Excellent Composition in Senior Three
I'm here to hold you on the other side
2022-10-29 01:33:59

In fact, I think life is a contradictory entity. We don't know what we are suitable for, so we naturally immerse ourselves in our own world and can't extricate ourselves. In fact, I gradually feel that life is really wonderful, and we don't know when and where we will do things that are difficult to imagine.

I think the experience of life is the most true reflection of life. Our current life is too impetuous, too restless, and we don't know whether we can become a hero in everyone's mind. Maybe we see too many people and see more and more things, so we can hardly imagine what kind of people we can become, We may be the kind of people who can do nothing, but I also don't believe that I don't know what kind of people I will become, but in the end, I still want to use all my sweat and tears to tell myself, tell all the people who care about me and love me, and say that I am now a person who can make everyone proud and proud. I think, This is the essence of life. That's enough.

In front of me, I met a senior who just graduated from a university and went to a military academy. But for me, my goal is still an ordinary higher vocational college. I don't want my dream to be dashed after I realize it. So now I have to keep working hard to make myself better, so that I can become an outstanding person in everyone's mouth, Such an excellent person.

I used to think that life experience can only be obtained through travel, but I gradually feel that travel is just one simple aspect, and on the other hand, it is to let us really obtain them through reading.

Recently, I read the Langya List written by Haiyan at one go. For the first time, I really think that the writer is really great and can create so many people with good souls. I think that my concept of novel before was simply based on the number of words. In fact, I forgot that the most important soul of a story is the creation of characters, A good character and a wonderful plot are the only way to grow a perfect novel. My dream is also to be a writer. But for a simple freelancer like me, I think this dream has become very ambitious. Maybe I have a long way to go from this dream.

But I don't want to let me remain silent. I want to be the person who makes myself and others proud. So this winter vacation, I have been constantly settling myself. I hope I can increase my own life experience. I hope I can use my own pen and my own heart, With my own sweat and tears to write a high school life that I think I can perfect, I believe I will, and I look forward to creating more and more wonderful moments and moments.

The experience of life, I believe, is not only what we express verbally, I think more is that we can look at all things around us with a kind of scrutiny. As we grow older, we feel more difficult to grow, but we gradually forget why growth is not difficult, Are we really going to simply stop?

I believe that I will not, I believe that you will also not, I believe that our future will still be very wonderful, I believe that our own life can only be written by ourselves, to make our own scroll more colorful.