High school scenery composition: spring
Old friends don't return to the city
2022-10-31 00:27:42
third year in high school
describe the scenery

In daily life or work and study, everyone has dealt with composition. Composition is a speech activity that people express their feelings in written form. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? The following is the composition of the scenery of senior high school, which is compiled by Xiao Bian for you: Spring, welcome to read and collect.

Winter has gone and spring has come. It's a new year in the twinkling of an eye. How time flies! I haven't had time to prepare yet, and the spring has come to me unconsciously, so suddenly! At the same time, it is so fast. Why do you think it goes back and forth and changes back and forth? Isn't it tired? How nice of you to say that if it comes, it will not leave! But it's time to leave! It makes people feel so reluctant and sad. Of course, if it doesn't come and go, people may get tired of it. The ancient book says, "The plan of a day is in the morning, and the plan of a year is in spring." The ancients all know that spring is a popular season. It is not hot in summer, bleak in autumn, or cold in winter, Spring is always so mild, what a beautiful season! People are unconsciously intoxicated with it and linger over it. Look at the things in this season, and people can't help admiring it!

Look: The winter jasmine blooms early, one after another, leaving no gaps. When you go to smell these flowers, you will be unable to help yourself. What beautiful flowers! The color is so bright, which is the magic of the self performance. It uses the earth as paper, and these flower tweeds are like paintings made by famous painters! The only difference between these flowers and the painter is that these beautiful flowers will wither, not like the one in the portrait, unless the paint is poor and faded! Take a look at these peach blossoms. Every spring, they always open on time. They are not late or early. They are still punctual. These pink peach blossoms are extremely bright. The scent of the flowers is overwhelming. The scent can make you feel refreshed when you smell it. All worries and worries are gone!

At this time, as if to meet the arrival of spring. Two precious Chinese medicines have also blossomed, one is peony, the other is peony. Let's talk about this peony first. Since ancient times, peony has a high status and medicinal value in people's minds! Peony has the laudatory name of "National Beauty, Natural Fragrance, and Flowers". It is not a false name, but its flowers are so beautiful that other flowers can not compete with it! Since ancient times, men have always described beautiful women as peonies, which shows its position in people's minds. Peony is also a very valuable Chinese herbal medicine. It has the magical effects of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, unblocking menstruation, and diminishing inflammation. Maybe it can be matched by peony, which also has an important position. According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, "peony" For: abdominal pain, bone pain, beriberi swelling and pain, nosebleed more than all have magical effects. Although peony is not as beautiful and moving as peony, it also has its own metaphorical value. It also has the reputation of "fairy in flowers, prime minister in flowers", and is also a kind of love flower. It is ranked among the "six famous flowers" in China! Walking into these flowers, I felt as if I had been out of the world. When I was tired, I often came here for a walk. Before long, the pressure in my heart had completely disappeared, and there was an indescribable ease and joy! Look at the trees in front of the door. In winter, they are so dying, as if they have no life. But if it comes to spring, these trees become extremely lively, and new leaves just pulled out from the branches are opening. What a wonderful thing! Soon, they will grow very large and wide leaves, oval leaves, one by one, Although these leaves are not as beautiful as flowers, green leaves are matched with red flowers. How can they show the pride of flowers without the background of leaves? When these leaves grow up, they can also block the sun and avoid the summer heat, which is also good!

There is a dense bamboo forest behind my house. Look at them. These green bamboos, in winter, there are few leaves left on the bamboo branches. However, the arrival of spring has changed all this, and new leaves come out of the bamboo branches! If you carefully observe, the bamboo shoots have begun to grow on the ground. They are very small, so you need to carefully observe and discover!

Look at the river in front of my house. In winter, the river is almost thirsty, quiet, and there is no sound of running water. Fortunately, the arrival of spring has broken the silence, and the river flows again like usual! The fish in the river also surfaced and swam happily. Maybe they also wanted to: "How nice it is always spring". Then they won't suffer so much! But they know that spring will come and go, and they will be happy when the spring is limited! In the spring, when I came to the top of the mountain and stood on the steep mountain top to look down, a beautiful picture was displayed in front of me. The whole mountain was surrounded by beautiful flowers and green leaves. The farmers and uncles at the foot of the mountain were busy with the farmland, the children at the foot of the mountain were flying all kinds of kites, the birds on the mountain were singing happily, and the songs were beautiful, It seems to be a song specially written for spring! What a beautiful voice! The breeze is blowing on my face, and I feel that I have arrived at a fairyland. For a long time, I am reluctant to leave.

Therefore, every year I look forward to the arrival of spring, but I am afraid of its arrival, afraid that it will leave soon after it comes. Later, I gradually learned a truth: "The arrival of spring means the arrival of summer, the arrival of summer means the arrival of autumn, the arrival of autumn means the arrival of winter, and the arrival of winter means the arrival of spring.". The seasons are changing. Spring is better than spring, and other seasons are also different. But if I keep a happy and happy mood in my heart, I believe that spring is in my heart!