Complete composition on competition in the third day of junior high school
The best taste in the world is Qinghuan
2022-10-21 07:15:58
Junior three

Understand that competition is bound to lead to success and failure, and learn to treat success and failure correctly. You can find your life value in the competition. The following is a summary of competition in the third day of the junior year compiled by Xiao Bian I hope it can help everyone!

What is competition? Competition is a struggle between one person and another based on strength; It is one tree competing with another to draw water; It is the survival rule between animals.

When the bell rang, the teacher walked softly, said hello to the students and walked to the platform, saying, "Let me tell you something, students." With that, the teacher had a smile on his face.

Hearing the story to be told, the students straightened up and stared at the teacher, waiting for the beginning of the story. The teacher glanced at the students gracefully, and the story began. As the teacher spoke, we could not help walking slowly towards the students, while our eyes were staring at the teacher, and our eyes were also unconsciously turning with the teacher, and our faces were full of expectations.

The teacher's eyes were around the students, and his hands were raised at some time. His face was full of passion.

The story began. The only voice in the classroom was the teacher telling stories. The students held their breath, and the atmosphere did not dare to make a sound. At the end of the story, several impatient students have clapped their hands, followed by thunderous applause.

The story came to an abrupt end, and the students were immersed in the story. The teacher walked back to the platform, looked around the students, and said, "Students, what do you think competition is good for social development? Have you experienced any competition? What do you understand from it?"

After the teacher threw out this thought-provoking question, the students' faces became serious, frowning and thinking. The whole class fell into thinking, and the classroom was quiet again.

Finally, one student raised her hand high, breaking the silence. She stood up slowly, her legs straight, and her face was very serious.

"In our class, one of my classmates always got a higher score than me. I was unconvinced and studied harder. Later, in an exam, my score finally exceeded him. I think only under this benign competition can people have motivation."

The teacher looked at her, nodded and said, "What you said is very reasonable."

"On a maritime boundary, the United States has another dispute with China. I think it is a vicious competition. vicious competition will cause a vicious circle." A classmate also stood up and said.

Yes, this is the competition. There are benign and malignant. There is competition in everything on the earth all the time, and competition will have power and gain.

Today, during the big break, the school held a tug of war competition. The atmosphere on the field was extremely fierce, and the players in all classes were eager to try.

Each class stands in a serpentine line, with school leaders and PE teachers as judges. "Next, Class Three of Five Years and Class One of Five Years will compete." The broadcasting room gave instructions, and at the same time, there were bursts of warm applause and cheers. As one of the members of Class Three of the Five Year Plan, I was also very excited and kept thinking: "We must win honor for our class!"! As long as everyone's strength is twisted into a rope, no matter what kind of opponents, they will be invincible. The other team members also tightened their nerves, raised their heads, and showed a winning expression. Seeing this scene, I felt more confident. However, opponents are not easy to deal with!

The game began. Both sides took up the rope in a fierce manner, tightened, prepared, and started! "One or two, come on! One or two, come on!" "We must win! We must win!" "The brave who meet on a narrow road wins!" All kinds of colors resounded over the playground, and the playground kept thinking of cheers. The two class collectives also strive to be the first. One by one, the members of our class tried their best to pull back, and the opponents were no inferior. Their faces were red, but in the end, we won the final victory through solidarity.

After the competition between the four classes of Grade 5, there were also competitions between Grade 4 and Grade 3. The young players were determined to win, and their faces were filled with joy. They also fought hard for the first place to win.

Cheerleaders of all classes shouted desperately to cheer for the team members. We were immersed in the fierce joy of the game. Another exciting moment came - "Five year group is preparing for the final."

In the final, we played Class 4 of Five Years. Their players were tall and strong, which gave us an invisible pressure. There was a tense atmosphere in the air. At the beginning, they had the advantage. They were really strong! I always thought that it must be the result of losing, but suddenly, it seemed that a force was supporting us, telling us what the "enemy" was, and that it was better to fight than to give up. In the end, we won, which is the real victory. Cool!

The competition ended, and all classes lined up and walked back to the classroom. This competition brought me joy, brought honor to the class, and also gave us a lot of inspiration: competition, only competition, can we realize the joy of victory; Only when we compete can we understand what is giving and getting; Only through competition can we gain courage, wisdom and unity

The darkness of the whole world cannot be a small candle losing its brightness!

There are many people in the world who are reasonable and unexpected. Isn't Iraq and the United States good textbooks? The United States is a hegemonic country, and the United States dominates the world. After the outbreak of the US Iraq war, many people lost their lives. The child, who was only 3 years old, leaned close to his mother, looked at her kindly face, and couldn't help crying. The lights in the hospital were dark, and it was dark. The 3-year-old lit a candle, held it in his hand, and knelt on the ground. Looking at his mother who was about to die, his son understood a lot, a lot.

