A Complete Composition of Hot Prediction Topics in College Entrance Examination [Preferred 1]
Heart like a rock
2022-11-02 01:03:49
college entrance examination

Title: Build a fertile land for disaster, and write a magnificent book

Read the following materials and complete the writing. (60 points)

During the epidemic, Boya Middle School held an adult ceremony for senior three students with the theme of "growing in disaster", which was broadcast live to all senior three teachers, students and parents via video. Please write a speech as a student representative.

During the epidemic, you were invited by the People's Daily to write articles on behalf of China's "new generation of young people", cheering on the young people of other countries with the epidemic and expressing their feelings.

On the Spring Festival of, when you returned from the university to your alma mater, the former head teacher invited you to give a speech on the topic of "star chasing" for the junior high school students in the background of "epidemic situation". Please write a speech.

Requirements: Combine the composite materials, choose the angle and determine the intention; Fit the identity and background; Conform to stylistic features; Do not imitate, copy or reveal personal information; Not less than 800 words.

Model essay

Dear teachers, parents and students

hello everyone!

The flowers are more beautiful after the wind and rain, the pines are more upright after the frost and snow, the plum is fragrant because of the bitter cold, and the sword is sharp because of the sharpening. Students, the epidemic has not ended, and our generation has already achieved. Today, the topic of my speech is "Building a fertile land for disaster, and learning about growth"!

Students, in the past, disasters were fertile soil, which could lead to results - or broad-minded, or wisdom!

Matsushita Konosuke said, "Most of the great men since ancient times have struggled from adversity with indomitable spirit.". Seeing that Master Su "when it rains on the way, rain gear goes first", instead, he "whistles and walks slowly" in the "sound of beating leaves through the forest", finally realizes the philosophy of "change" and "unchanged", and gains the broadness of "cool wind", "bright moon" and "endless hiding"; Look at the teachers and students of Southwest United University who "maintained the national crisis to this point", but they were whipped in the flames of war, and studied hard in the bombing. "They built the scale of academic freedom inside, and were called the foreign democratic fortress", and won the wisdom of the world. Students, our generation has already become, and we should also like them to set up fertile soil for disaster and take root in it.

Students, look at today, disasters are fertile soil, fertile soil can result - or name dedication, or name responsibility!

Seneca said, "Fire tests gold, adversity tests strength." This is true. Lin Shengbin lost his beloved wife and son in the fire, but he gave back his life with songs, donated income, built a school, and subsidized the epidemic area; Look at the anti epidemic personnel who went against the tide when the virus was raging. They gave up reunion, abandoned their young children and fought bravely. When his family died and life was a disaster, Lin Shengbin protected thousands of "innocent lives" with his dedication; The outbreak of an epidemic and the disaster of the times have made medical staff responsible for keeping the people "warm in spring". Students, our generation has already achieved, and we should just like them to set up a fertile soil for disaster and strive to pull out its section.

Students, look forward to the future, disaster is fertile soil, fertile soil can result - or fireflies, or pillars!

Cipenes said, "When a man is in trouble, his fragrance will be stronger if he is pressed like vanilla.". In the midst of disasters, it is better to be "erudite, interrogative, deliberate, discerning, and committed"; In times of adversity, we should aspire to "see all the mountains", stick to the power of "hitting the water in the middle stream", and make a trip "like digging and polishing". In the future, we will be like raincoat sister, who will not hesitate to be tired, but will present a warm corner with my glimmer of light; Or as Zhong Nanshan, with a beautiful heart, shines through thousands of mountains and rivers with my shining. Students, our generation has already achieved, and we should be like them to build a fertile soil for disaster and thrive.

Nietzsche said: "Those things that can kill me will make me more powerful." Epidemics can kill people, or adults. Students, the epidemic has not ended, and our generation has already achieved. Let's build a fertile soil for disaster, plant its roots, pull out its festival, and strengthen its work. This disaster will surely bear fruit and live up to its youth. Students, rise up in the epidemic, and books will grow up; Shake your wings in disaster and write a magnificent poem!

At the end of my speech, thank you!