Happy Senior Three Composition
No pain, no gain.
2022-10-30 01:14:02
third year in high school

Long long ago, the dewdrop was unhappy. It always hid in a corner rarely visited by people and appeared with the dawn. It seldom saw others, and others seldom saw it.

One day, the farmer found it on the corn leaf and asked it quietly, "Why are you hiding here? How beautiful it is outside!" It replied, "I would like to run like a stream, I would like to be as grand as the sea, but I have nothing." The farmer smiled, "I don't have a rich life, but I have golden ears of rice, I don't have endless wealth, but I have my loved family, and I am very happy." Dewdrop went on another day's journey in the sun and hot air with doubts.

When it woke up again, it was lying on an elm tree, facing a bright window. In front of the window sat a kind grandma, with wrinkles all over her eyes. She also found dewdrops and asked it warmly: "It's sunny today, and I'm in a good mood. How about you?" It replied: "Every day is the same. I want to be happy, and I want to be happy, but there is nothing." Grandma smiled and replied: "I don't have a healthy body, but I have filial children; I don't have a windowsill full of flowers, but I have warm sunshine. Life is very happy."

Dewdrop asked questioningly: "Grandma, can the sun also be yours?" Grandma quietly replied: "The sun belongs to me, because I love it: it doesn't belong to me only, because many people love it, do you understand?" It shook its head.

Grandma pointed to the green leaves at its feet and said, "Dewdrop, did you see that green leaf? When you look down, it doesn't belong to you. When you open your heart to love it, it belongs to you. Don't dream of faraway happiness. Open your heart and love everything you have."

The dewdrop left with a smile. It knew where its happiness was.

When it appears with the dawn, it likes to look for the brightest place, enjoy the sunshine, enjoy the sunshine it has, enjoy the wonderful feeling when the sunshine it has refracted on it, and enjoy the colorful light after the sunlight refracted. When it finds a place to stay, it is willing to lower its head and stare at its corner. It is willing to look for every happiness that belongs to it through its convex lens like body, whether large or small.

At this moment, the dew lying in the black soil is happy