Obviously, people are competing with each other, society is competing with society, and the country is also competing with each other. Backwardness means being beaten. There is a wall between people, a dream between children and the elderly, and a wish between the elderly and young people.

The present society is too terrible, competition is everywhere, challenges are still continuing, failure is temporary, success will be my future, I believe that my success tomorrow can not be separated from my efforts today, my failure yesterday will be the driving force for my success, I can

Maybe you are a little aggrieved, maybe you are not satisfied, but now you are eliminated. I really appreciate this sentence. Tomorrow's flowers are blooming for me, today's fruits have withered, innovation is everywhere, and challenges are continuing.

I would like to become the boy you admire in the fairy tale, open your hands to embrace success, embrace the future, and embrace your own tomorrow.

Competition is survival, competition is power, competition is the direction of progress, and it is our own tomorrow. I can.

If there is failure, there will be success. If there is success, there will be failure. Competition is survival!

I think people's life is like a race. At different stages, we will meet different people, experience the joy of victory, and also experience the pain of failure.

Now I am a student, and my competitors are my classmates. We help each other, promote each other, and strive for progress in the competition.

When I was in primary school in the countryside, my grades were in the upper middle class. But before I went to school from the countryside to the city, after a test, my math was OK, but the Chinese was a mess, because the Chinese textbooks were different. When I went to school in the countryside, my Chinese was not very ideal, but I could still rank middle in the class, but lower in the urban primary school. I was so upset that I had to pay more attention to Chinese. In the end, the emperor will live up to the people who want to, and I succeeded. I even won back the first place I dared not think before. The joy was indescribable, in short, very excited.

The experience of this transfer made me know that the competition between urban primary schools and rural primary schools is still a small challenge, just like a small test before the war. Now the victory is nothing, and the real fierce competition begins!

Then I met the first turning point in my life, when a primary school student was promoted to a middle school student. I went to the best middle school in Kaifeng, and the competition was even fiercer. First in primary school, I only got 33 students in the first monthly exam in junior high school, and even the math exam I have always been proud of was a mess. This painful blow made me understand that "natural selection, survival of the fittest", junior high school life is a true portrayal. English is the most troublesome subject for me. In primary school, my English is mixed (I barely touched it in the countryside, and I can't keep up with it in the city. Generally, I don't take English exams, so I don't pay attention to it). But most of the junior high school students can have a simple English conversation with the teacher, but I don't even know how to spell "morning". I spend more time learning English. Every day, I listen to the tape and write exercises according to the teacher's requirements. Finally, English has made some progress, but I can only rank in the middle of the class.

Competition makes me know my shortcomings and improve myself.

Competition makes me feel small, and competition has also trained the end of my unyielding.

When the dawn just broke through the night sky on the grassland, the antelope suddenly woke up and ran quickly. If it was slow, it might be eaten by the lion; The antelope gets up and runs away. The lion wakes up and runs quickly. If it is slow, it may not starve to death

If you are a tiger, you should howl in the forest; A lion should run like a fly; Is a wonderful flower, it should bloom colorful youth; In today's society, competition has already become an indispensable symphony in our life. It is also competition that makes us mature step by step and move towards the future.

Since entering middle school, the difficulty of learning subjects has gradually increased, and the competition between classmates has gradually become fierce. Sometimes, a point difference will reduce the ranking several times, and the teacher often tells us that 0. 5 points. Even so, no matter how hard I try and work hard, in the exam again and again, the sadness still swallowed up my heart through the wind and rain, and the tears of regret still soaked my cheeks. At this time, the devil who gave up comes to his mind and thinks: It seems that I am really not suitable for reading. If I am not as good as others, I will not be as good as others! But no matter how much I exaggerate, my heart is still empty. "A tree needs a skin, and a person needs a face." I don't want to live so spineless, mediocre, and wasted my time. Faced with the encouragement of teachers, the love and expectations of parents, how can I dare to disappoint those who love me and care about me?

In the third monthly exam, I didn't know what the result was. Suddenly, I ran very fast. There were 12 students in the class and 150 students in the grade. I thought about it but didn't know how it came so fast. Maybe it was really too easy... The final exam passed in the blink of an eye, and the result was beaten back to its original shape. I got the lowest score in the English exam in history. It was a thunderbolt in the class, On the big stage of grade, only sweat and action can make it possible - I will not stagnate, I believe that "no pains, no gains!"

Under the sun, I sweat like rain, and try my best to follow the path of my struggle; In the rainstorm, my feet were muddy, and I still walked on until I died, climbing up step by step!

In the long and arduous journey of life, it is competition that inspires me to fulfill everyone's potential, awakens the sleeping soldiers in our hearts, and forces our impulses and desires. It is also in this competition that we mature and grow step by step!