Writing in Senior Three
Across the world
2022-10-26 00:21:30
third year in high school

There was a sound of "clatter" outside the window. It was raining. I put down my freshly brewed coffee and walked to the window. I can feel pain when raindrops hit the glass like they hit my face. It was drizzling outside the window, and people, cars and buildings were not really seen.

Suddenly, a car rushed over the sidewalk, splashing water wet the pants of a passer-by. The man swore under his umbrella, but the curse was already covered by the rain. My eyes moved back to the room, turned to the mobile phone in hand, and looked at the message. I can't believe my eyes. I turn off the phone, close my eyes, and then turn on the phone. At the same time, my thumb keeps wiping the screen, but the phone is still unchanged. I collapsed, so many days of hard work in exchange for a text message that should not come.

The coffee is no longer steaming. I walked to my bookcase, where I always seemed to find comfort. I looked down from the top row of the bookcase, and suddenly found that there was a thin layer of dust on a stack of diary books that I had not moved for a long time. I carefully blew away the dust and took out some books to look through. I was so optimistic when I was young!

From the diary, I can see how naive I was when I was a child. It seems that I never knew what a blow was and what a difficult thing was. I laughed at everything. Sometimes I can't think of it. I can't go to my parents' arms and nothing will happen. Now I have changed, become cowardly, become vulnerable. When did I lose myself? Did I start in junior high school? I don't know, because I can't remember clearly.

The coffee is cold. I packed my diary and put them back on the bookcase. The rain outside has stopped, and the scenery outside the window suddenly becomes clear and bright. The puddles on the road reflect a small part of the blue sky. There are more passers-by and cars again, but the cars slow down when passing the puddles. I took a deep breath, walked back to my desk, took out my mood notes, and solemnly wrote a sentence: Look forward when facing difficulties, there are many better things waiting for you.

I tasted the cold coffee and looked out the window, which was still clear and moving.