Midterm composition
be light of heart from care
2022-10-28 02:40:04
topic of conversation

The mid-term exam once a semester will be held today.

In the morning, the teacher said, "The midterm exam will be held soon, please get ready." At this moment, my heart was like fifteen buckets of water - up and down. At this moment, I hurriedly took out my Chinese book and began to review it. Just as I was reviewing, Fu Qizhen looked up to the sky and sighed, "I don't know which old ancestor invented the exam, which caused us students who 'fight' all day long in the sea of books and mountains to complain incessantly." As soon as the voice ended, Wu Pengwei said, "Yes, the exam is coming soon. If you don't review now, and the exam results are not good, how can you be worthy of 'Jiangdong people'!"

When the examination papers were handed out, I wrote my name and began to answer them. I started to work with confidence, but I didn't know that the problem was coming to me. Finally, he came to me, and I stared at him blankly. One minute, three minutes, five minutes, I finally got it OK. I still raced against the clock to answer the questions, and I solved all the difficulties one by one. Ah, no, their king - composition "War is against the city". Just then, the teacher said, "There are still 15 minutes left." The nervous heart made me use my pen like a fly, and words appeared in my pen. After about ten minutes, I made a big announcement. When the teacher announced that there were ten minutes left, I had no choice but to continue searching for the "criminal suspect". "There were five minutes left," the teacher announced. At this time, I can't wait to hand in my paper.

Ah! I finally handed in my paper! After handing in the paper, the classroom lost its peace. The students discussed the problem in groups of three and five. Sometimes they burst into happy laughter, and sometimes some people sighed. This situation soon disappeared, and some good students were worried about getting a low score.

The mid-term exam is far away from us, but the final exam is coming to us. I must get a high score to win honor for my parents.