Composition Materials for 2022 Shanghai College Entrance Examination
Laugh about the situation
2022-11-02 01:34:56
college entrance examination

Since ancient times, "rules are everywhere.". This famous saying in Mencius is a perfect interpretation of the rules. State owned national law, family rules, rules affect every collective and individual, now write four rules, which is my reflection on the rules.

First question: What are the rules?

When I asked Douniang, she said that the rule is the operation, and the operation rule follows the rule. In other words, rules should be obeyed and observed by everyone. But for some people, they are used to ignoring rules, trampling on rules, and treating rules as waste paper. They will also be condemned by morality and punished by law.

Second question: Are there completely fair rules?

Recalling the life experience of more than ten years, there are rules, but no matter how perfect the makers want to make, loopholes also coexist with the rules, and when implementing the rules, loopholes are infinitely enlarged. In the examination room, it is also cheating. The teacher will punish the students who see it, but the students who are not seen will escape; On the court, it is also a foul. The referee thinks your action is too big and gives you a red card, but thinks his action is average, just a verbal warning. Therefore, there is no truly fair rule, but all people are making the social balance adjust in the direction of balance.

Third question: What is the relationship between rules and constraints?

In essence, rules and constraints are the same thing. Human beings are social animals, and all kinds of contacts must occur between them at all times. In order to ensure that our social behavior is in order, rules are created. However, the rules aim to maintain social activities, rather than hamper human development and progress. Excessive restraint is harmful to society. For example, in a football match, if the referee draws red and yellow cards for all the fouls, the game will not continue. Another example is the burning of books to pit scholars in the Qin Dynasty, the selection of scholars by stereotyped writing in the Ming Dynasty, and the literary inquisition in the Qing Dynasty. All of these events have set back the pace of social civilization. As Catherine Hepburn said at the beginning of Lipstick Forest: "If you obey all the rules, you will miss all the fun."

Question 4: What is the meaning of abiding by the rules?

After thinking for a long time, I finally understand the mystery of rules. Rules are necessary for the sustainable development of today's society. Because if everyone abides by rules, then this society is just like what is said in the Book of Rites: "It is different to try to close down, to steal and disorderly steal without doing, and to stay outside without closing up." But rules are dead and people are alive.

Finally, I suddenly remembered a sentence: "There must be necessary rules and regulations." Please listen carefully, it is necessary!