800 words of composition with full marks in the middle school entrance examination over the years
Leaves fall to soothe the dust
2022-11-01 00:36:42
Senior High School Entrance Examination

God gives us the same precious life, but gives us different attitudes and different life forms. Some people are high above the others and command others around; Some people are humble and submissive. Some people are smart and accomplished; A talented person is wise and ordinary, and does nothing in his life. The world is rich because of its diversity, and the society is colorful because of its differences.

Maybe your thinking is not agile enough and your talent is not as good as others'; Perhaps your dress is simple, not as luxurious as others; Perhaps you were born in a poor family, not as famous as others... If you are just an ordinary member of all living beings, and you almost dare not face everything, then do you complain bitterly under the shadow of the strong and tall, willing to be mediocre, or jump out of the darkness and look for a piece of sunshine for yourself? Pain is the shadow of a pessimist, while an open-minded optimist will calmly turn around and find his own bright sunshine. Just as Chekhov said, the dog also shouts!

Our life is really ordinary. It is as ordinary as a stone, without the smoothness of the jade surface, nor can it reflect the dazzling and charming brilliance of crystal. However, we should not and cannot deny ourselves because we have everything God has given us, as well as our inherent tenacity and tenacity that penetrate into the bone marrow. How can we feel inferior because of the existence of jade and crystal? We must live for ourselves. Live your own color, and don't feel ashamed when others' light covers you. The reason why some people are willing to be mediocre and give up the right to shout is that they have not yet found the value of their existence, and have not yet learned how to get out of the darkness, they will get a piece of sunshine. Xu Shoushang once asked Lu Xun why he used the pen name "Lu Xun". Lu Xun replied that it meant "foolishness and quickness".

He thinks that he is clumsy. No matter what he does, his efficiency is not as good as that of a talented person. Only by being more diligent can he achieve the same results as others. Lu Xun knew that he was just a "puppy" with no innate advantages compared with people with higher talent, but he was not discouraged. He diligently sang his own song of life loudly, not only singing the "voice" God gave him, but also shocked the literary world and groups of "big dogs". Don't be afraid of the power of the world because you are temporarily small. There is nothing wrong with being young, as long as you dare to sing loudly - according to the voice God gave you, maybe even you will be surprised! In class, in the face of the teacher's questions, stand up bravely and ignore that someone will answer better than you.

In life, in the face of challenges, be strong enough to meet them, regardless of the fact that you may not be as strong as others. I didn't know I might be as wonderful until I did it. Maybe not witty and lively, but calm and calm; Maybe not Huang Zhongdaliu, but do the orchestral lute. A piece of hard work will breed a harvest; A wisp of trickle, as long as you are willing to accumulate, will breed profound. Struggle with a heart that dares to sing its own voice, and miracles will happen at the next stop of life. So we mortals should not only be "barking puppies", but also "barking loudest puppies" - maybe we can suppress big dogs! At least, get out of the darkness, and you will reap sunshine!