Hainan High School Entrance Examination Full Score Composition: Give people roses, with 650 words of fragrance in hand
Old trees blossom
2022-10-31 00:21:42

[Full score composition] Send roses to others with lingering fragrance

Peasants and nobles, one out of kindness and the other out of gratitude, have not hesitated to lend their hands when others need help. They are happy because they have fulfilled their wishes; They are extremely happy, because their good deeds have planted good seeds for their own descendants and even the country.

In fact, helping others is helping yourself. Many unexpected things often happen in one's life. Sometimes, we only do something for the simple purpose of helping others, but in the end it will benefit us.

There are two stories: there was a blind man who always carried a bright lantern when he was walking at night. People were curious, so they asked him: "You can't see yourself, why do you walk with a lantern?" The blind man said: "I carry a lantern, which not only lights the way for others, but also makes it easy for others to see me, and will not hit me. This not only helps others, but also protects themselves." In a battle, the general saw a bomb flying in the distance, and when everyone fell down, But there was a little soldier standing there, so the general threw himself at the little soldier. After a loud noise, both of them were covered with dust. Fortunately, both of them were undamaged. The general stood up and looked back, stunned: the place where he had just stood had become a big crater.

My family lives in the countryside. In summer and autumn, there will be many poisonous snakes. So a family living on the roadside pulled out their electric lights and hung them under the eaves to light the way for pedestrians at night. One night, the owner of the house went out. When he stepped out of the threshold, he clearly saw a poisonous snake coiled on his way. So I often thought that if the owner of the house didn't have a kind heart and didn't hang up the light, he would be bitten by a snake that night.

If everyone, like the blind man, the general and the farmer, reaches out to help others when they need help, bringing convenience and care to others, and happiness and happiness to their own life, then our world will be full of light and warmth.

In fact, there is a saying: Give roses to others, and your hands will be fragrant.