Summary and reflection of mid-term exam 400 words
2022-11-03 01:58:33

Did you do well in the exam? I also depend on whether I have tried hard. I was playing while others were reviewing carefully, so I didn't get good results. But others became the first in the school because of their own failure. I was not satisfied with this exam. What's more, I was disappointed was that I only got 99 points in math. Although this 99 point is very high for those students with poor grades, For me, this 99 points is the worst in math. The highest score has always been 100 points. I was disappointed that I didn't get 100 points.

Why do you always fail in the exam? It's because you haven't reflected on your mistakes. If you reflect on your mistakes, you can't get 99 points. Why can't you get 100 points? But others can get 100 points? Could it be that I was careless, or that I didn't look at the topic carefully, or that I started to write answers without looking at the topic.

I learned a lesson from the mid-term exam, and I also deeply felt the bad feeling of the exam.

I will never be careless again. It is because of carelessness that I failed in the exam. I hate your carelessness. As long as I think of carelessness, I am very sorry. I wish I could introduce the word carelessness into the world now.

Thank you, for the final exam, if it were not for you, I would not know where I was wrong.