Senior Three Narrative Composition: Making Dumplings (1000 words)
See money as dirt
2022-10-29 01:39:20

Lala...... Lala, today, my mother is going to make my favorite dumplings again. I'm very happy.

I thought, "I can eat dumplings, but I can't even make dumplings." So I asked my mother to let me help. Although the dumplings look very simple after being wrapped, the production process is actually very complicated! There are many kinds of dumpling stuffing, including meat stuffing, vegetable stuffing, three delicacies stuffing, and sugar stuffing. Today, my mother made vegetables and meat for me. First, you should wash the vegetables, cut them into pieces, then cut the meat, add various condiments and mix the stuffing. After the filling is adjusted, my mother has already made the noodles live. After waking up for a while, the noodles are required. They must not be too hard or too soft. They must be too hard. The skin of the dumplings is not easy to be pinched from the bottom. They are too soft, and the dumplings are easy to stick from the bottom. Oh, so many dumplings are exquisite!

The preparatory work was done, and the rolling was started. Mother first cut a small piece of noodles and rubbed them in her hand from time to time. After a while, noodles like a rope came out. Then, small pieces of noodles were cut with a knife, pressed flat with the palm of your hand, and put them under the rolling pin, and a thin piece of skin came out later. Seeing the dough flying under my mother's rolling pin, I envy my mother's dexterous hands!

I started to make dumplings. First, I looked carefully at my mother's hands. She picked up a piece of leather and held it in her palm. She picked a little stuffing with a spoon and put it in the middle of the leather. The two sides were squeezed together and folded a few times. A beautiful dumpling was wrapped. When I saw my mother wrapped it easily, I was a little worried and ready to try. So I picked up a piece of skin, held it firmly in my hand, put a large piece of stuffing on it, and squeezed both sides together. But the problem came. Somehow, I accidentally broke the skin. So I picked up another piece of skin and filled it outside, but it was still not good. The stuffing squeezed out from the edge again. I was a little impatient, pursed my mouth, and didn't want to wrap it. My mother saw my appearance, He said to me carefully: "You don't want to do something that is not successful once, and then it is very difficult. If you don't do it, you should stick to it. Don't give up halfway. Try a few more times, and it will be successful." After listening to my mother's words, I felt suddenly refreshed. I was careful. This time, I didn't put too much stuffing into it. I thought: less might be good, and two hands together, With a hard squeeze, a "little general's belly" appeared. Unexpectedly, my squeeze was successful. I showed my mother my dumplings, and her mother said happily, "It's good. Isn't it a beautiful dumplings? Keep working hard, and you will wrap better." I nodded, thinking: no matter what you do, as long as you persist, you will succeed.

Slowly, we packed a large plate, boiled the water, and began to pour dumplings. My mother told me that we must let the dumplings boil in the water, and one by one, like a pig with a full stomach, it means they are ripe. I'm looking forward to what my dumplings will look like when they are ripe?

After about ten minutes, my mother hurried to greet me. The dumplings were ripe. It was so good that I could finally eat the dumplings I made myself. My mother fished the dumplings to the plate with a strainer, and I couldn't wait to eat them. The stuffing inside was loose and soft, and the taste was particularly fragrant. I felt that the results made with my own labor were particularly fragrant!

Thanks for my mother's encouragement. I will work hard and do everything unremittingly in the future!