Composition of Senior Three from the Sun
2022-10-30 04:28:43
third year in high school

The sky is high, the clouds are clear, the fields are empty, the wind blows the flowers, and the weeds are woven... This pleasant scenery condenses into the appearance of spring. In this colorful season, I was admitted to the hospital because of a serious illness.

My hospital bed is close to the door, and there is still some distance from the window. At that time, looking at the white walls of the ward, the white bed, and the doctors in white coats, I felt that white was the most helpless and cold color. The setting sun shines into the ward, but it can't reach my bed, and can't touch the coldness of my heart. Outside the window, it is clearly lively, but my heart is like a barren land, dry and empty. The noise outside the window is disturbing. I simply closed my eyes and blocked the outside world one by one. I don't know how long later, there was a noise in the room. I opened my eyes and found that there was a boy with a drawing board on his back who was carrying something. I looked at him and just met his eyes. When he saw that I woke up, he said apologetically, "Sorry to disturb you. I helped my grandma in hospital to carry some things." "Nothing," I stood up and replied. Maybe I was bored. I came to the boy and saw him take off his drawing board and sit in the sun. The golden light fell on the rough line of the painting through his hair. The boy's long fingers adjusted the oil paint, sketching the shape and coloring bit by bit. His every stroke was carefully drawn, and the light from his eyes was bright and focused. I was fascinated by the sight of sunflowers.

Perhaps he noticed my sight. He took down the picture and said to me, "Here, give it to you." "Ah, why?" "Do you know that sunflower is the most pious and pure flower in the world. It was born to bloom, and to follow its faith, it was born from the sun, lonely but shining. In my opinion, yellow is the fiercest color. Have you ever seen the appearance of the Sun Core? The red is extremely bright, and the yellow is shining. " He smiled and then said, "I think your face is full of sadness, so when you are sad, just look at it and hope it can give you strength." The young man's paintings and words were like a sunshine, breaking the sealed window of his heart, shining into his heart, and planting sunflower seedlings on that barren land. I nodded heavily.

That afternoon, the boy's words and his sunflowers stayed in my heart. Although I seldom met him later, with the increase of time after I left the hospital, even his appearance gradually blurred. In my mind, there is only a boundless sea of sunflowers. They grow fearlessly and are full of hope. They give me strength when I want to give up or be depressed.

The sea of sunflowers grows from the sun.