800 word senior high school writing composition: sincerity
Life is made by oneself
2022-11-02 02:38:04
third year in high school

Regardless of gains and losses, it seems that sincerity steals the characteristics of dedication. But what is interesting is that they are twins. Of course, it is dedication for brother and sincerity for sister. This also confirms the power of sincerity, which can be deep or shallow. The feminine spirit of this woman really covers everything in sincerity.

But Sincerity finally chose to follow her brother. Sacrifice oneself to save others, sacrifice oneself to save the country, care for the country, care for the people... These actions are filled with the aura of dedication. In fact, sincerity has always been there, but she is too low-key to be noticed, or she thinks that her value is too low, which is simply not worth mentioning compared to dedication.

In fact, she is a bit of a virtuous wife, although not her sister's identity.

But the greatness of sincerity always depends on that choice. She can also match the choice of life and death. A sincere act, a sincere hope, a sincere thinking, is full of the nobility of life all the time, but also full of contradictions in meditation. Isn't the greatness of sincerity also reflected in it? The joy of helping others is her ultimate pursuit.

After being anxious and understanding, sincerity becomes a habit, sublimating and transcending the choice.

Inevitably, sincerity has fostered the quality of Neixiu.