Third grade regret composition
Dried confusion
2022-10-30 03:59:01
Junior three

It finally snowed in the small southern cities where it hadn't snowed for several years. A heavy snow bleached the world in front of me. They are all happy about the snow, which can be used to make snowmen and have snowball fights. The long lost heavy snow finally came.

But I am worried about the snow.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the snow turns to ice. My mother rides a motorcycle for half an hour every day to sell clothes in the city. In the morning, she braves the cold east wind. Even if she packs herself tightly, the wind is everywhere, and her hands are still cold. As long as I am at home in the morning, I will send my mother out to remind her, "Be careful, ride slowly, and wait until they want to ride when they encounter a cart." My mother will gently pat my head, "OK, go back, it's cold outside."

I can't resist the arrival of winter, but I am satisfied to warm my parents in the cold winter.

Although it is hard to earn money, in order to support a large family of children, parents are working day and night. They dare not even ask for leave when they are sick, and have been patient, patient... Even if they know that it is inappropriate to spend their own bodies to earn money, they are still willing to pay for us for me and my sister.

I am very grateful to my parents. I will always express my love to them. I don't want to come back after working for five or six years like my uncle. My grandparents have always said, "Why don't you go home to have a look? One look will be less than one." Finally, my uncle returned home without waiting for his mother's weak figure at the entrance of the village, Instead, there were bamboo poles symbolizing death and white cloth fluttering in the wind. It was also a winter, and it rained all the time. This left my uncle a lot of regrets. He cried to my mother, "I wish I had come back earlier. She has not enjoyed much of our happiness in her life, and she is too tired." I wiped tears from the corners of my eyes, and also blamed my uncle in my heart. "It's too late to say no now? Everything is too late." When my grandmother was sick, she always said that she was busy with her work, The performance of this month will be completed after signing this form. Then please take a few more days off to stay with you.

But my uncle forgot that love is what Grandma has always wanted! I just want my children to go home and see me. It's just such a small wish.

Don't wait until you have left a regret to regret. There are some things that no amount of regret and tears can forgive.