled up. The saliva is flying and the powder is dancing. I don't think you should put the whole book into our bodies alive.

Alas, we are much luckier in senior three. The life in the third day of junior high is full of hardships and tiredness. As long as we resist the pressure and dare to face difficulties, we believe that the bright stars will not be far away from us.

I was in the third day of junior high, and I wrote composition 4

The third day of junior high school is approaching the senior high school entrance examination, which means that junior high school life is coming to an end and also means a new start. As the teacher said: "The third day is not the end, but a new beginning“

The third day of junior high school represents piles of homework like bottomless holes; It represents the time to get up earlier than the chicken and sleep later than the dog; And teachers from morning to night.

In the third day of junior high school, I am not the first year student who is full of curiosity about junior high school life, nor the second year student who complains about too much homework all day long and always wants to "squeeze" some time to play. I am ready to challenge at any time to meet the first third year graduate in life.

In the third day of the junior year, we will say goodbye to the "eight" of our homework books after last grade, to the mobile phones that we "get along with" day and night in the summer vacation, to the novels printed with lines of small characters, and to the vast playground. We were greeted only by the "nine" in the homework book, the figure of ninth grade reading downstairs before dawn every morning, and the piles of learning materials on each desk in the classroom. In the face of boring courses, endless tests and homework, we have to learn from difficulties and compromise.

The third day is a new challenge. Someone told me that the third day is bitter, because you don't know what will happen, you will experience failure and fall, but at the same time, the third day is also sweet, you will taste the taste of success, you will find that so many people around you are silently supporting you, facing the third day, don't be afraid, and bravely take your own steps.

In the third day of the year, if you work hard, you will see the sky farther away. If you work hard, you will go further from your dream. Work hard, in the third day of the year!

This year, I am in the third grade. I will work hard, because I want to see the sky farther away, and I want to realize my dream. come on.