Appreciation of Model Essays of Full Score Composition in College Entrance Examination in Recent Years
2022-11-01 02:25:42

Importance is only about the heart

When you always think that there are more important things waiting in the distance, how will you deal with the important things you have tried to do?

The answer is often a confusion and regret and doubt about their efforts.

The frequent appearance of the word "more" reflects your confusion and uncertainty.

So, many times, you may want to think about those things that seem more important, are they really important? And where do the more important things come from?

Because of responsibility? So why don't we classify it as "important"? The reason why this is so is that the lack of our own personality leads to the unsoundness of our mind and morality, which makes us feel that these things are more important things waiting for us to do. The word "more" here is an excuse, a delay, a lack and an excuse.

Or because of greed? This seems to be a common problem of most people. The so-called "one mountain looks at another" often results in the disorder of life and consumption of the efforts being made. People always think of more important things with greater effect, and infinitely reduce the value and importance of what they are trying to do. So "I think it is important" was ruthlessly, in return for nothing. The word "more" here means dissatisfaction, inattention and blind expectation.

Again, because of others? The development of society and the times, as well as a coincidental value of success, seems destined that each of us will be covered with the shadow of others. What I think is important is not important, but what my parents and elders teach is more important. This will make us unconsciously slowly forget what we think is important and have made efforts to do, but move towards those things that seem more important on others' ideal life path. The word "more" here is the gradual loss of independent personality and blind obedience to the ideas of others.

People should first grasp what they think is important, have choices, distinguish, and have simple desires in their hearts. When you are sure, do your best. Don't be hindered by your own worries and the words of others. Don't push what you should have done far away.

Ang Lee was able to make "Teenager School" because he thought it was the most important thing to make his favorite movie; James Cameron can dive into the deep sea for many times beyond his role as a director because he knows what he thinks is important and puts his efforts into it

They never wait for something more important to happen, and they never think there is something more important when they are trying.

Whether it is important or not is only about your heart. Only in the face of what we think is important, we will try our best. The so-called more important things are often unimportant, or even should not exist.