Complete composition describing autumn in the third day of junior high school
A tree of crabapple
2022-11-01 02:01:36
Senior High School Entrance Examination

Autumn is a festival for leaves and the earth to get together. Many leaves put on colorful dresses and go to this autumn appointment happily.

The loquat leaf is replaced by a foreign and noble emerald dress. Its leaves are oval. When they fall into the water, they become boats to pick up small ants. The front color of loquat leaves is dark green, and the reverse color is much lighter than the front color. If you don't look carefully, you don't know that there are many small hairs on the back! Its veins are clearly visible and distributed from coarse to fine, just like human blood vessels, conveying nutrition for the leaves. The round leaf edge is also full of small serrations. Don't provoke it, it will stab you.

The golden leaf privet is different. It is gentle and lovely, and can be regarded as the most moving one in the leaf world. Its leaves are tender yellow, smooth and delicate to the touch, and there are thin lines on them. I touched it gently for fear of damaging the leaves. How tender its leaves are! The back side of the leaf is lighter than the front side. The stem and vein are long and thin. It is difficult to find them without careful observation.

The palm leaf is a big one. It feels rough. The hard and big leaf spreads out and stands up. It looks like a vigorous warrior, shaking his massive body in the wind. "Sasha - Sasha -" The palm leaf is telling a joke with the wind again.

I really like these autumn leaves. They are so interesting!